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What happened here ?

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Shot a rabbit at 123 yds, my longest to date. Went on to have another two at 89 and 85 yds, all with the hmr on cut silage fields.


Later, was talking to the farmer and his son in a different field that had been grazed so had sparse length grass. As a beef farm crows can be a problem, so when one landed about 60 yds away the opportunity was taken, after all how could I miss after my previous rabbits.


Instead of impressing the farmer I just embarrassed myself. Shot taken, it was still very much alive and running like a whippet. I went to dispatch it and found a wound mark on the wing bone after a side on shot.


SO, did the bullet have a glancing impact or possibly hit an obstruction grass, or what happened ?

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There's not a lot of solid on a bird to make an HMR expand. That said, I shot a pigeon with a 22lr at about 45 yards. There was an almighty thump and a cloud of feathers. It flew off. Tough birds!


Had a similar experience rabbiting when the land owner showed up. Missed an easy shot right in front of her...

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Well something hit it, there was a bloody wound / impact mark on the wing bone. At the distance, and with energy available in the bullet, I can only summize contact with something (vegetation) on the way fragmented the bullet, and it was one or more of these fragments that made contact.


I would have liked a big puff of feathers though.

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