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a plea by a fish


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Can i just post a heartflet plea to those people ( dont expect many on here) who make a few quid, move tpo the country into an ex farmers house, the object to country pursuits being conducted near them, be it shooting fox hunting etc.


We respect your lifestyle, PLEASE RESPECT OURS.

Dont shut us down because your peace is disturbed one sunday a month for 3 hours.

Dont make it so prohibitively expensive that our kids cant live where they were born.

Dont try to bring the town living ethos into the country.

STAY IN THE TOWN if noise and sheep and the smell of cowmuck offends.

The countryside has been there a long time

why did you want to move there in the first place if at the mere mention or suggestion of something may invade your ruryl idyl you throw your expensive solicitiors at the people who make wher you live beautiful but have no vast reserves of cash to fall on should the need arise.

RESPECT is all I ask for


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Perhaps the sporting shooting magazines should be made aware that a shoot has been forced to close because of the above, bring it to the publics attention, shame a petition could of not been started to add a bit of weight to the argument.

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lots of townies round my way aswell the trouble is

they bring nothing withum but greif they dont take part in any

country activities .there not paticuly bothered about the village

or church or fundraising events for either.there kids who are born here

avent got a clue about the country the same as the parents . which

i think is quite scary for the future with more and more of them

moving here whats going to happen if kids aint taking an interest in

farming country sports wildlife etc you could go on and on very scary

for the future of the countryside



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More and more shoots are falling foul of planning regulations. It seems to me that a lot of shoots are being closed by stealth. Some ninny complains and that's it, no permission and the threat of enforcement proceedings by the local authority. It only takes one to complain and stir it all up.

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That's a very sad picture of village life these days. It's a real shame that fashion has made the rich yuppies want to move out to the country. When I talk to the older generation, they all talk of the time you could pick up country cottages for peanuts because the in place to live at the time was a housing estate. If only things were still the same now, I know where I'd rather be living! I wasn't brought up completely in the countryside, and had little access to shooting and country life apart from the bits I found for myself. I lived in a large village (now a town) that had open countryside all around it. After school I'd get changed and head out to one of the farms to help out or just wander around. Most of my school mates had computers, so I spent a great deal of time either on my own or with older people. I'm glad it was accessable to me as a kid, and I'm going to work hard to try to get back there in the future (I'm now a city guy :good: ). It's a real shame that the people who appreciate the countryside for what it is are being pushed out by clueless london bankers

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Can i just post a heartflet plea to those people ( dont expect many on here) who make a few quid, move tpo the country into an ex farmers house, the object to country pursuits being conducted near them, be it shooting fox hunting etc.


We respect your lifestyle, PLEASE RESPECT OURS.

Dont shut us down because your peace is disturbed one sunday a month for 3 hours.

Dont make it so prohibitively expensive that our kids cant live where they were born.

Dont try to bring the town living ethos into the country.

STAY IN THE TOWN if noise and sheep and the smell of cowmuck offends.

The countryside has been there a long time

why did you want to move there in the first place if at the mere mention or suggestion of something may invade your ruryl idyl you throw your expensive solicitiors at the people who make wher you live beautiful but have no vast reserves of cash to fall on should the need arise.

RESPECT is all I ask for


they are nothing more than lowlife scum jim, they enjoy turning good peoples lives uside down,

unfortunately councils seem to listen to them more than to us, who belong to the country.

Makes me wonder why, could finance come into it.

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Can i just post a heartflet plea to those people ( dont expect many on here) who make a few quid, move tpo the country into an ex farmers house, the object to country pursuits being conducted near them, be it shooting fox hunting etc.


We respect your lifestyle, PLEASE RESPECT OURS.

Dont shut us down because your peace is disturbed one sunday a month for 3 hours.

Dont make it so prohibitively expensive that our kids cant live where they were born.

Dont try to bring the town living ethos into the country.

STAY IN THE TOWN if noise and sheep and the smell of cowmuck offends.

The countryside has been there a long time

why did you want to move there in the first place if at the mere mention or suggestion of something may invade your ruryl idyl you throw your expensive solicitiors at the people who make wher you live beautiful but have no vast reserves of cash to fall on should the need arise.

RESPECT is all I ask for


I bet there's some good rabbit shooting round there jd. especially at 5 am every day.

you don't need planning either, mind you it could wake up the local resident's

if you know what i mean. :good: :look: :good:

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'round these 'ere parts we are absolutely wicked out with southerners (southern townies that is). Moved up here and spoiled the area they have come to, locals can't afford housing and shops are rammed with pretentious tossers.

**** off back down south!

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Can i just post a heartflet plea to those people ( dont expect many on here) who make a few quid, move tpo the country into an ex farmers house, the object to country pursuits being conducted near them, be it shooting fox hunting etc.


We respect your lifestyle, PLEASE RESPECT OURS.

Dont shut us down because your peace is disturbed one sunday a month for 3 hours.

Dont make it so prohibitively expensive that our kids cant live where they were born.

