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old man

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Now not coming to a town near you?


Be able to view our own white elephants in the countryside as they destroy 60 ancient woods?


The proposed cost will be at least double so like smart meters we will be paying to have something of no benefit to any other than shareholders?


Lucky us?

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Vince so why not replace the 150 year old track. ???

it has to be replaced at some time. We all ready have trains that can do the speed, but the state of track reduce them to less than 1/2 at more than 60% of the journey.

In reality, that's what they are doing, HS2 is actually no more than an upgrade to the existing Chiltern Line. That already runs from London Marylebone to Birmingham. Its a stopping commuter train service though and you can't run fast trains on a line with stopping trains.


So they are going to have to build separate tracks alongside the existing Chiltern Railway tracks. Then the ambitious plans kicked in, namely, if you are going to have to build it anyway, build it good. So it can take state of the art railway trains and why stop at Birmingham? why not keep heading north?.


Passenger trains by day, freight by night. It does make sense

Edited by Vince Green
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I disagree completely with the whole idea of the HS2, the underlying reasons that the government has kept quiet about since the start until recently. Moving the wealth of the country further up north and creating a so called second money city up north.

The 1st load of manure they throw at the British public was to cut down the travel time from THE city London. Why for goodness sake ??? Explain to me the benefits of cutting 20 minutes off the travelling time at the cost of billions and loosing thousands of acres of woodlands green belt land and disruption to lives. You cannot EVER get that land back EVER. All because some brainless thoughtless bureaucratic bunch of city dwellers thinks that in there little world it's what the rest of the British public want too. Well they could not be more wrong.

The cost will spiral out of all expectations (already doing so from the original figures) and the benefits they promise will appease only those few that live in the HS2 world. They will then start to plan their next fairytale world. At the cost of our countryside no doubt.

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It has to be done, its going to cause massive disruption round the part of London where I live for a long time but we need new rail infrastructure. The present rail system is creaking and more road transport is not the answer.

Can see we need more rail infrastructure but how will HS2 help reduce commuter loads etc.

No stations etc?

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I disagree completely with the whole idea of the HS2, the underlying reasons that the government has kept quiet about since the start until recently. Moving the wealth of the country further up north and creating a so called second money city up north.

The 1st load of manure they throw at the British public was to cut down the travel time from THE city London. Why for goodness sake ??? Explain to me the benefits of cutting 20 minutes off the travelling time at the cost of billions and loosing thousands of acres of woodlands green belt land and disruption to lives. You cannot EVER get that land back EVER. All because some brainless thoughtless bureaucratic bunch of city dwellers thinks that in there little world it's what the rest of the British public want too. Well they could not be more wrong.

The cost will spiral out of all expectations (already doing so from the original figures) and the benefits they promise will appease only those few that live in the HS2 world. They will then start to plan their next fairytale world. At the cost of our countryside no doubt.

Says it all for me too Dougy!

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Yes the railways need rebuilding but no the countryside doesn,t need destroying so Londoner,s can get home 20 minutes early and who could afford the new rail service anyway .Trains are stupidly expensive now the new shiny will be even more so .£50 billion is a lot of Firemen ,nurse,s doctor,s ,hospital beds and school, rebuilt never mind all the local services it could pay for so no H.S.2 yes to rebuild the country and reduce the damage of all the cuts

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I don't think its going to do anything at all for commuters, it will be too expensive. What it will do is give capacity and lots of it.

Capacity that people can't or won't access.


Another own goal as new trains running where people cant get on them?


We don't need to worry about financial threats from without just from within?

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The track is used. The disruption to commuters would be unimaginable.

They can take possession as they already do when passenger services has finished to repair track bed etc. There are solutions to the problems but they will never go that route. Too simple that one.

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They can take possession as they already do when passenger services has finished to repair track bed etc. There are solutions to the problems but they will never go that route. Too simple that one.

And it doesn't pump as much money into the pockets of their cuckoo mates?

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When you see projects that cost billions of pounds do you never ask yourself where all those billions are going? if you are in an industry that is going to recieve huge chunks of that money and have friends in high places then your all going to be buying a second home somewhere hot, That is why the project will be pushed ahead. the folks who have brought up anything that needs buying and tearing down, the ones who own the companies that will do the construction etc.

Many many people stand to make many many billions of pounds from this debacle and many politicians or their families with financial interests in these companies will benefit greatly, its not like the tens of billions of pounds will be spent on railway track and sleepers so ask yourself where will it all go? If you truly believe that there is no corruption in the sight of this amount of expenditure you best get back under your rock.

Remember it was the previous chancellor of the exchequer''s best man who cleaned up £30,000,000 overnight when the last pubic sector was sold off as shares and the public purse that bailed out the dodgy bankers who screwed up the econimy rather than sending them all to prison. This country is every bit as corrupt as most 3rd world ones its simply that those in power have got better at hiding it or subverting the laws that surround their actions

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