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Environment Bill - lead shot ban from 1st January 2023


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1 hour ago, Smokersmith said:

Update apprecaited.

I would expect this to change though, as the pressure on palstic waste mounts globally, the random littering of plastic wads is likely to become unsustainable.

Indeed,  it’s been the holy grail for a long time, who remembers the starch wads shown in one of the shooting magazines many years back? Clearly not an easy problem to replace a standard plastic wad with one that is biodegradable at similar performance and cost.

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22 minutes ago, Fellside said:

Back to the subject in hand. This attempted bill amendment is hardly likely to gain traction. What it possibly more important - if we pull back and look at the big picture - is Labour’s alarming disconnect with rural affairs, and particularly shooting. 

I agree - for quite a while now I've been thinking that we need to make a cultural argument for shooting.

We already have all the boxes ticked - there is food, art, history, language, literature, the social aspects of the sport and the belonging  - so much more than the act of pulling the trigger itself. The only problem seems to be the lack of will to present these things in one cohesive sense.

If people could be made to see the immense loss to British culture that would result in the instance of shooting being banned - because the act of pulling the trigger is the lynchpin that holds all of the afrementiond together and provides it with a common purpose - I'm sure that a lot of people would think differently, or at least more favourably of it than they do.

But, as has been pointed out before, the people who tend to be involved in feild sports in this country are generally not of the disagreeable disposition required to shout, scream and throw their toys out of the pram until they get what they want.

We do need to do something though, and we need to start doing it soon.

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On 14/10/2020 at 19:55, clangerman said:

when the anti nuts start claiming steel wounds more birds i will be agreeing with them i used the rubbish so don’t be telling me it’s as good  i could always invite the antis to a demo using both 

If I remember in the early days there were some very poor commercial loads available sadly this has tainted some people’s opinion of steel shot for life it seems and done a lot of harm. I believe both Eley and Lyalvale we’re guilty of producing some awful first attempts,I remember having my card marked by some of our more experienced club members on what to avoid.Because they were rubbish I presume they sold badly ,better loads were produced and now the standards are very good I would say.(just need the commercial bio degradable )necessity being the mother of invention it will happen.

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