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Hushpower cartridges

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Hi, iv recently baught a mossberg hushpower 20 bore pump and it's great. I do however think it could be quieter. So far iv tried subsonic and standard cartridges and still found them to be quite loud - I was hoping for it to be quieter if I'm honest.


Iv got a few 100 cartridges to get through but would like to research for when I run out - could I reload some myself to be quieter? And what sort of equipment would I need?


Many thanks, Tom.

Edited by archiebald
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Hi bluebarrels I found the same in the .410 version - I could hear the pellets hitting and also found no difference in noise between standard and subs.


In the 20 bore both seem quite loud and the subs didn't seem much quieter. Do the 20b users notice much difference between standards and subs in theirs?


I put 200+ carts through it now she it should be starting to coke up hopefully.

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Standard carts in mine .subs make no difference .

Just shoot the carts that kill best for you and accept the noise levels as is .It won't change .

Ps I use 32 grm no 6 nsi as my fave .or 32 grm no 5 gamebore for crows .


Don't get hung up on the noise they all sound the same at 30 + yds .

Only my .410 hush is significantly quieter than the 20b hush .and it still lifts birds out of the next field .

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I my opinion the 20b mossberg is the best compromise between .quietness and effectiveness .it runs the middle ground well .

Not as quiet as a .410 hush but significantly quieter than a 12b un modded.

Not as killing effective as the 12 b un modded but way more effective than a .410 hushpower .

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I thaught same about the noise difference between subs and standard I taught I had Baugh some in the wrong packaging! Its a nice gun to use but front heavy. I have a couple of small 100 acre perms with plenty of pheasants to shoot and after 1 bang the place emptys of them! The hushpower still emptys a field of them tho. Is reloading your own worth a go?

Edited by archiebald
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Reloading to make a quieter shot ?

No .

As far as front heavy .well that's just a matter of comparison .

I dont have a uo or semi or any un modded shotgun .so for me my mossy hush feels a perfectly normal weight

I held a 12b uo the other day and it felt light almost like a toy gun .

Didn't like it .


Ie u will get used to the 20b hush .

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I have tried all the guns in the Hushpower range, owned a few and now own a 20ga O/U.

In my experience the noise variance between .410 Hushpowers (very , very quiet) and 20ga Hushpowers (quite quiet) is great and can't really be compared.

I also found the noise from the 20ga Hushpower pump action to be louder than the 20ga O/U version.

I found the Hushpower pump to be front heavy, it is a long gun, but the O/U is about normal length.


I believe subsonics in a 20ga O/U are quieter than standard cartridges, but not a lot and they are noticeably slower, so you make your own choice.


No scientific evidence, just my opinion based on my experiences.


As has been said, the best way to compare noise is not from the shooting position, but get somebody else to take the shot and stand a distance behind them.


I would recommend you try as many of the versions as possible before buying one.

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Guest cookoff013

guys, subsonic cartridges is a slightly vague name for them.


they can be of 2 ilk. thats a quiet subsonic cartridge and a loud subsonic cartridge. its all about the powder and speed.

if there are enough gasses to saturate the moderator and cause a loud bang because the gas hasnt equilibrated, the escaping gasses produce a bang, blanks cause a bang because there is a high amount of gas. thats how bangs work.


now the 2 cartridges run like this,

real poor innefficient burning load with lots of unburned powder, low pressure but high volume gas with whatever payload, as soon as that shot leaves the barrel the bang is heard even though the subsonics are below 1050fps. causes by the high volume gas produced. this what happens when you get a powder thats in its optimal payload but reduce the powder charge. (very innefficient.)


the second is a different beast alltogether.

the quiet subsonics, burn very efficiently converting all of the small amount of powder, too a small amount of gas, propelling the higher than normal shotcharge for that powder, this large shot charge seems to occupy more space in the shell/ chamber, causing slightly higher pressures (or relative pressure(s)), the large payload seems to sit there just slightly needing more energy to initiate moving making it efficient. (low powder charge is lo speed) . the resultant low powder, burns clean, propelling the shot charge at a low speed, as example 13.x grains of powder only produce a tiny amount of gas, it equilibrates quicker or in a shorter length of the barrel. the energy the shot has carries it through the barrel. the pressure is always dropping after the 1" in to the chamber. the mod helps that happen.


so the game is to burn a small powder hot enough, and not to totally saturate the system.

probably why .410 subs are so popular because the powder charges for them are quite low anyway.

i tinkered with alot of subs, the pinicle was the ba10 powder in 12gauge which was reported to be very quiet.


it would seem about 18grains of powder x would saturate 12gauge full length mod, but 13.xgrains of powder y purrs like a kitty.

the key is to burn the stuff right at 1", meaning faster and faster.


i did subsonics in 12, 21g-28g-32g-36g-42g. funny stuff really.

My opinion mate,not misleading at all!
As I said the noise difference between the two is minimal,so is it worth spending more on subsonic carts? NO in MY opinion!!

making them is a whole duifferent ball game .


making them is cheaper than factory, performs better and can select better shotsizes.

