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GP on 118 Charges


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Just saw this on the 1 o clock news.




118 charges and he plans to plead not guilty to all of them. They involve 54 of his patients!


The old saying "No smoke without fire" may just come in to play, watching this one with interest.


Rather surprised that he has been bailed, surely a flight risk.

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Interesting plead of not guilty.

....perk of the job surely to some mindsets?


"Pop yer kit off while I have a fiddle, er, check your symptoms"


Sir Jim'll got away with access to secure medical facilities for decades.

The profession has more than the norm of bad uns (i.e. highest level of alcoholics by profession I recall; wonder how sober they are when prescribing/diagnosing?)

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If he is innocent, he has rightly made a "Not Guilty" plea.


He has not owned up to anything at the earliest stage, so should not get any reduction in sentence. Therefore, if he is guilty, he hasn't much to lose, by denying these offences. He might even be working the numbers game. Of the 54 potential witnesses, a fair number will decline to appear in court, knowing the cross examination will be potentially harrowing. Whittle the witnesses down to manageable numbers and start throwing mud.


Despicable, but it does happen.


Not having heard the bail application, it is hard to say what the risk of flight actually is. Without this knowledge, it does seem a distinct possibility.

Edited by Gordon R
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hello, Dr Minish Shah, i wonder what origin of nationality he is from ? going on for 9 years and only now charged, you have to wonder if this is another NHS cover up, i am sure when more information is given we might get a better insight, but if true i hope some of those affected will be strong enough to go and be a court witness so justice will be served.

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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Reason I say interesting is because its such a high number of patients. 50+ arent going to club together and make it up... Are they...

I dont know, ive heard of some pretty spectacular cases of people saying whatever they think will get a payout then coming unstuck later, large numbers on occasion.


My favourite was an allegation of sexual assault (non nhs work) which when met with a flock of winged vampire legal types yeilded a hand delivered letter of apology that afternoon and an explanation that the patient had heard that making such a claim would be met with an offer to waive the bill.


Innocent until proven guilty, and to be honest if a jury is involved even then im not always convinced.

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Always annoys me when they offer reduced sentences for people who cop to guilty.


Lots of people are told they don't have a chance at court etc and to accept the lesser sentence otherwise they're doing the long stretch whether they did it or not!


It's all good having a great defence... if you can afford it ...

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Acquittal rate on "trial by jury" runs at approximately 40%.

A good friend in the legal side of things maintains firmly that he only wants a jury if he is guilty. Given the tendency for people on here to assume guilt at the first hint of a prosectution i have to admit that the idea of being judged by twelve of my peers doesnt fill me with much positivity.

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