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I've seen one working, It was ok on some rat holes that the guy did but I checked some rabbit holes a couple of days after he'd "blown them up" and they were still being used by rabbits ??? So my rabbit shooting's not going to end just yet ??????

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  • 2 weeks later...
In the video, on the site and in the info it still doesn't really say it kills the target species.


I don't think we are about to loose our shooting to this yank piece of **** just yet :lol:

:blink: From what I've seen that sounds about right. The word "gimmick" comes to mind :blink:

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I'm not so sure.


Might work on "varmints", but if it did, and I am not saying it doesn't, then as the manufacturer you'd make more of it.


They don't, and I think the reason is it doesn't actually kill larger species.


Removing all the oxygen I can take that, burning I can see, but this "percussive wave" - do me a favor.


It burries thing, nothing more :blink:

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  • 4 weeks later...

A chap i know who is a green keeper used a similar piece of kit to devastating effect. I went for a lamp round his golf course and there were almost no rabbits there atall!! I think we saw half a dozen in 4 hrs.

Anyway, someone called the police when they saw him using it and they confiscated it because it is illegaloly apparantly.

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I have just suggested this to the chap I clear rabbits for in his garden. He has a serious mole problem and I mean the burrowing type :lol:

For moles you need patience. :lol: Wait with either a spade or 12 bore. When you see the grass/nettles/mole hill move start digging or get up all close and personal with the shotgun.


FM :good:

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