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new usa railgun test


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How is it possible with all the toys and gadgets that the US navy has, that they still are unable to notice a huge tanker in time to take avoiding action. :no:

I know! that's four collisions this year and the second in two months. The one back in July had fatalities, and I expect this one will too. I don't hold out much hope for the missing sailors :(

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Want to hear something funny? YouTube a clip called "US navy versus spanish lighthouse ".

Thats where the problems lay.

Very funny and true.

Hate to burst a bubble, but it's not true. It's a pretty old joke and changes depending on the audience. Sometimes it's a battleship, sometimes it's an aircraft carrier. Sometimes it's the Spanish, sometimes the Canadians - even the Irish have popped up before. It dates back to the 1930's supplement 'The Humorist' from the Canadian paper The Drumheller Review. I'd love it to be true, but alas!

Sadly they like their collisions to be more real and less funny.


Was there any sound on this video? If there was mine wouldn't play it, which is a shame. Some interesting commentary would have been useful, as I@m struggling to see the point of a weapon like this. Can anyone film me in?

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Some interesting commentary would have been useful, as I@m struggling to see the point of a weapon like this. Can anyone film me in?


Missile defence is a primary role for railguns - especially for the interception of anti-ship ballistic missiles. Traditional shipborne missile defence like Phallanx, Goalkeeper and Kashtan-M is optimised for cruise missiles which are mostly high subsonic/low supersonic and attack with a relatively low dive angle.


Anti-ship ballistic missiles approach nearly vertical and are high supersonic/low hypersonic, and are manouevring defensively whilst accompanied by countermeasures and penetration aids. This means that they are outside the envelope for traditional defences for all sorts of reasons, not least that you have to track and engage them much sooner because at the ranges where it's possible to engage with a traditional gun-type interceptor hypersonic warhead fragments will still impact and will severely damage/sink a ship even if the explosive element is destroyed.


So, this is intended to augment missile-based missile defence and to assist in dealing with salvo-launched threats where friendly shot-doctrine (ratio of interceptors to threats) exhausts the stock of interceptor missiles by allowing a means to get a hypersonic interceptor out to safe engagement range. This is probably also why they are interested in rapid fire.

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