Dont try to bring the town living ethos into the country.

STAY IN THE TOWN if noise and sheep and the smell of cowmuck offends.

The countryside has been there a long time

why did you want to move there in the first place if at the mere mention or suggestion of something may invade your ruryl idyl you throw your expensive solicitiors at the people who make wher you live beautiful but have no vast reserves of cash to fall on should the need arise.

RESPECT is all I ask for


they are nothing more than lowlife scum jim, they enjoy turning good peoples lives uside down,

unfortunately councils seem to listen to them more than to us, who belong to the country.

Makes me wonder why, could finance come into it.

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Can i just post a heartflet plea to those people ( dont expect many on here) who make a few quid, move tpo the country into an ex farmers house, the object to country pursuits being conducted near them, be it shooting fox hunting etc.


We respect your lifestyle, PLEASE RESPECT OURS.

Dont shut us down because your peace is disturbed one sunday a month for 3 hours.

Dont make it so prohibitively expensive that our kids cant live where they were born.

Dont try to bring the town living ethos into the country.

STAY IN THE TOWN if noise and sheep and the smell of cowmuck offends.

The countryside has been there a long time

why did you want to move there in the first place if at the mere mention or suggestion of something may invade your ruryl idyl you throw your expensive solicitiors at the people who make wher you live beautiful but have no vast reserves of cash to fall on should the need arise.

RESPECT is all I ask for


they are nothing more than lowlife scum jim, they enjoy turning good peoples lives uside down,

unfortunately councils seem to listen to them more than to us, who belong to the country.

Makes me wonder why, could finance come into it.

HEY UP. Rabbit no 2 who's woke you up. :yes::lol::lol: :blink:

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We have had some property developers move in near the family farm from the big smoke. They have thrown themselves into it 100% and are giving something back, they stable lots of horses, have improved the land, put in ponds and let me shoot all of it.


On the other hand another lot of rich folk have moved in up the lane and the woman has confronted me a few times because she will have to 'put the dogs in' when I was pigeon shooting in a field opposite :blink:

She also moaned because I wear camo clothing and carry a gun around and her teenage children might get frightened.

I did have a proper chat with her once. The local hunt had been out that morning. Turns out she is a real anti. Her daughter is an vegan and she does not think people should be able to shoot.

It's ok for the daughter to ride her horse up and down the lane in her leather riding boots though :yes:



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We have had some property developers move in near the family farm from the big smoke. They have thrown themselves into it 100% and are giving something back, they stable lots of horses, have improved the land, put in ponds and let me shoot all of it.


On the other hand another lot of rich folk have moved in up the lane and the woman has confronted me a few times because she will have to 'put the dogs in' when I was pigeon shooting in a field opposite :blink:

She also moaned because I wear camo clothing and carry a gun around and her teenage children might get frightened.

I did have a proper chat with her once. The local hunt had been out that morning. Turns out she is a real anti. Her daughter is an vegan and she does not think people should be able to shoot.

It's ok for the daughter to ride her horse up and down the lane in her leather riding boots though :yes:



get your dog to **** on her lawn the bitch

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Can i just post a heartflet plea to those people ( dont expect many on here) who make a few quid, move tpo the country into an ex farmers house, the object to country pursuits being conducted near them, be it shooting fox hunting etc.


We respect your lifestyle, PLEASE RESPECT OURS.

Dont shut us down because your peace is disturbed one sunday a month for 3 hours.

Dont make it so prohibitively expensive that our kids cant live where they were born.

Dont try to bring the town living ethos into the country.

STAY IN THE TOWN if noise and sheep and the smell of cowmuck offends.

The countryside has been there a long time

why did you want to move there in the first place if at the mere mention or suggestion of something may invade your ruryl idyl you throw your expensive solicitiors at the people who make wher you live beautiful but have no vast reserves of cash to fall on should the need arise.

RESPECT is all I ask for


they are nothing more than lowlife scum jim, they enjoy turning good peoples lives uside down,

unfortunately councils seem to listen to them more than to us, who belong to the country.

Makes me wonder why, could finance come into it.

HEY UP. Rabbit no 2 who's woke you up. :yes::lol::lol: :blink:

Must be nearly your bedtime

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Can i just post a heartflet plea to those people ( dont expect many on here) who make a few quid, move tpo the country into an ex farmers house, the object to country pursuits being conducted near them, be it shooting fox hunting etc.


We respect your lifestyle, PLEASE RESPECT OURS.

Dont shut us down because your peace is disturbed one sunday a month for 3 hours.

Dont make it so prohibitively expensive that our kids cant live where they were born.

Dont try to bring the town living ethos into the country.

STAY IN THE TOWN if noise and sheep and the smell of cowmuck offends.

The countryside has been there a long time

why did you want to move there in the first place if at the mere mention or suggestion of something may invade your ruryl idyl you throw your expensive solicitiors at the people who make wher you live beautiful but have no vast reserves of cash to fall on should the need arise.

