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Douglas Carswell quits UKIP


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ghastly man. knows ukip are finished without nigel.

plus one on that. First time I saw him I had the hairs on my neck stand up. Wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. My take is, he thought he would change sides and then be in line to become 'Leader' because his chances of such in the Tory party were lower than zero. By becoming an Independent he can keep his job and salary, at least until the next election.

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Shame UKIP have gone downhill. They are the only party worth voting for, but I cant ever see them getting into power now. From a shooters perspective they probably would have protected our sport better then Conservatives and heaven forbid Lib Dems or Labour get into power. They're pretty much a shambles now anyhow. Don't get me started on the Green Party...

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ukip got nearly 4 million votes at the last election, they got 1 seat, snp got 1.6 million votes and have 56 seats, I am starting to believe it when I hear people say, the system is crooked. So how the hell do you break into the elite? The tories are absolute rubbish, labour 5 times as bad, yet ukip, are light years away, its a rough deal in my view, I voted ukip, I never liked the defection of carswell, it dident look good on ukip taking him in, I don't like turncoats full stop.

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ukip got nearly 4 million votes at the last election, they got 1 seat, snp got 1.6 million votes and have 56 seats, I am starting to believe it when I hear people say, the system is crooked. So how the hell do you break into the elite? The tories are absolute rubbish, labour 5 times as bad, yet ukip, are light years away, its a rough deal in my view, I voted ukip, I never liked the defection of carswell, it dident look good on ukip taking him in, I don't like turncoats full stop.

UKIP 4 million votes in England, where there's 50 million people... Not even 10% of the population.


SNP 1.6 million votes in Scotland, where there's only 5.4 million people. Thats why SNP got more seats.


The SNP got a % of votes available to them, that those in Westminster could only dream of.

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Even when he defected to UKIP I got the uncomfortable impression he was loving all the limelight and the media attention just a tad too much to be sincere about what he was doing.


Its a shame because UKIP could have made a really good opposition party compared to the shambolic bunch of misfits calling themselves the "Labour" party (despite none of them ever having done a days work in their lives)


I would really like to see Nigel Farage going toe to toe with Nicola Fishface across the floor of the house. That would be a political contest to remember, and I know who would win.


Instead I am told the leader of our opposition, Catweazel AKA Jezzer spends more time on Russian TV than he does on British TV. Well no change there then!

Edited by Vince Green
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