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Speaker usurping his position?


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I was a bit annoyed when he said it but listening to some people talking about it I am thinking that perhaps it would have been better to just let it go I still think that he is the best speaker that we have had for many years and yes Betty Boothroy was good but she did not make any changes Berkow has made a lot of good changes love him or hate him you have to admit that.

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Great idea! Ban entry to those from predominantly Muslim countries that have NO record of supporting terrorism in the US but don't apply the ban to those that do - coincidentally the same countries that Trump has significant business interests in. The guy isn't doing anything meaningful to improve his country's security, just playing to the mob. Dipstick!

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Great idea! Ban entry to those from predominantly Muslim countries that have NO record of supporting terrorism in the US but don't apply the ban to those that do - coincidentally the same countries that Trump has significant business interests in. The guy isn't doing anything meaningful to improve his country's security, just playing to the mob. Dipstick!


Is that supposed to be a joke ?

Every country on the list has attacked US targets at some time.

The only ones trying to play the mob, are the judges who are blocking the order to score political points.

Ask yourself this ,if Obama had done the exact same order,would they have blocked HIM ,I think not.

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Is that supposed to be a joke ?

Every country on the list has attacked US targets at some time.

The only ones trying to play the mob, are the judges who are blocking the order to score political points.

Ask yourself this ,if Obama had done the exact same order,would they have blocked HIM ,I think not.


No but your argument is.

Let it go, get used to it, :yes: even their own constitutional law experts have ruled 3-0 against this moronic so called terrorism directive. Sorry.

Edited by Hamster
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Hamster - what happens if the ban is over-ruled at a later date? Where will that leave their "law experts"?


I agree that Trump seems a loose cannon firing off in all directions, but I also think he is judged for being Trump, whereas Obama could seemingly do no wrong.

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Every country on the list has attacked US targets at some time.


The only ones trying to play the mob, are the judges who are blocking the order to score political points.



You are doing the US a great disservice by not letting them know of these attacks :rolleyes: you know, like with real examples instead of inbred anger and rhetoric :lol: . (have a good google to see what you can dig up, it will be but a particle of dust compared to terrorism conducted by the US).

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You are doing the US a great disservice by not letting them know of these attacks :rolleyes: you know, like with real examples instead of inbred anger and rhetoric :lol: . (have a good google to see what you can dig up, it will be but a particle of dust compared to terrorism conducted by the US).



Showing your true colours now!

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Hamster - what happens if the ban is over-ruled at a later date? Where will that leave their "law experts"?


I agree that Trump seems a loose cannon firing off in all directions, but I also think he is judged for being Trump, whereas Obama could seemingly do no wrong.


Who knows ? We can only go by present day decisions, the Donald is a white supremacist, etc, etc, etc, etc, and as unqualified to run a country as it's possible to get, many intelligent and highly regarded people consider him mentally ill.


Those countries on the list are ones the US military industrial complex has either bombed or dearly wishes to bomb. Almost all terror organs within the Muslim context are Sunni, it's child play simple.

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Showing your true colours now!


I have never pretended to say otherwise. In common with hundreds of world academics, linguists, professors, politicians, writers, etc, etc, and others of meaningful stature I believe the US government is the uber terrorist of our world. These people are invariably of European ethnicity, many are in fact also Jewish.

Edited by Hamster
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No but your argument is.

Let it go, get used to it, :yes: even their own constitutional law experts have ruled 3-0 against this moronic so called terrorism directive. Sorry.


I was actually answering NickS claim that Trump 'banned' countries that hadnt attacked the US ,whilst letting off the ones who had.

But dont let that get in the way of your particular mindset.



You are doing the US a great disservice by not letting them know of these attacks :rolleyes: you know, like with real examples instead of inbred anger and rhetoric :lol: . (have a good google to see what you can dig up, it will be but a particle of dust compared to terrorism conducted by the US).


Again ,this thread is about one mans opinion of Trump,conflicting with his job as house speaker.

But dont let that get in the way of your opinion of American overseas policy.



Who knows ? We can only go by present day decisions, the Donald is a white supremacist, etc, etc, etc, etc, and as unqualified to run a country as it's possible to get, many intelligent and highly regarded people consider him mentally ill.


Those countries on the list are ones the US military industrial complex has either bombed or dearly wishes to bomb. Almost all terror organs within the Muslim context are Sunni, it's child play simple.


Many dont consider him mentally ill ,I would say the fact he is POTUS proves that ,so that argument holds little water,no matter how intelligent or highly regarded they are.

But dont let that get in the way of YOUR opinion of him.



I have never pretended to say otherwise. In common with hundreds of world academics, linguists, professors, politicians, writers, etc, etc, and others of meaningful stature I believe the US government is the uber terrorist of our world. These people are invariably of European ethnicity, many are in fact also Jewish.


