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3 hours ago, Harnser said:

Single shot pcp are they any good . Been offered one in mint condition with a stunning stock .sorry don’t know the model number .just wondering if they are good guns .


hello, find out which model harnser, ?  i had the concept super six in 177 and it was a very good rifle,  some brocock air rifles are not made any more but the company are keeping spares and seal packs for another 10 years, i used mine on keeping the rabbit population down on a small farm of 100 acres a few years back, very accurate to 45 yard is the 177, needs a heavy pellet. had a HW silencer on mine, if a concept let me know as i did a add on to make it better for filling air,  cheers  

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Probably a concept. From what I understand a basic but good pcp. Accurate enough from all accounts I've ever heard. Newer brococks are very very good. 

Youll get the fan boys telling you only use air arms or bsas, but I own a Falcon single shot because the price was right. Never had a backup shot with my springer for decades so why change now 😂

If you can get it for 2-300 bargain. 


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Some of the early. Hunters were v poor .

The supersix .concept pretty solid guns 

Brocock have used bsa barrels in the past and more recently lw.stocks by Staffordshire gun stocks in the past. 

Minelli more recently .Brocock is a brand that has been around a while  and has changed a lot in it life .

So any advice is dependant on model and year of build to be of any use .

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