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BASC (and other representative bodies) pointless and toothless?


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2 hours ago, Scully said:

Here we go again. 🙂

The decision wasn’t BASC’s. It wasn’t BASC’s decision to ban lead shot over wetlands or for wildfowl, and it’s isn’t their decision now. It’s politics, plain and simple.
There are agendas at work here, and one of them is the environment, pushed by all those who will jump on any bandwagon in their pursuance of that agenda against government policy, the wealthy, and any other class they perceive to be privileged and entitled. The CND and all those rabid resentful organisations from the 70’s haven’t gone away, they’ve just morphed into those we have now. 
Consumers and environmentalists are ruling the roost now, and they increasingly dictate policy.
If game dealers can’t sell lead shot game to consumers then they won’t buy it.
I’ve been informed that steel is more expensive to process than lead, and that once it corrodes it causes more damage to the environment than lead does, but that doesn’t matter because the case against lead has been made. The effluent pits which are a side effect of battery production are hugely toxic, but no one cares; there is now an agenda to pursue and political policies built on that agenda. It’s all rubbish, and we know it is, but we’re outnumbered. 
This topic has now morphed into yet another prime example of how un-united UK shooters are. 
Has anyone heard of the CPSA’s condemnation of the proposed lead ban? Have they condemned it or are they keeping a low profile in the hope they won’t be affected? It’s a genuine question as I don’t know. 
Has anyone considered the reaction of all those who oppose what we do, from individuals to groups and organisations, and politicians and political parties, if BASC and all the shooting organisations just turned round and said ‘we aren’t complying’? 

I was talking to representatives from Gamebore and Eley yesterday ( got some freebies! 🙂) and it was most enlightening, but they are all gearing up for and developing steel loads because it is good business sense to do so. Not because BASC has decided lead should be fazed out, but because the governments of many countries at some point are going to introduce a cut off date. It’s not up to BASC. 

If you want to save shooting, get your act together now for the campaign that is inevitable against steel when it is found it is much more detrimental than lead. 



Had me going there until the last sentence - thought you were going to re-join for a minute

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4 hours ago, Scully said:

Has anyone heard of the CPSA’s condemnation of the proposed lead ban?
I’m all ears! 🦻🙂


HSE consultation on Lead Ammunition - CPSA

"We strongly oppose any changes to clay target shooting and our position remains that it is our intention to lobby hard to keep lead ammunition for our sport. We are reviewing the dossier and will challenge its assumptions, work with fellow target associations, trade, grounds and the Government to protect our sport. 

 We would encourage the membership to engage with this consultation and have their say"

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23 minutes ago, HantsRob said:


HSE consultation on Lead Ammunition - CPSA

"We strongly oppose any changes to clay target shooting and our position remains that it is our intention to lobby hard to keep lead ammunition for our sport. We are reviewing the dossier and will challenge its assumptions, work with fellow target associations, trade, grounds and the Government to protect our sport. 

 We would encourage the membership to engage with this consultation and have their say"

There you go then. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I honestly wonder what people think our various organisation can actually do in the face of inflexible bureaucracy? 

In the past we have had so many times when it appears the legislation was already written before the consultation even started.

No reasoned arguments in the past appear to have even been read much less actually taken into consideration.

Such is the arrogance 

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1 hour ago, Vince Green said:

I honestly wonder what people think our various organisation can actually do in the face of inflexible bureaucracy? 

In the past we have had so many times when it appears the legislation was already written before the consultation even started.

No reasoned arguments in the past appear to have even been read much less actually taken into consideration.

Such is the arrogance 

👍 Agendas. 

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