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keswick armed police


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just got back from holiday in lake district in our caravan camped at threlkeld . weather poor last saturday so we drove down to keswick to get a few bits of grub and drinks police 4x4s parked up either side of road at various points on way in armed police on street corners in pairs with auto rifles fingers on triggers.asked at market whats going on .keswick convention religous meeting on this weekend online terrorist threat.we got our grub and beers and headed for the hills with dogs and peace and quiet.keswick terrorist threat what ever next?????

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Flamin ell, Keswick is my favourite place I have visited regularity for fourty years, we spent a week there in our caravan six weeks ago. I know of the convention it has become a big event. Cant believe armed police at Keswick 😞

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given the national threat level-there will be armed cops at most crowded venues....shopping centres, race meets and concerts.


its clearly happening round here-went to York races last week and saw armed cops outside-same for the great Yorkshire Show at Harrogate.


sign of the times following recent attacks.


PS same from a friend at British GP at Silverstone.



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Since the "famous" Ashby crime spree cop cars and foot patrols everyday ,dont know how long before it stops but it took a bank and armed robbery to make it happen shame really .In these dangerous times we need to increase feet on the ground not cut them .The police are at their lowest numbers since 1985 and have multiple roles now,crime being just 1 of many hats needed

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I was in Keswick yesterday also. It's less than an hour from me and we used to take the kids there regularly, and that's what I was doing yesterday, although they aren't kids anymore.

Must admit I was a bit surprised on seeing two fully rigged out coppers come round the corner.

The religious convention attracts believers from all over the world but I'd forgotten it was on.

I doubt fully armed coppers would be much of a deterrent to be honest, but damned if they do and damned if they don't.

Sign of the times unfortunately.

I find it strange how we grow and aspire to what we would hope would be a more civilised and enlightened society for our children and society in general, the more the presence of armed police on our streets is needed. Weird.

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"Police on the streets".

I honestly can not remember the last time I saw a policeman walking, armed or not. It certainly wasn't within the last month.

Seen a few driving cars I guess but even then not a common sight. If I nearly bumped into an armed policeman on any street I would be startled and surprised.


Maybe my part of the world is safer than most. :)

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