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What is it they fear?


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Not wanting to detract from wherever the Navalny thread may go, I thought I’d start another thread. If the mods want to join them that’s fair enough. 
Just what is that Putin, that nut job in charge of N. Korea, and those in charge of China, and to a certain extent some Middle East dictatorships, fear?
What are they scared of that leads them to murder their own citizens in order to keep control? Is it simply a case of power? Unimaginable wealth? 

It isn’t a fear of the West, obviously, so what is it? 

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I think they fear opposition that could possibly lead to domestic uprising. In order to suppress any possible insurrection, any credible critics who start to gain a groundswell of support need to be neutralised - if prison or exile does not shut them up, then assassination will. Murder of opponents does not stop dissent, but it keeps it sufficiently below the surface to enable it to be controlled. The ultimate means of control is to create fear amongst the population - if they see what might happen to them if they speak up, they will keep quiet.

So it's not necessarily that Putin was afraid of Navalny or what the West thinks- he was afraid of the affect this might have domestically if he did not nip it in the bud. These dictators don't care what other people think of them, they only care about retaining power and the creation of fear is one of their main weapons, along with military and economic might too of course! 

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Loosing power and control of the people I would imagine. The various ideologies, socialism, marxism, communism etc are just vehicles on which this control is based. 

The west currently has Net Zero and climate change as its vehicle of control and retention of power over the population. Just look at the whole mess that is the centralisation of food production that is being driven by various powers under the veil of Net Zero and reduction of over farming output across the EU as 'cow farts cause climate change'. The theory being that food is commodity that a population cannot survive without and if you control the food then you control the population. Bill Gates isn't the USA's largest owner of farmland because he's a fan of Clarksons farm.. 

(Perhaps I need to take a break from Joe Rogan podcasts 😆

I'm also not a climate change denier.. 

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49 minutes ago, Scully said:

Just what is that Putin, that nut job in charge of N. Korea, and those in charge of China, and to a certain extent some Middle East dictatorships, fear?

They fear another of their own kind (dictator, bully, despot, thug - whatever word(s) you like) will come along and do to them what they do to others.

The higher up the greasy pole you are, the more people want to depose you.  If you don't eliminate them, they will overthrow you (if they can) and eliminate you.  In effect it is a sort of 'justified paranoia'.

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24 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

They fear another of their own kind (dictator, bully, despot, thug - whatever word(s) you like) will come along and do to them what they do to others.

The higher up the greasy pole you are, the more people want to depose you.  If you don't eliminate them, they will overthrow you (if they can) and eliminate you.  In effect it is a sort of 'justified paranoia'.

It’s the only conclusion I can come up with also. They fear exactly what it is they’re subjecting others to. 🤷‍♂️

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5 minutes ago, Scully said:

They fear exactly what it is they’re subjecting others to.

I'm 100% sure that's what it is.

Human nature is such that seeing others with 'nice things' makes you want them to (for many people anyway).  Lots of words and expressions for it; jealousy, greed, the grass is greener, keeping up with the Jones's etc.

Power and BIG money are huge attractions for some types of character - and they will go to any lengths to get it and hang on to it, persecution, murder, mass murder, betrayal, genocide.  They become isolated, surrounded by 'yes men' to are kept loyal with crumbs from the table - and eliminated if they step out of line.  The loneliness, isolation and fear of being deposed brings on paranoia - which means even more of the same.

It is really madness.

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2 hours ago, Scully said:

Not wanting to detract from wherever the Navalny thread may go, I thought I’d start another thread. If the mods want to join them that’s fair enough. 
Just what is that Putin, that nut job in charge of N. Korea, and those in charge of China, and to a certain extent some Middle East dictatorships, fear?
What are they scared of that leads them to murder their own citizens in order to keep control? Is it simply a case of power? Unimaginable wealth? 

It isn’t a fear of the West, obviously, so what is it? 

Simples, insurrection?

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