Your opinion is yours to cherish and keep, as is mine and everyone elses.

It does not mean everyone else is a blind fool for not seeing it the way you do.

But dont let that get in the way of your superior intellect :lol:

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I heard that the majority of cases that the courts blocking trumps travel ban were overuled when they went to the supreme Court, this was as high as 90% one year apparently and that trump is fully expecting to win at the supreme Court, if true, maybe trump has a point about the system. I also don't get the outrage over the ban especially by the American people, the way I see it, if I don't want someone in my house them they're not coming in, he's simply put a temporary ban on certain countries (a list made by Obama) until he can sort vetting procedures out. It's funny far worse has been done by other presidents in the past yet you don't hear the same fuss, for the record if don't like trump by the way and don't like his personality, however he's been fairly elected and is only carrying out his election promises, what part of democracy does certain parts of society seem to struggle to understand these days.

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Whilst I don't agree with every word that Hamster has posted, I do think he is making valid points. The USA seems to see itself as the World's Police Force. They jet off around the World getting involved with countries where they have no business. When they lose interest, the rest of the World has to pick up the pieces.


They didn't seem too interested when Pol Pot was slaughtering millions of people - even supporting him later on, but there was no oil involved.


I just don't think the Speaker should have used his position in the way that he has. His judgement is way too selective and open to ridicule. I don't recall Donald Trump slagging off Sally Bercow - even though she would be an easier target. He probably doesn't know that she exists - I envy him in that respect.

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and on this subject bloody burkers that is wrong in every way.

I believe it's quite a tricky subject, I agree covering your face in public is not right and does not fit in with uk Culture, the problem as I see it is no reasonable person would pop to the shops wearing a balaclava, but if you made a law against it you would be (in a very minor way) creating a bit of a police state and would prevent people who wore one in the correct context, from going about there business, in other words to much legislation and where would it stop, I think we need to be more choosy as to who we let in the country, only accepting those we believe want to integrate with our way of life, as for those already here, we are just going to have to suck it up unfortunately.

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I am afraid that I just do not get it its there country they can let in or stop whoever they please I just wish that this limp wristed country of ours had the gunptun to ban some of these people and on this subject bloody burkers that is wrong in every way.


Then you're simply not understanding the problem here, he is trying to ban people based on WRONGFUL, assumptions of terrorism which essentially means he's trying to be racist through the back door, fortunately millions upon millions of my human brothers and sisters CAN see he is behaving as Hitler did in the lead up to what came to represent one of the most heinous crimes of our history. The problem is you can't ban people based on ethnic OR religious fake news ;) hence he's trying the tired ole terrorist thing which is of course completely false too since Saudi Arabia is demonstrably responsible for 100 times as many American deaths as the other 7 nations combined. But lets not let facts get in the way of our predispositions.

Edited by Hamster
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I was actually answering NickS claim that Trump 'banned' countries that hadnt attacked the US ,whilst letting off the ones who had.

But dont let that get in the way of your particular mindset.



Again ,this thread is about one mans opinion of Trump,conflicting with his job as house speaker.

But dont let that get in the way of your opinion of American overseas policy.



Many dont consider him mentally ill ,I would say the fact he is POTUS proves that ,so that argument holds little water,no matter how intelligent or highly regarded they are.

But dont let that get in the way of YOUR opinion of him.



Your opinion is yours to cherish and keep, as is mine and everyone elses.

It does not mean everyone else is a blind fool for not seeing it the way you do.

But dont let that get in the way of your superior intellect :lol:



Not worth even a reply. You are wriggling like a good un.

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Whilst I don't agree with every word that Hamster has posted, I do think he is making valid points. The USA seems to see itself as the World's Police Force. They jet off around the World getting involved with countries where they have no business. When they lose interest, the rest of the World has to pick up the pieces.


They didn't seem too interested when Pol Pot was slaughtering millions of people - even supporting him later on, but there was no oil involved.


I just don't think the Speaker should have used his position in the way that he has. His judgement is way too selective and open to ridicule. I don't recall Donald Trump slagging off Sally Bercow - even though she would be an easier target. He probably doesn't know that she exists - I envy him in that respect.


Exactly ,I agree with a lot of his points,but he doesnt give you the chance to agree,anything that goes against his entrenched thinking is a foolish comment,and we are all idiotic sheep.

At the end of the day,the US does act like the worlds police ,as a thin disguise to further its own ambitions,and when I say the US ,I mean the people who control it.

Just like every other empire before it ,call it human nature,call it what you will..

The question is ,what are YOU going to do about it ?

We can discuss the rights and wrongs on a forum,or wear a pink hat and carry a sign ,whilst disrupting someone on the way home from work,who might even agree with you!

Is it going to change anything,I very much doubt it .




