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Really cheesed off


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Well, after 24 years of event free riding, 8 of them, and 60,000 miles, on my trusty Honda VFR, someone finally decided on Friday that I was target practice for them!


Coming around Gants Hill roundabout (East London), had my indicator on, done the usual check over my shoulder before I exit, seen a car start to move out from my left (nothing unusual; they all seem in a rush nowdays), then out of the corner of my eye I see movement and as I look over the shoulder again he hits me somewhere in the left rear.


I had a 'mini highside' as the bike was flung over to the right and I flew a couple of feet clear. Right now my right shoulder and hip are feeling really bruised - felt OK to ride home, but had to go to A&E later and was diagnosed with whiplash. Police were on the scene really quick and were a great assistance with driver details, etc.


It's really p**sed off my weekend though. My car's off the road and was booked in for an MOT Sat morning, which will now have to wait a week. Saturday afternoon, and again this morning I was due to go shooting; I had one of those improver lessons booked, and was going to try out a cheap Zabala o/u (I want it as a 'rough gun'), but it's too bloody painful to lift any weight at the moment. Hospital said I should keep it moving with gentle excercise; I guese shotgun recoil is out then :)


The hospital doc said it will probably be quite a few days before the effects start to wear off, so my boss has said to take Monday and Tuesday off and phone about the rest.


So right now, what with the repairs to the bike, scuffed leathers, damaged helmet, injured shoulder and interuption to my social life, I'm feeling really P&^$ED OFF! Just to add insult to injury, the lad phoned me up yesterday morning and offered to pay for the fairing panels; he wanted to come to a cash agreement - '...if my dad found out, he'll kill me'! Somehow, I'm not worried about one less boyracer on the road!

:stupid: B) :D

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As mark said, thank goodness you are still alive. :stupid:


Hopefully, the idiot is insured, making a cash offer often suggests they are not.

Whatever you do, don't accept it, I did once and it took 6 months to find the bloke and 3 big mates to get the £500 out of him.

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As mark said, thank goodness you are still alive. B)


Hopefully, the idiot is insured, making a cash offer often suggests they are not.

Whatever you do, don't accept it, I did once and it took 6 months to find the bloke and 3 big mates to get the £500 out of him.

:stupid: but just as because he makes a cash offer doesn't mean he is uninsured, a lot of younger drivers have huge exercise & their following premiums will sky rocket for a few years if they settle via insurance, he is probably just trying to save cash!



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I didn't accept any cash deal. When he phoned I had just got off the phone to the insurers. He begged me to rescind it though, but I said it is now out of my hands. I got the impression that he was a named driver on his dads insurance - I know I'd be peeved if it was my son loosing my NCB.


The police were involved and I have an incident number - I don't think the lad had the nerve to lie to them about his address, so I think one way or another it will be sorted (insurance, or legal [sueing] action).

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Sorry to hear about that DD but glad your safe, make sure you keep moving/using your arm, becuase although it maybe painful you don't want it seizing up (just don't over do it). B)




Hi DD dont do a thing with regard to injuries for at least a week or even more, if you can, settle for the damage to the bike but keep your personal injury claim open, I went through a similar scenario and my brief really did me proud, at the time I wasnt thinking straight. :stupid:


I hope you havnt but you may have done some undetected nerve damage that might emerge later,causing a persistent backache?? :)

All the best.


:D D2D

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Just be grateful you are not hurt and the bloke that hit you was insured.


My cousin got knocked off his bike in East Ham - the police attended, took statements and issued 7 day producers all round.


Anyhows, turns out the chap was an illegal - no show and no insurance.


My tip, don't risk driving anything nice within the M25 (2 wheels or 4 wheels).

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he wanted to come to a cash agreement - '...if my dad found out, he'll kill me'! Somehow, I'm not worried about one less boyracer on the road!

:stupid: B) :D


Hey buddy, why in hells name to you pay insurance?

We are all just human and we all make mistakes, this driver made a mistake and now he needs to claim from his insurance policy. The politics of this are not your problem, end of.

Not so long ago, I was approaching a roundabout, the car in front pulled off, I looked to my right in readiness to also pull off. I looked forward and the other driver decided to stop half way out in the roundabout. Bang! I hit the other car in the rear. My mistake, I have learned from the experience.

It was an accident, the passenger of the other car wasn't waring a seat belt, she had whiplash, the driver was okay, I was okay and my Mrs was okay. Speed? less than 5 mph. Of course the other car passenger cried holy hell, that's okay, that's why I pay for my insurance, I am only human.

Accidents happen, you can blame and shout, it matters little. What matters is that no one died and you both have insurance. Cars and bikes can be replaced. The world is complicated enough, don't make it more complicated let the insurance companies handle the situation from here.

When I had my accident, I called the police. The officer asked if I was okay, I said no, I am very angry with my self right now. He said the passenger of the other vehicle is making a bit of a fuss, I said that's her prerogative, her right, I hit their car but that's why I pay for insurance.



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Ofcourse accidents happen and when they do it's so much better if you put your hands up if it's your fault. As everyone said good job no one was hurt (badly) and there was no serious damage.


At least you didn't go and jump on his windscreen!

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Gants hill roundabout is a dangerous one at best. You really do take your life in your hands on that particular one at times.....some of the lane discipline(or lack of) would be hilarious if it wasn't so damn gangerous.....especially by some particular members of the local community around there......"driving licence....my cousins got one so I don't need to......Insurance....yes sir I have household insurance"..... the previous two quotes are actual real life ones from people involved in accidents on the very same roundabout( got a mate in the job who covers that ground).


Maybe when I win the lotery I'l buy one of those flying cars that will be hitting the market soon.

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