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Maitre d! 😀


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OH’s place of work is a top end restaurant, so they are always busy. They are for the most part a well oiled machine, although the owners wife and his brother sometimes do their best to ensure it isn’t so for whatever reason.
They’ve had their ups and downs throughout covid, like most people and places of work, with a minority of customers trying to buck the system by avoiding covid regulations one way or another, but this seems to have changed for overly cautious customers now. 
A woman rang to book a table for a party of six, and asked the maitre d if he and the staff would be wearing masks, to which he replied that it was up to the individual; some may be, and some may not. The lady then commented that she thought they would all be wearing masks, and the maitre d patiently explained that it wasn’t compulsory so it was up to the individual. He assured her that all staff were of an age to have been treble jabbed, and all the necessary hygiene precautions were taken. When she pressed the matter, he asked if they would be wearing masks and was met with a long silence before she asked if the staff took LFT’s before starting work each day. The maitre d replied ‘No’ as again there was no legal or social obligation to do so. 
The lady asked if perhaps they could do so, to which the maitre d said no, he wouldn’t ask the staff to do that, then asked her, ‘will you be taking a LFT before you come to the restaurant?’ 
There was another lengthy silence before she explained that it was a family get together of elderly relatives ( from three different households as it turned out ) whom hadn’t seen each other for a long time, but didn’t really want to mix with a lot of people, and that they would really appreciate it if the staff would at least wear masks. He informed her that he wasn’t going to ask them, but that there was a McDonalds and KFC drive through in the town and hung up. 😀

They turned up this afternoon, and left a substantial tip. 

A local company who eat there regularly ( but have cancelled twice already this year ) have booked their Christmas works party there, and informed the restaurant that their staff ( at managements ‘suggestion’ ) will all be having LFT’s before they arrive. The maitre d informed them that restaurant staff will not be. It will be interesting to see if they turn up. 

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1 hour ago, Scully said:

There was another lengthy silence before she explained that it was a family get together of elderly relatives

They should have probably ordered take away and eaten at home, or gone to MacD as all the staff wear masks.

I really don't see how anyone can can phone and ask questions about the staff, imagine if the staff were asking questions about the customers. 

1 hour ago, Scully said:

local company who eat there regularly ( but have cancelled twice already this year ) have booked their Christmas works party there, and informed the restaurant that their staff ( at managements ‘suggestion’ ) will all be having LFT’s before they arrive. The maitre d informed them that restaurant staff will not be. It will be interesting to see if they turn up.

My mate has just had covid, he was delivering a training session and because people were mixing from around the country they were all doing LFT each day, ping! Seems like the sensible thing to do to me.

I also hope restaurants are taking large non refundable deposits for no shows, but then people would probably just phone and say covid.

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21 hours ago, Mice! said:

They should have probably ordered take away and eaten at home, or gone to MacD as all the staff wear masks.

I really don't see how anyone can can phone and ask questions about the staff, imagine if the staff were asking questions about the customers. 

My mate has just had covid, he was delivering a training session and because people were mixing from around the country they were all doing LFT each day, ping! Seems like the sensible thing to do to me.

I also hope restaurants are taking large non refundable deposits for no shows, but then people would probably just phone and say covid.

Yes, the restaurant can take 20% of the value of the meal from a card holders account for a no show. 

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I’ve been out out three nights this week. Great times, really had good fun. One unsavoury incident when I was attacked by a man (non mask wearing) for not wearing a mask in a place where it is advised (but not required) to wear a mask. I thought I was going to have to act but fortunately the guys and girls I was out with on that night saw to him on my behalf.

Some people don’t want to go out,that’s fine. But they should still wire the restaurant a reasonable amount per head to cover costs. 

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5 hours ago, Scully said:

Yes, the restaurant can take 20% of the value of the meal from a card holders account for a no show. 

Just out of interest how does that work, because they surely don't know how much the client will ultimately spend?

Edited by Jim Neal
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9 hours ago, Jim Neal said:

Just out of interest how does that work, because they surely don't know how much the client will ultimately spend?

Not ultimately no, as drinks aren’t booked online, but they have an online pre-booking system which means they are guaranteed a table and therefore requires them to leave a name and all details, and of course what they would like to eat. They can also ring and pre-book, or they can just come as ‘walk ins’, like some do at lunchtime, but that doesn’t guarantee them a table. 

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21 hours ago, Jim Neal said:

Ah I see.  Fair play, no-shows are the scourge of restaurant businesses

I got a couple of things wrong. 
The card details are held by another company….’swipe’? 
It is 20 quid from each booking, not 20% from each meal, which doesn’t amount to much really, and the owner hardly ever claims it apparently. 
The company which cancelled twice, and said their staff would be having LFT’s before coming, turned up for their booked meal, spent £2500 ( free bar ) and left a 10% 250 tip! 

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