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Rabbits - Is green light worth a try ?

Salop Matt

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I only ever use a red light and dont like white at all, How ever the bunnys on a permossion I have seem to be a little spooked by the red light now so I was thinking of trying a green light as an alternitive!


Before I spend money (granted not much for a new LED/Pill) what are peoples findings of the green light for bunnys ? Am particularly interested to hear about : Eyeshine, definition of the quarry and how they react to it.





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Ive always found that less light works with jittery rabbits, controllable light using a dimmer switch just enough to id the bunny seems to keep them sitting still for longer than high intensity green or red filters. Same works when I'm lamping fox, they hang around longer with the dimmer lights.

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Green no good around here, they run as soon as it hits them. It's also too bright for my eyes, even on low it seems to glare. My mate loves it, uses one all the time, then wonders why he sees nothing :lol: He walks around waving it like a lighthouse, stops and says "nothing about tonight again". I have to then inform him the thermal showed a dozen legging it as soon as he did his lighthouse trick :lol:


Stealth isn't his strong point :no:

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Ive always found that less light works with jittery rabbits, controllable light using a dimmer switch just enough to id the bunny seems to keep them sitting still for longer than high intensity green or red filters. Same works when I'm lamping fox, they hang around longer with the dimmer lights.

Got to agree with foosa, I have had trillion candle power retina burners in the past and tried most coloured filters, but I have been use a Nightforce 140 on my quad with a 35w bulb in it for years with no filter, it's accounted for a LOT of rabbits.

Try a slight change of technique don't put the light directly on them, I shoot 99% in the very edge of the beam, if I can just see them ith the naked eye they are clear enough to shoot through the scope...

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Try a slight change of technique don't put the light directly on them, I shoot 99% in the very edge of the beam, if I can just see them ith the naked eye they are clear enough to shoot through the scope...

I use this technique for all stuff. I tend to have the beam over the top of the target so that it doesn't illuminate the ground between me and the target. I've used all sorts of colours and I only use white now because it is a colour that comes from houses or cars Ect and it shows the target better. I don't generally use too bright a light as I have variable lamps. Just enough to identify the target and it's up and shoot.

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