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HOME SECURITY wireless / wired


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I am looking for a hard-wired / wireless home security solution. The base can be wired in as I have an old alarm system half wired in but most of the wiring is gone as we had half the upstairs changed around hence the wireless. Looking for about 14 pressure sensors, four PIR sensors, a decent siren and several alarm tags. Does not have to be phone linked but cook if it was wi-fi linked and could be linked to smart phones.


All experience / ideas welcome.

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Swann CCTV camera system from Maplins 4 cameras. The only thing that is a weak point is that you need some sort of audible warning inside that warns you to look at the monitor. No one sits watching a screen unless you are some sort of freak. A good thing is that you can link it in online so that you can view the camera views on your tablet, computer or phone from anywhere anytime as long as you have net access.

Edited by fortune
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Thanks guys..... heard mixed views on wireless so this is priceless.....

We have ADT monitored system which is wireless, all fine apart from the office which is 40m fromthe panel is too far away, garage at half the distance is fine though. If I were building a new house of plaster off redecorating I would go for wired but otherwise wireless is fine, the office just needs a separate system.

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Heard a lot of different reports from ADT from those who really rate them and others who felt totally ripped off..... you will always get this but in researching this it seems a real 50 - 50 mix.

It's one of those things, brilliant when you need it, but if you don't and you hope not to, feels expensive. Customer service for everyday stuff is ****... Hey sounds like NHS!

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Modern wireless works fine but always have a wired bell box. Make sure that the batteries in the PIRs are changed at the recommended interval.

ADT usually do a loss making installation and get their profit out of the maintenance contract an monitoring charges.....there are a lot of their installations about and they are big and national.

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