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Should all car be fitted with kill switches!


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Good lord, shall we assume every single motorist is a potential criminal and therefor fit a kill switch?


How about lets not implement something for 100% of the safe and/or law abiding just to deal with what is a tiny percentage of the population.


The exact same logic applies to a bad guy kills someone with a gun so let's ban all guns.


I appreciate that the OP was not necessarily suggesting this should happen, it is more a point of discussion, but this type of thinking highlights perfectly how we are ceding so much of our freedoms and liberties totally blindly and naively.

Edited by grrclark
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A mate of mines ex had a car on credit. If she missed a payment they shut down the car. Only when it was parked up with the engine off. Part of the reason she is his ex was the monthly call from home, the shops, the petrol station etc. He gave her the money to cover the payments but it went on spray tans and the like

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Back in WW2, with pending invasion of Britain on the cards, some several dozens of motorists found themselves in jail for breaking the law.


The offence? Failing to secure a motor vehicle (i.e. totally immobilise it when not in use, to prevent use by German paratroopers, no doubt dressed as nuns...)


An uncle still did this to his car in the 70's.


The commonest method? Remove the rotor arm...takes less than 5 minutes.

My Old Man used to laugh about this, as most cars has Lucas distributors the German paratroopers dressed as nuns would only have to carry a spare rotor arm in their pocket. Totally Dad's Army


However, its only in the last few years that you couldn't steal any car with a screwdriver, so maybe the idea had some merit.

Edited by Vince Green
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