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Bank Interest Rise , How Will It Affect You ?

marsh man

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1 hour ago, Newbie to this said:

This isn't really worthy of a reponse, but here goes.

1 - our politicians, you know the ones that sit in both houses and govern (I use the word loosely) us. The ones that tried their hardest to overturn the referendum, and have to a fashion succeeded. The ones that know what we want, better than ourselves.

2 - yes, I am saying that even the OBR has an agenda.

Your not saying those rich politicians wanted things to stay as they were are you!!


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21 minutes ago, TOPGUN749 said:

Whatever the income tax rate I never intend to pay any again,keep my income below the threshold now that I have given up work.

Yep, I think what Oowee doesn't get is that most who voted to leave didn't do it because of economic reasons, they did it because of principles and freedom. Yes its inconvenienced him on his sailing around the med on his yacht, but it isn't going to affect most people like that. Likewise its probably got an impact on the very rich, their ease of travel and ability to easily trade with EU block countries, but again that doesn't really affect the average Joe, the mega rich can't have their cake and eat it. 

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4 hours ago, udderlyoffroad said:

The 'mega rich' are an irrelevance to the discussion; they can pay accountants to move their money as they see fit.  Brexit is one of those threat/opportunities scenarios where the 1% can profit.  They can also, incidentally, simply 'buy' citizenship if needed.



I'm not so sure, I consider myself to be quite privileged compared to some. 

When we're talking about the super rich who can buy virtually anything they want, what they don't like is something becoming unattainable, for instance the inconvenience of not being able to hop across the EU as they used to, or the added bureaucracy of paperwork for their global buisness, or the higher wages for employing UK workers instead of temporary EU ones that will dent their profits. 

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8 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

Yep, I think what Oowee doesn't get is that most who voted to leave didn't do it because of economic reasons, they did it because of principles and freedom. Yes its inconvenienced him on his sailing around the med on his yacht, but it isn't going to affect most people like that. Likewise its probably got an impact on the very rich, their ease of travel and ability to easily trade with EU block countries, but again that doesn't really affect the average Joe, the mega rich can't have their cake and eat it. 

I can absolutely understand anyone voting out for freedom if they could point to it and say 'now we are out I can do ........ whatever that I could not do before'. I simply can't see what that freedom is. 

The inconvenience for me I will live with. I will probably get a resident permit for Turkey so I can still visit in laws in Europe and use the boat for longer, so no big deal. 

The gripe I have is seeing the cost of exit and not being able to point to any gains. Its early days yet and with a new government we may yet get to more relaxed travel laws and get the rest of the issues resolved. Hopefully we can get it done before we loose Scotland and NI. 


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4 minutes ago, oowee said:

I can absolutely understand anyone voting out for freedom if they could point to it and say 'now we are out I can do ........ whatever that I could not do before'. I simply can't see what that freedom is. 

The inconvenience for me I will live with. I will probably get a resident permit for Turkey so I can still visit in laws in Europe and use the boat for longer, so no big deal. 

The gripe I have is seeing the cost of exit and not being able to point to any gains. Its early days yet and with a new government we may yet get to more relaxed travel laws and get the rest of the issues resolved. Hopefully we can get it done before we loose Scotland and NI. 


Freedom starts with being able to elect or get rid of people responsible for making or removing laws and legislation that affect our lives, the EU commission are virtually unaccountable and will not always act in the UK's best interests. 

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3 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

Freedom starts with being able to elect or get rid of people responsible for making or removing laws and legislation that affect our lives, the EU commission are virtually unaccountable and will not always act in the UK's best interests. 

I think you mean and have never acted in our interests. 

3 hours ago, oowee said:

The gripe I have is seeing the cost of exit and not being able to point to any gains. Its early days yet and with a new government we may yet get to more relaxed travel laws and get the rest of the issues resolved. Hopefully we can get it done before we loose Scotland and NI. 

It's very early days, the important thing is we don't have to be told what to do by unelected officials in Europe. 

As for Scotland and NI, Scotland or at least the SNP  look like they are trying to fall on their own sword, we've left the Union with no plan on moving forward,  but FREEDOM 

NI, I've no idea what's going on over there. 

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