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His for hawk channel 2 now


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It should have been called H is for Helen, as the program was mostly about Helen Macdonald.




"The photography is wonderful, but what a long drawn out slow way to put a programme together"zzzzzzzzzz

It was very much about her and her life with the hawks. But I found it interesting and again agree that the filmography was superb

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It was a bit disappointing, to be sure. I have no idea why it was a Natural World production when there was so little about goshawks in the wild. Personally I think it should have been two programmes done properly, not one as a mish-mash. A proper NW on the UK's burgeoning gos population would have been great, as would a proper falconry programme on Macdonald and her captive bird - or falconry in general, but I guess that'd be a bit non-PC.

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I enjoyed it, need to watch the last quarter of an hour again, as kids came home so while it was on I missed most of what she was saying.


Stunning pictures and yes it was different to what you might expect, I would like a follow up program in say two years I think there are going to be a lot of nervous squirrels and rabbits where she lives.

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