Not worth even a reply. You are wriggling like a good un.


Why am I wriggling ?

You have your opinion,I respect that,try respecting other peoples.

It might make you a happier person.

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Is that supposed to be a joke ?

Every country on the list has attacked US targets at some time.

The only ones trying to play the mob, are the judges who are blocking the order to score political points.

Ask yourself this ,if Obama had done the exact same order,would they have blocked HIM ,I think not.

Ok, I am only repeating what others have said and I have not found any reports to contradict that assertion. If you can find any, I shall gladly withdraw that comment. Other than for reasons of grandstanding and his personal business interests, perhaps you could explain why Saudi Arabia and Egypt have been omitted from the list if Trump is genuinely targeting those countries whose citizens have actually carried out terrorist attacks on US soil.


If you argue in favour of the ban, Canada surely has the right to close its borders to US citizens following the terrorist attack by a right-wing Trump supporter - except they won't as they are grown up enough to recognise that not every American is like that one, any more than everyone from any other country is a terrorist.

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Some believe that US foreign policy attitude, of the last 50 years, can be traced back to the Cuban missile crisis. In short, the myth that the successful resolution was as a result of American force against an aggressor state/threat (Eyeball to Eyeball and the Other Fellow Just Blinked) - when the truth, relatively recently revealed, is that it was a deal brokered in secret; in other words as a direct result of diplomacy, debate and negotiation not overwhelming force.


Perhaps that foreign policy attitude may now change?

Edited by mick miller
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Ok, I am only repeating what others have said and I have not found any reports to contradict that assertion. If you can find any, I shall gladly withdraw that comment. Other than for reasons of grandstanding and his personal business interests, perhaps you could explain why Saudi Arabia and Egypt have been omitted from the list if Trump is genuinely targeting those countries whose citizens have actually carried out terrorist attacks on US soil.


If you argue in favour of the ban, Canada surely has the right to close its borders to US citizens following the terrorist attack by a right-wing Trump supporter - except they won't as they are grown up enough to recognise that not every American is like that one, any more than everyone from any other country is a terrorist.


Try doing a search for the list of countries on the 'ban'


Pick one ,and do a search on whether or not it has attacked the US or its citizens.

And Ill give you a start here, USS Cole in Yemen, sponsored by Sudan.

Pan Am flight over Lockerbie,sponsored by Libya ,just to get you going.

The US sees attacks on its citizens wherever they may be, as a direct attack on the US itself,right or wrong ,that is a fact.

Their government is duty bound to protect those citizens,and has done, under all its various presidents,left or right.

Any US government that fails to cover this is doomed.

You dont have to like it,and its really nothing to do with us,so if you want to follow the bleeding heart guardianist line ,fill ya boots.


I dont necessarily support the ban,I dont particularly like Trump,but Im sick of people bitching about things they know nothing about ,because leftist ideology tells them to.

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I'll help you along with a little research too into some domestic snowflake terism :rolleyes: :


By far and away more Americans are killed by toddlers and home made white supremacist terrorists than any of those countries, but don't let facts or ignorance get in the way of rightist ideologies :) .



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Incidentally there was a British documentary on the terrorist attack and downing of the Iranian passenger plane that proved it could not have been an accident because passenger planes and war planes have different radar signatures (among other expert analysis) and it was inside Iranian territorial waters anyway. The US blew up a passenger plane but that hasn't been recorded as snowflake terism.

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I'll help you along with a little research too into some domestic snowflake terism :rolleyes: :


By far and away more Americans are killed by toddlers and home made white supremacist terrorists than any of those countries, but don't let facts or ignorance get in the way of rightist ideologies :) .


You see, there you go again.

Everyones stupid because they dont agree with you on one point!

Everything youve said in that post I agree with,false flag attacks are part of US domestic policy,9/11 was an inside job, I KNOW ! and so do lots of people,including Americans.

Last poll amongst US citizens claimed 55% believe 9/11 was an inside job.

The problem is ,what are you going to do with these revelations?

Should the people vote on what Conspiracy Monthly tells them to do ,or try to make the best of a bad situation,by voting out of the mainstream?

As Ive said ,these protests of fake outrage are a sign that the established politicos and their puppet masters are rattled.


Incidentally there was a British documentary on the terrorist attack and downing of the Iranian passenger plane that proved it could not have been an accident because passenger planes and war planes have different radar signatures (among other expert analysis) and it was inside Iranian territorial waters anyway. The US blew up a passenger plane but that hasn't been recorded as snowflake terism.


Read that back to yourself.

A British documentary states the bleeding obvious! But thats not part of any conspiracy ?

The US admitted they messed up,the captain dismissed the radar operators opinion it was a commercial flight,this is public knowledge!

Massive reparations were paid,its nothing new ,they do it all the time ,and bears defecate in the woods!

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