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Most Useful Knots


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Sheet bend is a useful one for tying together ropes of different thicknesses. 

Fisherman’s knot is a good one to know for ropes of the same thickness.

I’m always tying a round turn and two half hitches to branches and trees. Did two this afternoon even though the rope had a carabiner at the end!

Trucker’s hitch is very handy - and looks pretty classy too :cool:

BUT the best knot is that double shoelace knot that someone put on here years ago! I’ve tied my shoes that way ever since :good:



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I'd forgotten the dolly knot that lorry drivers use ( or used to before straps) . I was taught how to do it about 35 years ago , and although I rarely use it these days , it always seems to amaze people , especially younger lorry drivers 😅.

My good lady is very good with knots , as she uses quite a few different types for her work , but , she ties them too quickly for me to learn any of them.

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29 minutes ago, mel b3 said:

It's not the one that I do either to be honest , the one I do was always called a dolly , but I haven't got a clue if that's the correct name for it.

ive heard it called a dolly as well...........i might do one 2moz and post it up

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1 hour ago, ditchman said:

thats defiatly not the truckers hitch i do !!!!

How do you do yours? I think this one is the one I know - it's just a properly weird picture and way it's made. Just to make sure we're talking the same thing, what I know as the Trucker's hitch:

1) bowline at one end round something (tree, post, side of truck etc.)

2) slip loop along the line

3) running/working line round the other thing - tree post truck etc...

4) through the loop and pull tight against the loop,

5) lock it off.

I THINK that's what's going on in the video, it's just all the component parts are scrunched together. It may not have the bowline as the first line. These guys are a Norwegian comedy act. They've also done a song about Stonehenge, which is...odd. And they've had more than a billion (yes. literally a billion, because youtube is a bizarre and frightening universe) hits on their video of a ludicrous song based on foxes' vocalisations

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10 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

How do you do yours? I think this one is the one I know - it's just a properly weird picture and way it's made. Just to make sure we're talking the same thing, what I know as the Trucker's hitch:

1) bowline at one end round something (tree, post, side of truck etc.)

2) slip loop along the line

3) running/working line round the other thing - tree post truck etc...

4) through the loop and pull tight against the loop,

5) lock it off.

I THINK that's what's going on in the video, it's just all the component parts are scrunched together. It may not have the bowline as the first line. These guys are a Norwegian comedy act. They've also done a song about Stonehenge, which is...odd. And they've had more than a billion (yes. literally a billion, because youtube is a bizarre and frightening universe) hits on their video of a ludicrous song based on foxes' vocalisations

sounds complecated...........i can do one in about 3 secs

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On 28/09/2021 at 05:33, mel b3 said:

I'd forgotten the dolly knot that lorry drivers use ( or used to before straps) . I was taught how to do it about 35 years ago , and although I rarely use it these days , it always seems to amaze people , especially younger lorry drivers 😅.

My good lady is very good with knots , as she uses quite a few different types for her work , but , she ties them too quickly for me to learn any of them.

its a bit difficult seeing what knot she is using when you are face down on the bed...........:w00t::blush:

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10 minutes ago, ditchman said:

its a bit difficult seeing what knot she is using when you are face down on the bed...........:w00t::blush:

That's what handcuffs are for 😅.

The first time she tried it , I had a flashback , I kicked out at her and shouted xxxx off copper 😅.

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