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Camel flu pandemic on the horizon


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1 hour ago, 7daysinaweek said:


Hi Scully

Hope you and yours are all well.

As you infer the current covid disease impact severity appears to be improving from the early pandemic. Below is some information and a longish summary of my experience and observations that may help in some ways to paint a picture of my experience.

A vaccines aim is to reduce the incidence of developing severe disease in the individual, this helps in part by preventing the need for hospital admission, reduces acute and long term complications and mortality. I currently see many more patients than before with covid symptoms having worked right throughout the whole period from very late 2019 until the present. Good news is I now see far, far fewer numbers of patients presenting with signs or symptoms of 'severe covid disease' and this reduction has become increasingly apparent after the early uptake of immunisation in conjunction with increasing infection rates.

This has led to a far greater reduction in the amount of patients that I diagnose with severe disease and associated complications and thankfully has resulted in treating a lot less for community acquired covid pneumonia, acute repiratory distress and covid sepsis among other complications. Now, in most cases that lean towards a covid infection, the presentations are upper respiratory covid viral in nature and are uncomplicated as opposed to a severe lower respiratory infection. The upper infections for most require minimal pharmacalogical management other than over the counter (otc) preparations. Advice is given on recovery time, pt self actions and timeframes of seeking review if symptoms worsen or complications arise.

In relation to other respiratory related infections, we are now seeing our usual increase in winter illness prevalence, rsv viruses in babies and young children which can cause a nasty croup, cold virus mostly upper respiratory, viral and bacterial pneumonias of the lower respirtory tract, exacerbations of asthma and copd and thankfully much rarer the odd case of flu. Otitis media (middle ear infection) and sinusitis tract infections as a complication of upper respiratory infection are a common presentation also.

The risk of disease severity or complications is overall increased for people with comorbidities and/or immunosuppression. However, there is always a risk to all people, never no risk, but lower and higher risk. Saw people early on in the covid when no vaccine was available who had no comorbidities who would be classed in low risk groups who then went on to develop severe disease and sometimes complications short and long term. 

I have seen cases of severe disease in lower and high risk groups associated with poorer outcomes from being unvaccinated from many pathogens and the probability of a poorer outcome would have been reduced if they were vaccinated. In the low risk groups it could be said that some of these people had underlying comorbidities that were not known to the individual or a possible subclinical illness/disease that despite investigations no condition can be detected and this puts them at a higher unknown risk. Vaccines protect not only the known vulnerable from harmful pathogens.

Vaccinations do not 100% ensure that a individual will not develop disease, but overall they do help reduce the severity of the disease, acute complications, mortality and comorbid long term complications from germs. There are no doubt asymptomatic groups who exhibit litttle or no signs of infection who go on to develop little if any symptoms in the absence of being vaccinated and for these groups in some ways the risk stratification is lesser defined. An unknown quantity to an extent we could say.

I do acknowlege that there have been rare cases of proven complications arising directly from some vaccinations and all medicines carry some risk to an extent. For most, it is the descison of the individual to decide if they choose to uptake the vaccine after making an informed decision on the information made availble to them weighing the clinical benefit of the medicine against the risks of the medicine. The enviroment has been confusing at times for society and patients and also challenging for professionals who work within a fast moving clinical enviroment of an unkown quantity developing new protocols and treatments for patients.

Bacteria, viruses, fungi etc have been around forever and we aint going to eridicate them anytime soon, clever things they are. Antimicobial resitance (AMR) is always evolving, more people on the planet, populations living closer, global travel infection, warmer climates, increased use of antimicrobials across all sectors of food production and medicine, lack of legaslitive oversight re antimicrobial production, sales and use in developing countries, societal misinformation re vaccinations resulting in reduced uptake resulting in cluster outbreaks of pathogenic diseases that then require antibiotic treatment. The lack of research and development into immunotherapy, newer antibiotics, antifungals and lets not forget the ever burgeoning influence from patients saying to me 'just give me a course of antibioics , that is all I want.'

Arrrghhh! :lol:



Thanks. 7daysinaweek. We’re fine Thankyou, and hopefully you and yours are too. 
Thanks for taking the time, I’m sure it’s helped many on here. 👍

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1 minute ago, Scully said:

Thanks. 7daysinaweek. We’re fine Thankyou, and hopefully you and yours are too. 
Thanks for taking the time, I’m sure it’s helped many on here. 👍


All the family are good and thank you for asking.

I have just about recovered from my first ever dose of bacterial bronchitis, self diagnosed of course. :lol: I have been off for a week or so and thankfully a rare course of antibiotics for myself and rest has sorted it out, better now.

