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AA Diablo Fields

Sha Bu Le

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Anyone else who uses these pellets having any problems ?


Being using them for around 2 years now and well pleased. However earlier this year I noticed a marked increase in the amount of flyers.


Bought a tin 2 weeks ago and this problem had increased. So I examined the rest of the tin (around 350-400 pellets left).


Was very disappointed with what I saw, distorted pellets dented ones, rags on the skirts from the seams, seams very high and pronounced. At first I thought it must be down to the carrier's handling but after I'd checked 100 ish decided no it could not be. The marks and dents were symmetrical and on many pellets they were in the same place. Sounds like a tool is wearing out and is due for replacement. Even so this should not impinge on quality control.


So carried on and inspected the balance of the tin. Ended up with 86 potential flyers, assuming there was 400 left this is 21.5%. If there were less than 400 left then the percentage goes up.


Have read on here that dents etc on the skirts straighten out as the pellet travels down the barrel with a blast of air shoving it along so should not be a problem. This is not the case here; 1cm out over only 20 yards, easily miss a maggies head at 30 yards.


Have segregated the suspect pellets and will set 2 targets up using known good ones and then the suspect ones, see what results i get before I email the factory in Czech land.


Would be interesting if other members were getting a similar result or not.


BTW this tin of pellets was from a batch made in March this year.

Edited by Sha Bu Le
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No issues with any of mine but I tend to buy 4 or 5 tins at a time and I stocked up late last year (both calibre's) - well worth pointing this out though as plenty of shooters use these as a pellet with an exemplary history of quality ( I would suggest that you inform AA although they do tend to ignore such news) - take them back if you can and see if the shop have any from a different batch - if not then try another retailer.

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I love the AA fields but there have been some bad tins this year. I buy mine through Uttings now and problem solved. I think some suppliers toss the tins around causing damaged skirts.

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Thanks for the replies fellas.

As Sunday was a nice quite day here weather wise I did a couple of tests using the pellets I had previously sorted. Results below.


Surprise surprise………………No significant difference between the good the poor and a selected quantity of the worst pellets. Ten pellets at each of three targets on a single sheet of A4, range =20 yards. One flyer the reason for which I found later, the barrel retaining screw on my HW100 must be a little too tight causing a slight nip as the magazine was inserted and damaging a pellet occasionally, will sort this later. I had noticed this nip before but did not think too much of it. So there we have it the appearance of the pellets while giving cause for concern seems to have little effect on performance.


However 10 samples of each group of pellets is a tad too small to be confident that this will be the norm.




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Wouldn't have expected that, I have often thrown away pellets that looked deformed or damaged, very interesting.

It was only over 20 yds, Mice. At 35+ yds I would expect a bigger variation.

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DC177 That is really interesting I also thought that damaged pellets were a no go !!


To keep the experiment consistent can you please replicate it over 35 yds with the same rifle whenever you have some damaged pellets ?


I am considering damaging some on purpose to take part !!


Air Arm Fields are JSBs with a softer alloy ( so I am reliably informed ) so it might be worth changing to the JSB Exacts to sort the issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so a fresh tin of 0.22 AADFs just arrived from Uttings. Looking through the tin I could not find a single bent skirt! I either got lucky or they have fixed the problem at the factory.


Anyway, looking closer with a magnifying glass I graded two groups of 5 into perfect (green) and not-quite-perfect (yellow). Then I took 5 pellets and deliberately damaged the skirts (red). The 3 groups of 5 were taken at 25 yards and the results surprised me: very little difference!


If can get imgur to work I'll upload a picture of the groups. :no: Unless someone knows a better way to upload pics here.


Edit: here you go.



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Ok so a fresh tin of 0.22 AADFs just arrived from Uttings. Looking through the tin I could not find a single bent skirt! I either got lucky or they have fixed the problem at the factory.


Anyway, looking closer with a magnifying glass I graded two groups of 5 into perfect (green) and not-quite-perfect (yellow). Then I took 5 pellets and deliberately damaged the skirts (red). The 3 groups of 5 were taken at 25 yards and the results surprised me: very little difference!


If can get imgur to work I'll upload a picture of the groups. :no: Unless someone knows a better way to upload pics here.


Edit: here you go.


attachicon.gif2017-09-12 20.59.32.jpg


DC177 that's about the same as I found when I did similar tests. Also nice to know the Czechs may have improved the quality.


Anyhoos I'm not going to worry about them any longer.


Some interesting replies, thanks for all your responses fellas / fellasses



Ok so a fresh tin of 0.22 AADFs just arrived from Uttings. Looking through the tin I could not find a single bent skirt! I either got lucky or they have fixed the problem at the factory.


Anyway, looking closer with a magnifying glass I graded two groups of 5 into perfect (green) and not-quite-perfect (yellow). Then I took 5 pellets and deliberately damaged the skirts (red). The 3 groups of 5 were taken at 25 yards and the results surprised me: very little difference!


If can get imgur to work I'll upload a picture of the groups. :no: Unless someone knows a better way to upload pics here.


Edit: here you go.


attachicon.gif2017-09-12 20.59.32.jpg

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The JSB are very soft more prone to damage. I fired some with bent skirts into a soft catcher and looked at them, all the skirts had been blown fully open and had rifling marks as you would expect with perfect pellets.


I have sat and measured weighed and inspected pellets in the past, still got the odd flier so I don't bother now. Unless one is clearly out of the norm I shoot them.


One thing I have noticed years ago I never cleaned my barrels unless they got wet then just a quick wipe and oil rag down. The barrels today start to go off and get erratic when they get dirty.

Getting that screw sorted so it don't clip pellets might work wonders.

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The JSB are very soft more prone to damage. I fired some with bent skirts into a soft catcher and looked at them, all the skirts had been blown fully open and had rifling marks as you would expect with perfect pellets.


I have sat and measured weighed and inspected pellets in the past, still got the odd flier so I don't bother now. Unless one is clearly out of the norm I shoot them.


One thing I have noticed years ago I never cleaned my barrels unless they got wet then just a quick wipe and oil rag down. The barrels today start to go off and get erratic when they get dirty.

Getting that screw sorted so it don't clip pellets might work wonders.


It did Figgy........thanks Bud

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