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Long time for a variation


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Hello everyone. This is probably come thing that's already been discussed at length so I apologise in advance but bear with me 😁


I've had a SGC and FAC for nearly 7 years now. I shoot a 17hmr and a 243. The 243 is for fox, deer and OLQ. I love them both they're great fun to shoot. When I put in for the 243 they gave me the supervisor clause. Not legal and a bit annoying but I went with it because I wanted to get shooting and it wasn't too inconvenient because my supervisor was a mates dad who did a lot of shooting with me anyway.


This summer after about 18 months supervising he wrote me a cover letter saying i didnt need supervising any more. His circumstances changed and he wasn't able to come lamping as much as he had been. I never heard any response off dyffed Powys so didn't go out with out him and it was the summer so lamping wasn't really on the cards.


6 weeks later my brother in law offered me some red shooting up in Scotland on an estate he manage. It's 3000 acres so plenty to go at. His only condition was they want bigger than 243 to shoot the red deer. A fallow deer is comparable in weight to a large Suffolk tup where as a red is comparable to a cow. Thicker skin, harder bones etc. So I put in for a 308 and a 22rf at the same time for shooting round the pens with sub sonics and a few awkward places where the quieter I am the better. (Here read nosey neighbours who come out shouting and clapping to scare off the rabbits if they know you're about)


I sent the paperwork in at the end of June. I heard nothing until I chased them in August. I was told it was in the pile waiting to be processed. Then it all went quiet. The 16th of September I chased them again because I was low on bullets. I was told they had lost the paperwork and couldn't I get a friend to buy me some bullets! If I could get a friend to buy bullets why do the RFD's need to record the bullets on my FAC every time I buy them. Then later that day I was told they'd found my paperwork behind the desk. I contacted them again on the 12th of October and was told it was put into the system on the 17th and someone would contact me asap. That leads us to today where I still haven't been contacted and I've got 5 HMR bullets left and farmers chasing me to shoot the ground.


So two questions really first how long shall I give them before I chase them again? And secondly I thought only I could buy myself bullets. Is it illegal to get a mate with the right calibres to buy bullets for me?


Edited because I can't spell!

Edited by Benthejockey
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Is it illegal to get your mate to buy bullets for you? (assuming it's S5)...errr...YES. Be careful. What you can do is request that your FEO takes the certificate (if you ask them nicely) to your chosen RFD, nearby to the police station if possible, and meet you there to allow you to have the ammunition entered on the certificate and the FEO can return the certificate without undue extra hold ups on the variation. That's exactly what I did in the same situation. Obviously it depends largely on the FEOs whereabouts for a particular day but at some point they may be visiting or driving close to an RFD that could be handy for you both?

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Dyfed Powys can be very hot or cold, my last one for one variation took 11 days, my last renewal was 4 weeks. I've had one for one take 9 weeks and renewals over 3 months, as already mentioned by malkiserow above it comes down to staffing levels and how busy they are, very frustrating!

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Correct me if I am wrong but , if someone who has a 17hmr buys ammunition and gives it to the op then writes it on his ticket when it comes back not be fully within the law , I know firearms transactions i.e. Purchasing or disposal have to be notified but do you have to write on a ticket within 7 days of a private ammunition transaction

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My thinking was that when I buy bullets from anywhere they have to record the sale and transfer of the bullets, the quantity, calibre and recipient. So by getting a friend to buy me some bullets must be breaking some regulation at the very least.


Otherwise Joe Bloggs could potentially buy and store his requisite 100 bullets and hold them legally but then get his mate to keep slipping him a few hundred and be in possession of 1000 bullets. If his ticket only allowed him to possess 100 then he would be essentially in breach of contract ergo breaking the law.

So I'm wondering if by the police suggesting I got a friend to buy me some they're actually suggesting I break the law because whilst my FAC is away there's no way to record the transfer of the bullets which would essentially leave a box of bullets that are in the system unaccounted for until they'd been shot and then essentially don't exist apart from the brass.

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Because form 202 (application to vary a firearm certificate) now explicitly states "The certificate to be varied must be returned with this form"


Some forces (if there is likey to be an extended delay) may suggest you only return the certificate once they notify you that they are ready to process the variation, most however do not.

Edited by phaedra1106
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Because form 202 (application to vary a firearm certificate) now explicitly states "The certificate to be varied must be returned with this form"


Some forces (if there is likey to be an extended delay) may suggest you only return the certificate once they notify you that they are ready to process the variation, most however do not.



My actual certificate which came through the post yesterday after a variation, states (written in the conditions), that you need to return it with your application for any variations.

Edited by Gee.
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