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Semi auto


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I am only telling you guys what he said to me today over the phone so please don't shoot the messanger.


We're not shooting the messenger dob - we're simply asserting that what you originally said: "My mate has been told that he has to hand his 10 shot semi auto .22 in as the law has changed", was not true - which it isn't. I've pointed you in the exact direction of the relevant EC proposals earlier in this thread: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-15-6110_en.htm .


If you want to do something useful, sign the petition in opposition to the proposals ( https://www.change.org/p/council-of-the-european-union-eu-you-cannot-stop-terrorism-by-restricting-legal-gun-ownership/u/14509618?tk=uNLN56QMVyoxvsjx6rHvK4dz4wRLYr0nTKdgjU7xRH8&utm_source=petition_update&utm_medium=email ), or better yet, write to you MEPs and state your opposition ( https://www.writetothem.com/ ).


I'm certainly not going to defer purchasing my next semi-auto .22LR.

Edited by A.J.P.
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As has been said the proposals stated a possible ban on semi auto centre fire rifles and semi auto shotguns.

They were also looking at banning military looking ,22lr rifles for whatever BS reason.

Nothing was mentioned about mag capacity.

Someone has got some info wrapped round their head here,dont you think if an entire county had to hand in their guns like the OP stated,there might be a bit more than just this little thread discussing it.

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Regarding the semi auto issue I thought that Vicky Ford MEP's committee had won the day.


Unfortunately not Simon. The EC released a revised version of their proposals on April 1st (hilarious), which completely disregarded Ford's report and codified the type of semi-automatic firearms which they would like to ban.


They ditched the "resembles firearms with automatic mechanisms" specification and have re-written the text to effectively include any semi-automatic with a detachable magazine. There's more to their proposal than just that - but it's the salient point.


The LIBE committee (ironically concerned with civil liberties) has also issued its own report which calls for even further restrictions - which go above and beyond those from the EC bureaucrats.


There's more shooters can do to oppose these proposals. I'd recommend forum members keep pressure on their MEPs by writing to them as and when developments occur - such as in this instance.


UK Shooting News article on the issue: https://ukshootingnews.wordpress.com/2016/04/19/eu-gun-ban-danger-has-not-yet-passed/


All4Shooters report on the revised EC proposals: https://www.all4shooters.com/en/Shooting/law/EU-Gun-Ban-European-Commission-Council-GENVAL-Firearms-United/


The EC revised proposal: https://www.all4shooters.com/en/Shooting/law/EU-Gun-Ban-European-Commission-Council-GENVAL-Firearms-United/GENVAL-firearms.pdf


All4Shooters report on LIBEs proposals: https://www.all4shooters.com/en/Shooting/law/EU-gun-ban-updates-SED-LIBE-IMCO-FESAC/


LIBEs recommendations: https://www.all4shooters.com/en/Shooting/law/EU-gun-ban-updates-SED-LIBE-IMCO-FESAC/LIBE.pdf

Edited by A.J.P.
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Looks like what they're wanting banned is any semi auto with:

Detachable magazine.

Barrel length less than 450mm.

Pistol grip stock.

Fixed magazine capable of holding more than five rounds ( gun holds 6 rounds in total).


If it gets passed it seems most .22 semi autos currently available will get caught up in it, and section 1 shotguns will have to be crimped at 5+1. ☹️

Edited by Rimfireboy
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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like someone has seen the stupidity in having a go at us law abiding shooter to try and stop someone who doesn't take any notice of the current law let alone any new laws

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It could well still come from the eu. They are having big issues sorting out our guns from terrorist guns apparently

Can't see the problem myself OURS ARE licenced

Don't be too surprised if they slap more bad legislation on us I'm this matter - it's far from ended

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