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please can someone tell me the reason why, my male dog has started to pull all his bedding out of his kennel into hes run .he been doing it for about three weeks now . not all the time but every now and again .but it is now starting to get more regular now .it has not worried me to much . but this morning it was laying in the soiled area of the run. plus when it rains the runs get wet and no matter how much i love housework :lol: :blink: i really do not want to be washing dogs bedding all the time so please if anyone can come up with a answer to this please do . first thing i thought it might be cause hes bored but he is only in for about 4 hours while am at work . and sometimes mr sweepy about so it not even 4 hours plus he will do it if he is only in their for 20 mins.has anyone else had this prob or have i really got the dog from hell
















xxx suzy

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please can someone tell me the reason why, my male dog has started to pull all his bedding out of his kennel into hes run .he been doing it for about three weeks now . not all the time but every now and again .but it is now starting to get more regular now .it has not worried me to much . but this morning it was laying in the soiled area of the run. plus when it rains the runs get wet and no matter how much i love housework :blink: :yes: i really do not want to be washing dogs bedding all the time so please if anyone can come up with a answer to this please do . first thing i thought it might be cause hes bored but he is only in for about 4 hours while am at work . and sometimes mr sweepy about so it not even 4 hours plus he will do it if he is only in their for 20 mins.has anyone else had this prob or have i really got the dog from hell









Mrs Sweepy how can you possibly think he,s the dog from hell, just look at him, bet he,s full of character he looks great. :blink:


:lol: D2D







xxx suzy

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just playing I'm sure....................


easily solved with a bail of straw..........................I fill my dogs sleeping quarter that are attached to the run with a bail of straw. The sleeping area is about 10t by 14ft and a bails for £1.50 fills it about 2ft deep!!!


They love it in there...its warm dry...absorbs the pee.........smells good..............makes it easier to pick up the odd logg, and there's nothnig to chew aprt from their toys!!

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Hello my pup's over the year's have done this & easy to solve give him nothing but the wooden floor.Iv had them get bag's or kid's toy's through the bar's & wreck them.My 2 older lab's get planket's fae cancer/charity shop but my 3yrs old bitch & cocker & terrier pup get nothing as they wreck it.I get towel's fae cancer shop etc to & dry my dog's of if wet.They have benche's in run's to keep of concrete & if i work them ie beating they get in side if wet or tired some time's over night for my older dog's.

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He is a Devil Dog from Hell :good:



His sole purpose is to make your life an endless chain of laundry and house work :oops::oops:


For the sake of your sanity you best be mailing him to ME






I think you should just mail him to NTTF anything to keep him quite :lol:

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He is a Devil Dog from Hell :good:



His sole purpose is to make your life an endless chain of laundry and house work :lol::lol:


For the sake of your sanity you best be mailing him to ME





We can pack the Lobster in the same box :oops::oops::lol:


The man will stop at nothing, petrol costs are up so i recon he has a dog sleigh and needs a team member :lol:

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He is a Devil Dog from Hell :good:



His sole purpose is to make your life an endless chain of laundry and house work :):)


For the sake of your sanity you best be mailing him to ME





We can pack the Lobster in the same box :oops::lol::lol:


The man will stop at nothing, petrol costs are up so i recon he has a dog sleigh and needs a team member :oops:




I am hurt :lol: I offer to keep young Pav safe from harm, by taking those poisonous blue lobsters from him, and I have been trying to save poor poor Mrs Sweepy from an ill fate with a Devil Dog :( and you accuse me of trying for personal gain :lol::lol: Gutted Mate :D



Now please keep the lobsters and the Devil Dog in seperate shipping boxes as I think both the ice and the lobsters claws may cause some discomfort to the Devil Dogs danglys :lol:




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He is a Devil Dog from Hell :good:



His sole purpose is to make your life an endless chain of laundry and house work :lol::oops:


For the sake of your sanity you best be mailing him to ME




dear NTTF

thank you for your kind offer. of which i am happy to say i would like to accept.but before i can pack him in a box and send him on hes way .their are a few things i must arrange first. a home vist to check that you are a suitable person to look after a dog.now i can arrange to come at anytime.so please just inform me when you have booked my all expansive s paid for trip sorry i mean rehoming vist to canada.now this vist should not take to long .i should think about two months should cover it (and a lot of canada too).so please mr NTTF do not hesitate in informing me of your decision .

yours sincerely

mrs sweepy



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Dear Mrs Sweepy,


All arrangements for your all expenses paid home visit have been arranged. :stupid: You may pick up your tickets from the closest airport at any time you would like to depart. :stupid: For security purposes I have reqested that you present not only your dirvers licence, and pass port but one credit card with at least a clear 2000 pound limit. This number will be recorded and forwarded to me, for security reasons I am sure you understand. :D Upon your departure of your 2 month rehoming visit this number will happily be returned to you :good: Please send further details of your expected depature dates so that I can arrange for your pick up upon landing. :good:




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dear mr flock

what a shame .their was me about to pm you to find out weather to pack my bikni or thermals for the rehoming vist .but now you have answer it for me .unfortunatey mr sweepy will not let me play with plastic (something about it being dangerous in the wrong hands :stupid: )so am afraid the rehoming vist is off .but thanks for your kind offer .o well must go, got to take a clumber out of a box

yours sincerely

mrs sweepy

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  • 1 month later...
funny that my cocker does that. then she lies on it in the garden?<_<?:lol:?;) strange?:good:?:good:?

if only it was that mosa, no my little darling decided he was going to run off and chase sheeps poo .he not as fast as most gundogs so he settles for something that dont move .so sheeps poo it was ,lucky there was no sheep in the field .but it did mean that i had to somehow get in the field to get him .because he was having such a good time there was no way he would come back.me trying to get over a gate in what i was wearing will give the local football team nightmares for years to come .xxxx suzy devil dog

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