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SGC renewal to Co Term Cert

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My SGC is up for renewal while my FAC has another 2 years to run (the FEO was meant to do a Co Term on when I was granted the FAC but didn't) I've just phoned the MET firearms enquiry office and they've told me I can only do a CO Term whenever my FAC is up for renewal but not now when my SGC is up for renewal.


She advised the only way round it was to cancel my FAC and SGC then start a whole new application, any weapons in my possession would have to be given to someone to look after while the application was being processed. OR just pay the SGC renewal then pay for CO Term in 2 years.


Anyone had experience with this before?

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Home Office Guide on Firearms Licensing Law April 2016 states:


Coterminous certificates
11.47 Section 11 of the 1988 Act provides for chief officers of police to grant or renew a
shotgun certificate for a period such that it will expire at the same time as the holder’s
firearm certificate. The purpose of this provision is to enable both renewal procedures
to be carried out at the same time, with a consequent saving to the police and the
certificate holder. A firearm certificate holder applying for the grant or renewal of a shotgun
certificate can therefore request that it is issued with the same expiry date as their firearm
certificate. Alternatively, where shotgun certificate holders apply for the grant or renewal
of a firearm certificate, they should be advised that they may surrender their shotgun
certificate and apply for a new one at the reduced fee to take effect on the same day as
the firearm certificate.
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Interesting and timely thread. My SGC is about to expire but my FAC has 2 years to go. I read the rules and assumed I could not go co terminus. However, phoned the FEO today and was told I could. Now worried that I have duff info.

Get a second opinnion

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As you are now aware you can only sort a coterminous to run with a FAC dates, not with a SGC.


.....(the FEO was meant to do a Co Term on when I was granted the FAC but didn't)......, so why didn't you take it up then?


My understanding is most regions will stick with this, but some may make it easier than others to stop/start your FAC, if you want a coterminous at SGC renewal.



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if i have understood 11.47 section 11 correctly it states that you can give up your sgc if you want to renew or apply for your fac to be co-term? i have recently submitted for my fac whilst my sgc expires in 3 years however i was not aware that sgc had to be handed in. i included fees for the correct amount and applied for renewal of sgc and grant of fac. is that right?

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if i have understood 11.47 section 11 correctly it states that you can give up your sgc if you want to renew or apply for your fac to be co-term?

That is how I understand it, but I'm getting more confused by the minute :-).


I'm planning on applying for a FAC soon and my SGC expires in about 18 months. I 'believe' that when I apply for my FAC I can agree for my SGC to expire to coincide with a new FAC / SGC cert making it automatically coterminous. I still seem to have a lot of research to do, I'm not even sure what FAC rifle I should be applying for!

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That is how I understand it, but I'm getting more confused by the minute :-).


I'm planning on applying for a FAC soon and my SGC expires in about 18 months. I 'believe' that when I apply for my FAC I can agree for my SGC to expire to coincide with a new FAC / SGC cert making it automatically coterminous. I still seem to have a lot of research to do, I'm not even sure what FAC rifle I should be applying for!



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The problem with all of this is the make it up as you go along element. The law says one thing the feos say any old toot that comes out of their mouth and the heads of departments interpret it as they please and people on here interpret it another myriad of directions. you have got to talk to the head of department to get what will happen cos it is they that decide not the feo. Ask for explanation of their position in writing because they sometimes back track and deny that those words passed their lips. Fun isn't it

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Agreed I should have just taken it up with them at the time, was concentrating too much on filling both my slots. Will probably just end up renewing SGC and going co term in 2 years. I don't want the anti gun establishment to think they have deterred my gun ownership.


Since the fee's have gone up, has anyone heard or experienced of a better service from their Firearms teams?


I'm pretty sure I remember reading the BASC was pushing for better service's in exchange for higher fee's. I.e plastic cards to carry instead of certs and faster admin times

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basc cant push for anything. The depts are run like private companies and their ambition is to make as much money as possible not give or take pride in how easy and efficient they are for the benefit of shooters. basc have no right to agree that we the shooters should pay more. all we will end up doing is paying more and still getting the same old crud service. There is no money in the system for more staff and that's the bottom line. Anyone can claim that they are in talks with XY or Z but that's about the limit. having a chat every six months isn't good enough. if they had any power then the waiting times wouldn't exist and all of the make it up as they go along wouldn't be happening.

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