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Leather furniture


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17 minutes ago, mel b3 said:

Lin just said that she'll get something in the post for you , later today Steve 👍.

hi mel i have got my old motorcycle leather jacket which is in good condition but is very stiff . so stiff that it stands up on its own. could you ask lin what is the best product to soften the leather and make it subtle again. thanks

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26 minutes ago, ant1 said:

hi mel i have got my old motorcycle leather jacket which is in good condition but is very stiff . so stiff that it stands up on its own. could you ask lin what is the best product to soften the leather and make it subtle again. thanks

Hiya ant.

Her good self said , her favourite way to treat old /dirty  leather , is to clean with Johnsons baby wipes (the neutral ph , alcohol free ones) , then treat with astonish premium leather conditioning cream (because that's the one that smells the best) , however , that's for leather furniture,  bike leathers would need something that's a bit more waterproof. 

Edited to add .

She does use other types of leather cleaners , but she would never advise others to use it as it can ruin leather if used incorrectly. 

Edited by mel b3
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11 minutes ago, mel b3 said:

Hiya ant.

Her good self said , her favourite way to treat old /dirty  leather , is to clean with Johnsons baby wipes (the neutral ph , alcohol free ones) , then treat with astonish premium leather conditioning cream (because that's the one that smells the best) , however , that's for leather furniture,  bike leathers would need something that's a bit more waterproof. 

thanks mel i shall give that a go. i used to give it dubbin 35+years ago. if i remember rightly this was a messy job, used to get it from an army and navy store

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miss spelling
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When I had a car with good grade leather seats (Conolly leather) I used this stuff https://www.liquidleather.co.uk/

which was very good.  I have also used it on my old sofa with good results. 

I think modern leather car seats are 'coated' in some way and don't seem to absorb the food nicely, and also are artificially grained - presumably to hide the cheap leather used.  Both Mercedes and BMW seem to use this.

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7 hours ago, ant1 said:

hi mel i have got my old motorcycle leather jacket which is in good condition but is very stiff . so stiff that it stands up on its own. could you ask lin what is the best product to soften the leather and make it subtle again. thanks

I have applied neatsfoot oil regularly to my leather jacket and jeans for the nearly 50 years that I have owned them. Still nicely supple and showerproof.

It is available on eBay or your local riding tack shop. It needs applying little and often and is a little whiffy

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