I examine 100's of throats and it is a very common occurence to have children and adults coughing and spluttering in my face. I am generally very resilient to pathogens but despite wearing protection I copped for a moderately grotty chest. 🤢

Back into the thick of it tomorrow.

All good.

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1 hour ago, 7daysinaweek said:


All the family are good and thank you for asking.

I have just about recovered from my first ever dose of bacterial bronchitis, self diagnosed of course. :lol: I have been off for a week or so and thankfully a rare course of antibiotics for myself and rest has sorted it out, better now.

I examine 100's of throats and it is a very common occurence to have children and adults coughing and spluttering in my face. I am generally very resilient to pathogens but despite wearing protection I copped for a moderately grotty chest. 🤢

Back into the thick of it tomorrow.

All good.

Sorted! 😀

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8 minutes ago, Scully said:

‘Excess’ implies you believe there to be an acceptable level.
Do you have a link to those ‘excess’ deaths? 

No, I do not believe that there is an acceptable level, but there is the usually expected level.

Dr. John Campbell is worth watching.

Loads here.




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On 29/10/2022 at 14:55, Acerforestry said:



Does that look like nonsense to you? Maybe its  you who are wide of the mark, when bigpharma are claiming that their products prevent people from passing whatever virus on, and clearly thats guesswork as they haven't tested it - well, i reckon that is news frankly

Did you even read the text in the link you posted?  It says "When Pfizer first released the two-dose mRNA vaccinations for COVID-19 in December 2020, top health officials in the United States and around the world declared it would stop transmission of the disease."

Let me help - "Top health officials" are not Pfizer or bigpharma employees.  And testing for transmission was never part of the remit - hence it wasn't done.  It's not news because it was always known, by anyone who paid attention, that transmission testing was not requested or being done.  It was only highlighted recently and blown up as if it was some new insight - and people like you think it is somehow a big deal.  It's not.

So, again, please point me to where "Pfizer told everybody to get vaccinated to stop transmission".


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On 28/10/2022 at 16:05, henry d said:

Yes they did, they just hadn't adapted to a new host.


31 minutes ago, Piebob said:

Did you even read the text in the link you posted?  It says "When Pfizer first released the two-dose mRNA vaccinations for COVID-19 in December 2020, top health officials in the United States and around the world declared it would stop transmission of the disease."

Let me help - "Top health officials" are not Pfizer or bigpharma employees.  And testing for transmission was never part of the remit - hence it wasn't done.  It's not news because it was always known, by anyone who paid attention, that transmission testing was not requested or being done.  It was only highlighted recently and blown up as if it was some new insight - and people like you think it is somehow a big deal.  It's not.

So, again, please point me to where "Pfizer told everybody to get vaccinated to stop transmission".


Maybe you need to argue your corner with the Dutch MP's. They seem to think that "the vaccines" (which presumably meant that Pfizer's were included, no?) were widely acknowledged here, in Europe and in the US, to largely prevent transmission. If you can't see the facts spelt out in front of you, I can't help any further

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Just now, Acerforestry said:


Maybe you need to argue your corner with the Dutch MP's. They seem to think that "the vaccines" (which presumably meant that Pfizer's were included, no?) were widely acknowledged here, in Europe and in the US, to largely prevent transmission. If you can't see the facts spelt out in front of you, I can't help any further

MPs are not Pfizer employees either.  But you are getting warmer.........

On 28/10/2022 at 18:25, Acerforestry said:

Pfizer told everybody to get vaccinated to stop transmission

3rd time of asking.  Point me to where Pfizer said this.

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8 hours ago, Penelope said:

No, I do not believe that there is an acceptable level, but there is the usually expected level.

Dr. John Campbell is worth watching.

Loads here.




hm The main point I took from this video was that poorer countries suffered less % of deaths than rich countries due to them not receiving the vaccine, however Im wondering about the accuracy of the poorer countries statistics. In other words can all regions, [including the most rural of Africa or India where I guess people are dying for a variety of reasons all the time] be relied upon for their accounting or were those deaths just more in a long line and not worth reporting

Edited by islandgun
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8 hours ago, Acerforestry said:


Maybe you need to argue your corner with the Dutch MP's. They seem to think that "the vaccines" (which presumably meant that Pfizer's were included, no?) were widely acknowledged here, in Europe and in the US, to largely prevent transmission. If you can't see the facts spelt out in front of you, I can't help any further

That has nothing to do with viruses adapting to new hosts, I also refer you to the alternative link I posted which is yet another fact checking site that has to exist because someone drags up an inconsequential point to bolster their conspiracy theory spiders web.

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