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Is this a good example?


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Probably not a good example for an officer of the law- but you have to admit, its as funny as **** to happen upon cavorting couples 😄

I remember when our kids were little and we took them for a walk along burnham marshes..... couple of hippies banging like wild animals in the long grass haha kids hadn't a clue, quite lucky as the unwashed couple carried on as we passed by.

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Always been one or two rogues in the job but they have high tech kit to play with these days and of course employment law means tens of thousands of pounds wasted on enquiries whereas in my day back in the 60s they would have been at HQ with their uniforms wrapped in brown paper the next day ...goodbye & good riddance. Had a pal, who had the makings of a very good copper, fall asleep on the bus stop bench on nights. Found by the unit sergeant and was out of the job in 48hrs. Same had one on my unit swapped some good mini tyres in the found/stolen property store for his own. I had that day just had a new set put on my car and was dragged in for questioning fortunately had the receipt. He was gone next morning.

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