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12 gauge hang fire

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I experienced my first hang fire in over 30 years of shooting today , the cartridge ( Eley Superb) went off a good 3 seconds after I pulled the trigger just as I took the gun out of my shoulder , luckily my safety habits are up to scratch and the gun was pointing upwards in a safe direction .

Anyone else experienced this ??

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Yes quite a few times when had a bad batch of primers in some carts. Eley had issues a few year back now and it would happen where some failed to fire others had a slow burn like like yours. Gives your wrists and hands a kick when pointing into the ground in front of you waiting to see if it's going to fire and then does.


Think it's better when you have experienced it as you will never get complacent if you get that click and nothing happens.

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Hang fires are rare these days primer powder batches are pretty reliable usualy.

Had some 10ga reloads that came with a mag ten about 20 years ago now, they were Hodgoins HS7 a fine type powder loads were felt wad and 2.25 oz lead, Primers turned out to be Remington 209 Ps which aparently are a cool powder for light trap loads, well they were incompatable to the HS7 felt 10 bore loads, some were propper hangfires, click and wait what seems a lifetime before they went off, others were squibs low muffled bump and shot like bumble bees dropping a few yards away.

pulled them all apart Replaced primers with CCI 209Ms and sp10 wads not a problem.

Not so much a primer fault as unsuitable primer powder combination.

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If one does not go off I will leave the gun pointing safely for a few seconds if it does not go off in a few seconds I normally put it in the other barrel and try shooting it off .

If it still will not go bang it is cut open and the powder shot and wad are removed and I drop some oil in the case to soak the primer.

Edited by fenboy
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What would the correct procedure be to deal with this ? Obviously keep the gun pointing in a safe direction, but then what ? What if it doesnt go bang at all ?


Ive been shooting about 3 years and never really thought about it.

As you say point it in a safe direction, and keep a firm proper hold on the shotgun and coiunt in thousands down to 60, the millitary say 45 seconds but 60 wont hurt.

Think officialy sand bucket with the shell is the next move, but obviously thats not at everyplace. 60 seconds should be enough.

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Cpsa say 20 seconds of pointing in safe direction then to open the gun pointing the breech away from your face so to the side. Then remove the cartridge. I don't cut them up any more as the just fizzle if burned. Drop them in the bins at clay ground if out in fields just put it in the rubbish bag and bin at home.

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