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Problems with the Wind

pigeon controller

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We had a call on Thursday to shoot the rape we shot on Monday, so Friday morning we are on the same farm looking to shoot pigeons. Now we would normally try and leave the birds alone for at least seven days and hopefully fourteen before we shoot the same flock. So we made a conscious effort to watch the field before we committed to the hide position and although the wind was slightly different the line was the same as on Monday so we set the hide in the same position, set out ten real birds on cradles and two on the magnet. The first birds in flared at the set up so we took the magnet down and put two angels out instead and the next birds came straight in. The wind was very strong and the birds had to compensate alot to steer themselves into the pattern as the wind was shifting all day. We had started at 11.00 and at 14.00 DB went to shoot the roost and I stopped shooting at 15.15 and cleared away. I took the photo with the self timer and did not check it so it is blured for some reason and it had ninetyeight pigeons in it and two corvids . DB returned and had only shot three at roost so the total for the day was one hundred and one, which was a result for the day and conditions.


Saturday saw us heading out looking at rape again. On the fifth farm we found birds down but in two solid blocks with no birds joining so we walked them of to see how they responded and they just went off in one solid block. we drove around the area to see if they had gone on other rape fields but they were just sat in trees. After twenty minutes they came back in one flock so we walked them off and set up with birds on cradles above the rape and one magnet. The first birds back came straight in and we shot them. it then took and hour for the second bird to come to the pattern along with the flock so we shot the tail end birds and the flock split it was now 12.00 and we had a steady flow of birds coming to the decoys not from the flock but from a wood out infront of us . We were sheltered from the wind and at times the high birds in front would be static as they passed over the pattern due to the strength of the wind. We carried on shooting till 15.30 when it was all over and we picked up eightyfive pigeons which was a great result for the type of day.









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