RESPECT is all I ask for


they are nothing more than lowlife scum jim, they enjoy turning good peoples lives uside down,

unfortunately councils seem to listen to them more than to us, who belong to the country.

Makes me wonder why, could finance come into it.

hey up phil went to greystone yesterday couldn't hit a cows **** with a banjo.

i'm going to get mi eyes tested

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Can i just post a heartflet plea to those people ( dont expect many on here) who make a few quid, move tpo the country into an ex farmers house, the object to country pursuits being conducted near them, be it shooting fox hunting etc.


We respect your lifestyle, PLEASE RESPECT OURS.

Dont shut us down because your peace is disturbed one sunday a month for 3 hours.

Dont make it so prohibitively expensive that our kids cant live where they were born.

Dont try to bring the town living ethos into the country.

STAY IN THE TOWN if noise and sheep and the smell of cowmuck offends.

The countryside has been there a long time

why did you want to move there in the first place if at the mere mention or suggestion of something may invade your ruryl idyl you throw your expensive solicitiors at the people who make wher you live beautiful but have no vast reserves of cash to fall on should the need arise.

RESPECT is all I ask for


they are nothing more than lowlife scum jim, they enjoy turning good peoples lives uside down,

unfortunately councils seem to listen to them more than to us, who belong to the country.

Makes me wonder why, could finance come into it.

hey up phil went to greystone yesterday couldn't hit a cows **** with a banjo.

i'm going to get mi eyes tested

Maybe it was because you didn't have your caddy with you :lol::lol: :blink:

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Can i just post a heartflet plea to those people ( dont expect many on here) who make a few quid, move tpo the country into an ex farmers house, the object to country pursuits being conducted near them, be it shooting fox hunting etc.


We respect your lifestyle, PLEASE RESPECT OURS.

Dont shut us down because your peace is disturbed one sunday a month for 3 hours.

Dont make it so prohibitively expensive that our kids cant live where they were born.

Dont try to bring the town living ethos into the country.

STAY IN THE TOWN if noise and sheep and the smell of cowmuck offends.

The countryside has been there a long time

why did you want to move there in the first place if at the mere mention or suggestion of something may invade your ruryl idyl you throw your expensive solicitiors at the people who make wher you live beautiful but have no vast reserves of cash to fall on should the need arise.

RESPECT is all I ask for


they are nothing more than lowlife scum jim, they enjoy turning good peoples lives uside down,

unfortunately councils seem to listen to them more than to us, who belong to the country.

Makes me wonder why, could finance come into it.

hey up phil went to greystone yesterday couldn't hit a cows **** with a banjo.

i'm going to get mi eyes tested

Maybe it was because you didn't have your caddy with you :lol::lol: :blink:

better fly over and do a bit o caddying then

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I was marshalling the parking area at my village fair today, met a guy who has just moved in down the road from me, an advertising exec from Islington. Conversation got round to the neighbours, one of whom has an orchard full of rabbits behind both our houses. The rabbits don't come into my garden :blink: but they do his. He was annoyed at them eating all his wife's new plants. You should have seen his face when I offered to take care of them :yes:

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I was marshalling the parking area at my village fair today, met a guy who has just moved in down the road from me, an advertising exec from Islington. Conversation got round to the neighbours, one of whom has an orchard full of rabbits behind both our houses. The rabbits don't come into my garden :blink: but they do his. He was annoyed at them eating all his wife's new plants. You should have seen his face when I offered to take care of them :yes:

Have you got permission? :lol::lol::lol:

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Can i just post a heartflet plea to those people ( dont expect many on here) who make a few quid, move tpo the country into an ex farmers house, the object to country pursuits being conducted near them, be it shooting fox hunting etc.


We respect your lifestyle, PLEASE RESPECT OURS.

Dont shut us down because your peace is disturbed one sunday a month for 3 hours.

Dont make it so prohibitively expensive that our kids cant live where they were born.

Dont try to bring the town living ethos into the country.

STAY IN THE TOWN if noise and sheep and the smell of cowmuck offends.

The countryside has been there a long time

why did you want to move there in the first place if at the mere mention or suggestion of something may invade your ruryl idyl you throw your expensive solicitiors at the people who make wher you live beautiful but have no vast reserves of cash to fall on should the need arise.

RESPECT is all I ask for


they are nothing more than lowlife scum jim, they enjoy turning good peoples lives uside down,

unfortunately councils seem to listen to them more than to us, who belong to the country.

Makes me wonder why, could finance come into it.

hey up phil went to greystone yesterday couldn't hit a cows **** with a banjo.

i'm going to get mi eyes tested

Maybe it was because you didn't have your caddy with you :lol::lol: :blink:

when you back

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Don’t set me off, the Mrs won’t hear the last of it all night……… :blink:


I blame this nanny state interfering government who have turned this county into a third rate place to live, don’t give two hoots about tradition, the countryside, the indigenous population or their real wishes.


I used to love this country and everything we stood for, but now?


.........takes a deep breath, counts to ten, dismounts from soap box and checks another thread........

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