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Anybody in N.Wales got a hushpower or equiv I could borrow for a coupl


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As above - got a rat in the garden and from its behaviour it has got offspring. I have put a bait trap down and it is going to and from it so I gather it is taking the bait but would prefer to see it off.


Hopefully somebody can help?? Don't fancy using my CG - it might upset the neighbours :)


Apologies if in the wrong section but I couldn't see an appropriate forum to ask

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Have you tried the council, they bated my garden and surrounding gardens with poison, as it was a known problem due to a rough farm being close by.

Your quite local to me aren't you Arthur - I'm in Mold - I had heard that Flintshire have really cut back on this service :(

Terriers would make short work of any rats on the area. Get some Russels in....

Got two dogs but they couldn't catch a flea - wife's toy dogs
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Air rifle but if you miss try a ten bore if you miss with that a mortar should rid you of it. You can't beat a sledge hammer to crack a nut :good::lol:

I have an old Dianna .177 somewhere - was my dads but I can't find it at the mo. Think the wife has stored it somewhere and forgot where - or was that me!!!i can't remember :)

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Im am quite local. Live traps and poison are best. I thought I would get them under control with an air rifle two cage traps and 4 snap traps. Over 18months I caught around 12 in the traps and managed to get around 60 with the air rifle,in the end the council came round due to all the complaints and put bait in everyone's gardens, then I moved. I think they charge a call out fee. I would chuck a load of poison down.

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I've heard a bucket trap can be quite effective.


People used to fill them with water but I believe that is seen as cruel and could land you in trouble with RSPCA etc.


Nothing wrong with using it to catch them and then humanely dispatch though :good:

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I've heard a bucket trap can be quite effective.


People used to fill them with water but I believe that is seen as cruel and could land you in trouble with RSPCA etc.


Nothing wrong with using it to catch them and then humanely dispatch though :good:

RSPCA could well try to seek headlines as they did in 2010 when they successfully prosecuted a guy for drowning a squirrel he'd caught in a trap. A vet said it would have taken the squirrel three minutes to drown. He therefore caused pain and suffering to an animal as described in the Animal Welfare Act 2006.


But it is OK to chase them into a sack and bang them over the head with a shovel. Squirrels that is, not the RSPCA. Although, on second thoughts................

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