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Dieting and Hungry ALL THE TIME


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Lord Seagrave


You have wandered some way from the normal Aristocrats diet of kippers for breakfast, plovers eggs and cold partridge for lunch and a choice of either pate de fois gras or caviar as an aperitif before roast lamb for dinner. A good quality claret during dinner with copious quantities of port afterwards would be essential.


Can't you see where you are going wrong?

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There was a serious science type health program on about a year back on the BBC. I think they identified 3 body types with associated dietary requirements. I seem to recall one of them was where people tended to be hungry much of the time. It may be worth seeing if you can find something about it. You'll probably be needing slow energy release foods. Personally I need some fat in my food to help fill me up and satisfy me. I'm also eating less now and tend to take more time to eat a meal - I think it's something like 20 minutes before the full feeling kicks in. As has been mentioned, you might want to think about when in the day you choose to take in your calories.

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Same in this house, 3 of us all down with a vomiting bug. Its not fun here today!

I was with my 4 lads at work plus dad on Thursday :/ I hope they're all ok.

My partner is 4 months pregnant too and my youngest is 2.

I've left my eldest two at their mums.


Oh and just spotted your only 10 days older than me ;)

Edited by team tractor
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First don't cut the size of your meals, it's will mess with your mind and you'll fail. Change what your eating and drinking. Lower your carbs, sugar and up your vegetables. If you want to load you plate then go for it but o oh a small single hand of carb. Very hard to cut the sugar as the brain craves it, didn't need it. Bit like nicotine.

Same as fruit, even though we are lead to believe it's good for us, the fruit sugar isn't, so moderation is the key.


Cut the wine as its sugar. Sports are fine as the sugar is now alcohol.


Plenty of water and more before a meal.


Eat slower as it takes a while to realise your stomach is full.



Hard going but try a diabetic type diet. Don't cut the sugar or carbs, just lower the amounts

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I've done 3.5 stone this year after a wake up call. Spoke with a nutritionist and you cut out a word that won't get through the swear filter, but basically lose:


Caffeine - It gives you spikes throughout the day

Refined - Eliminate sugar and flour as much as possible

Alcohol - I'm still weeping, although I tend to have a once a month treat night

Processed - Make stuff yourself


As has been said, lose carbs as much as possible unless you are seriously burning them up, swap to sweet potato, squashes and quinoa.


Drink gallons of water. Eat fruit rather than drink fruit juice/smoothies.


Balsamic vinegar, chilli and paprika can cheer up a dull meal.


It's pants, but there's no easy fix - I've have to make a permanent lifestyle change and I really do feel the genuine benefits.

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