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Bonfire night


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The only good thing that I can say about it is my present dog does not bother to much about them he did jump a few times as did I when stupid loud bangs went off I have said for a long time that fireworks should not be sold to the public if you want to see them go to a proper show much much better than the pathetic ones that we can buy.

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Spent most of last week arguing with the other half - she say's F/works should be restricted to displays only whereas I defended their use on the grounds of personal choice - woke up this morning to find a "Rocket" sitting on top of the cover under which sits my immaculate x type Jag - she now sports a dent on the roof with burnt paintwork and a hole in the (£50) cover - ban the sodding things.

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My little Border Terrier used to sit on the backdoor step on bonfire night and watch me lighting fireworks for my kids when they were younger!

The only significance 5th Nov has for me now is that it is the day one of our kids died.

The local town bonfire as organised in conjunction with the towns two schools and council for many a year is unfortunately no more, having been knocked on the head after local vandals wrecked stalls placed there to cater to onlookers. Shame really; I recall attending it as a child with my parents, and in turn took my two as a parent, but that's progress I suppose!

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My little Border Terrier used to sit on the backdoor step on bonfire night and watch me lighting fireworks for my kids when they were younger!

The only significance 5th Nov has for me now is that it is the day one of our kids died.

The local town bonfire as organised in conjunction with the towns two schools and council for many a year is unfortunately no more, having been knocked on the head after local vandals wrecked stalls placed there to cater to onlookers. Shame really; I recall attending it as a child with my parents, and in turn took my two as a parent, but that's progress I suppose!

Im really sorry to hear that scully , it must be a very difficult day for you mate.

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Im really sorry to hear that scully , it must be a very difficult day for you mate.

+1. Sorry to hear it too. I lost my son 13 years ago this month (23rd) aged 14, and every year since, I let fireworks off in my back garden on New Year's Eve, in memory of him. What started off as a single solitary rocket has now evolved into a large display. He loved fireworks and I have pleasant thoughts of when we used to let them off together.



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Im really sorry to hear that scully , it must be a very difficult day for you mate.



+1. Sorry to hear it too. I lost my son 13 years ago this month (23rd) aged 14, and every year since, I let fireworks off in my back garden on New Year's Eve, in memory of him. What started off as a single solitary rocket has now evolved into a large display. He loved fireworks and I have pleasant thoughts of when we used to let them off together.



I sincerely appreciate the kind thoughts gents, I really do, and as hard as it was at the time, he was only 6 weeks old and as cold as it sounds, we never really got to know him. Saying all that it was one of the most nightmarish times of my life.

His twin brother is now 17 and his sister 19. I have often thought that to lose any child is bad enough, but to lose one whom you have grown to know and spoken to and shared times with over the years, must be so much harder. It's just life, but sincere thanks anyhow.

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