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Guest cookoff013

There seems to be some trend here, those that homeload say subs are decent.

Others who buy factory subs and factory shells say subs are a waste of time.


i would always suggest going up a couple of shotsizes when shooting subs, they should pattern tight if the subs are going right as in my previous post.

#4 i tried, #2 are good too. they just put alot of shot on target.


anyone trying to theorise the comparison of a 1000fps vs 1400fps #6 is always going to get hung up on the #6. its still relativevely small shot.

#4 and #2 at 1000fps isnt going to somehow shoot 2 miles. its borderline airgun performance.

i woudnt shoot 2s for decoying, but #4 subs would suit this.

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You didn't mention anything about the lead shot in flight when super or sub sonic. Surely this is the basis of the difference .

Obviously the powder charge differences between the 2 is how you make it either sub or super. And a bigger bang and higher pressures will lead to more noise (generally )

But when we think about projectiles in flight at supersonic speeds its the associated crack created by that projectile as it flies through the air (gun and bang irrelevant)that makes the noise .

But since no6 shot (others available) gas a very poor bc the distance they travel above the speed of sound is very short (15 yds maybe ) and hence the crack from the very small pellets is very short lived as to be lost (hearing wise ) in the initial bang from the gun .


My .410 hush shoots a gamebore carts at 1350 fps (on the box) ,speed of sound is around ,1125 fps

So when these pellets loose roughly 200 fps they become sub sonic .again after 15 yds or so .


I'm with blue barrels .subs are a waste of time and a marketing ploy

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Guest cookoff013

You didn't mention anything about the lead shot in flight when super or sub sonic. Surely this is the basis of the difference .

Obviously the powder charge differences between the 2 is how you make it either sub or super. And a bigger bang and higher pressures will lead to more noise (generally )

But when we think about projectiles in flight at supersonic speeds its the associated crack created by that projectile as it flies through the air (gun and bang irrelevant)that makes the noise .

But since no6 shot (others available) gas a very poor bc the distance they travel above the speed of sound is very short (15 yds maybe ) and hence the crack from the very small pellets is very short lived as to be lost (hearing wise ) in the initial bang from the gun .


My .410 hush shoots a gamebore carts at 1350 fps (on the box) ,speed of sound is around ,1125 fps

So when these pellets loose roughly 200 fps they become sub sonic .again after 15 yds or so .


I'm with blue barrels .subs are a waste of time and a marketing ploy

of course fast pellets breaking the sound barrier makes noise, but then so does gasses. thats how blanks work.

the powder charges between a 32g subsonic and 32g 1300fps shell are different, because they are different burning speeds. thats the point of different speeds, to get the better burning efficiencies think -AS vs A1.

you cant really compare powder x and powder y. like for like.

just reducing a powder on a normal load will still produce a bang even though speeds are slow. it would be dirty too,


i`m not with blue barrels. my experience with subsonics are alot different. they are not a marketing ploy. its a partied due to the demand. low demand, low production, higher than normal cost to recover the money lost in lack of production for other clay loads.

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I suspect the lack of difference in noise is that there is no evidence that cartridge companies subsonics are designed to be quiet, rather than just subsonic.


If you have a search for "metro gun", this was a usa answer to not having silencers for shot guns, i.e. you increase the barrel length until you have capacity to absorb all of the expanded gas, if not it still goes bang.


As Cookoff13 says, a properly designed load will be markedly quieter than either a shop bought subsonic (sometimes just a rebranded trainer load) or a normal cartridge.


With 22rf subs and a small volume mod, you can still hear a little of the bang, but with a larger mod, the muzzle noise is a slight cough.


What you are hearing from your hushpower is most likely similar in that you are getting a bit of the bang from the still expanding gases which masks the supersonic crack of the pellets (or lack of) to an extent.

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Guest cookoff013



I suspect the lack of difference in noise is that there is no evidence that cartridge companies subsonics are designed to be quiet, rather than just subsonic.


If you have a search for "metro gun", this was a usa answer to not having silencers for shot guns, i.e. you increase the barrel length until you have capacity to absorb all of the expanded gas, if not it still goes bang.


As Cookoff13 says, a properly designed load will be markedly quieter than either a shop bought subsonic (sometimes just a rebranded trainer load) or a normal cartridge.


With 22rf subs and a small volume mod, you can still hear a little of the bang, but with a larger mod, the muzzle noise is a slight cough.


What you are hearing from your hushpower is most likely similar in that you are getting a bit of the bang from the still expanding gases which masks the supersonic crack of the pellets (or lack of) to an extent.



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My reference was to shop bought subsonics!!

I'm fully aware you can homeload a cartridge to a better spec than mass produced factory loads.

Nice twist on words, but I still believe shop bought subs to be no better than normal loads and therefore a waste of money.

At the end of the day I'm not geeky about data,I want a shell to stuff in the gun,pull the trigger,and it goes bang,the quieter the bang the better,but in my experience that ain't a subsonic! Just saying.

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