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Had a mair


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Today I need to vent. my spaniel was working well then all of a sudden he just ducked off and completely ignored me and went into cover and vanish he gone


When he came back which felt like hours (more like a minute) he seamed very happy with himself


Bloody spaniels you have to love them 😡😡

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My Paternal Grandfather was an uneducated farm labourer in the Chiltern hills - but he was a wise man.

He told me life was too short for carp fishing and training 'them funny little spaniel things'.

He was right on both counts.

I have only been carp fishing once and have always had Labradors.

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My Paternal Grandfather was an uneducated farm labourer in the Chiltern hills - but he was a wise man.

He told me life was too short for carp fishing and training 'them funny little spaniel things'.

He was right on both counts.

I have only been carp fishing once and have always had Labradors.

Love it!

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My Paternal Grandfather was an uneducated farm labourer in the Chiltern hills - but he was a wise man.

He told me life was too short for carp fishing and training 'them funny little spaniel things'.

He was right on both counts.

I have only been carp fishing once and have always had Labradors.

A wise man indeed, as he would have told you (Labradors are born half trained and spaniels die half trained).

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Your not on your own my bitch (and I mean that in both senses) has done same thing twice in last week whilst dogging in. Got on scent and pulled into uncut field and put birds up but always comes back when last bird goes up. Recall ignored . Its frustrating and its always only a heart beat away if you take your eye off the game. I am informed that even the very best dogs can lose there head as there not robots.

Keep calm go back a step and be vigilant next time.

A very experienced dog trainer past a very good analogy on too me it is something on the lines of...

You have to keep a dog simmering and turn the heat down if it starts to boil, if it boils over you have to remove it from the heat. In other words keep a vigilant eye on the dog and step in before it loses its head.

If spaniels were easy everyone would have one 😁

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I thought all spaniels were genetically prgrammed to do this?

I stopped at Tebay services thismorning to give mine a comfort break.


She launched herself over a 5' barbed wire topped fence, flushed a rabbit and was gone! O got her to sit after about 30 seconds and recalled her (I should have gone and fetched her but there was no way I could get over the fence) and she came back, wet, filthy but looking very pleased with herself.

I managed to lift the bottom of the fence enough for her to crawl under.


Grandalf's grandfather was indeed a wise man.

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I thought I was going home without my teckel this afternoon, I took him out and let him hunt about whilst also hunting my lab-GWP cross. Normally I don't do this, if both are out together then they're both at heel or the teckel is on the lead.

Little *** knew I couldn't concentrate on both of them at once and seized the opportunity to ****** off as soon as my attention was on the other dog. Arrived back from the opposite direction after what felt like an age (a minute or two, really).

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So if labs start out half trained and spaniels end up half trained where does that leave us with hot's, I'll go with never trained 😭😭


Was good today though, went for a wet walk somewhere different, didn't find anything good but wasn't 400 yards away barking at a squirrel 😄😄

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