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Tikka .17hmr ammo choice

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was out having the first semi serious play with mine this afternoon, was windy so ended up exploding apples as could not expect to get a good zero today, what I did find was that federal  premium were more accurate than the winchester, finished a box of the winchester just to run it in so to speak and get close to a zero, actually had a misfire  in that 50, then went on to the federal 17 v-max, (made by hornaday) did 30 of those, great destruction on the apples,when this box is finished (maybe tomorrow) will be on to the hornaday for a zero, will be sticking to the 17 grain as they will do the job for me

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Years ago I remember they made a 20gr, a 17gr hollow point and the standard 17gr ballistic tip. I found the 20gr very accurate. I have shot a fair few over the years and I think winchesters are the most destructive but hornadys give you a touch more penetration. The 17 is the gun I carry through the spring when I'm lambing because it's light and relatively quiet if I see a fox when I'm amongst the ewes and lambs, not that my sheep are overly fussed by the noise of the bigger toys. I'm currently shooting hornadys because they've got that little bit of extra penetration if I need to flatten a fox and haven't got my favoured head shot. Just remember if you do chest shoot them you're likely to get a runner. They'll be dead but they won't know it for a little bit!

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On 28/10/2019 at 18:27, itchy trigger said:

was out having the first semi serious play with mine this afternoon, was windy so ended up exploding apples as could not expect to get a good zero today, what I did find was that federal  premium were more accurate than the winchester, finished a box of the winchester just to run it in so to speak and get close to a zero, actually had a misfire  in that 50, then went on to the federal 17 v-max, (made by hornaday) did 30 of those, great destruction on the apples,when this box is finished (maybe tomorrow) will be on to the hornaday for a zero, will be sticking to the 17 grain as they will do the job for me

Both the same cartridge and judging by the box I just purchased the colour of the tip is whatever is being fed into the loading machine at the time as I have two colours of red and a few brown mixed in.  My favorite calibre cartridge bar non and I shoot seven different calibres at the moment.   So versatile on all kinds of vermin.

On a calm day expect sub 1/2 inch moa at a 100 if you do your bit.  I'm sure my CZ would put them all through the same hole if the nut behind the trigger was any good:unhappy:

re split necks...just run through 100 new cartridges and non there and ver since shooting the 17HMR I have never seen one.

Edited by Walker570
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checked the winchester cases after firing, 40% were split, doesn't matter to me will not be using them again, drew the Tikka's first blood yesterday, first shot of the day, 93 yards, cold dirty barrel, hornaday v-max


Winchester HMR ammo recall   https://winchester.com/support/customers/X17HMR1-Recall

Edited by itchy trigger
HMR ammo recall
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On 28/10/2019 at 19:27, Bumble said:

I got a box each of Hornady 17gr BT & CCI 20gr HP, and will try to go out tomorrow to see how they perform. 

With regards to running in the barrel, did you bother with shoot 1, clean, shoot 1, clean.. etc, or just blast a few through it?

I never had any idea about running in a barrel when I got my HMR so just zeroed it and carried on as normal. It gets the bore snake pulled through occasionally but that's it. 

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I've put 5K rounds through my CZ 452 HMR and don't really clean it much. It just keeps shooting spot on.

I did have a few split necks on various brands initially but have never had one stuck in the barrel.

I tried some 20gn and there was about 1/2" difference in zero at 100yds

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