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Who uses what shell and why ? Price Peformance pray tell


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having read a few posts on shotgun shells/cartridges prices & who uses what etc etc

i was wondering :good:

Whats the main reason for buying the shells that you purchase

Is it all down to price ? or performance should i say precived performance lol

I personally purchase what ever is cheap !!!! that happens to be gamebore white golds !! I do like them better than comparatively priced carts i could buy locally as there clean and do the job , unlike Claybusters and Rio carts !!!!

so come on fess up what do ya use and the real reason why ?

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Anything reasonably quick and comforatble to shoot.

It's been said a million times before, but even the worst cartridges today wll be better than you.

Being loyal to brand/type doesn't realy work either they come and go with supply and demand.


Currently using Eley Superb 8's in plastic and VIP's in fibre.

If they aren't availble when I need to stock up, I will buy something else.

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I use Eley Olympic trap in 7.5's for all clays, although I did forget to take some fibre wad with me on Sunday and had to exchange some for Hull Pro comp and found them to be pretty good.


The main reason for using Eley is not just the price, but I have complete confidence in them, both pattern wise and breaking clays in shot sizes from 9 through to 6's and they don't take much to clean the gun after. The only other shells I use are Remington Nitro steel for Wildfowling, using Eley VIP 30 or 32gram in Fibre or Eley High Flyer in 30gm Fibre 6's for Game.


I also use Eley HB Pigeon 32gram 6's for Pigeon and vermin and just find the stopping power of each is superb.



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I use Express World Cup for all clay shooting, they are fast and pattern well. They especially suit my style of shooting. I use a fast cartridge and open chokes.


They are not cheap by any means but they are clean and consistently good. I have shot Lyalvale cartridges pretty much throughout my shooting career and have never had a bad one or one misfire.

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a mixed response overall i guess i should just try a few more brands ,t

here is a local gun shop nr me trying hard to sell 24 gram steel load that he says is the next big thing , the claim is there fine to use on any 2 3/4 chambered gun and that any choke is fine and no damage will occur ... my knowledge is limited on this claim so your comments are more than welcome ohh there just £98 per 1000 which could be the reason why there punting them

so could steel be any good on clays or is this ehrhem the stuff of nonsense ....

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I have been shooting Eley Olympic Trap for the last 5 or 6 years, mainly for the price,I was only paying £86.00 per thousand up untill the end of last year, the cartridge suits me fine, just purchased another thou, Sunday , £110.00!---told another price rise has taken place for the next pallet Will be £124.00 per thou?. :good:

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Tend to go with whatever's cheap when I'm buying - which has tended to be Eley recently. I seem to have aquired a range of different things atm!


Clays: Eley first 8's

Game: Eley HP Pigeon 6 1/2's & Eley Grand Prix 5's

Other: Eley Subsonic - for my hushy

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Shooting Eleys this month and next as I got some fairly cheap. Will probably go back to Victory Sporters as Graham (GDUK of Gundeals sells them) - cheap :-





Victory Sporter Cartridges 12g 28g x 1000

Start Bid : 114.00 GBP

Current Bid : -

Ends : 04 Dec. 2007 09:10:01

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Super comp Pro skeet 9.5 for skeet, Blue Diamonds and White Golds for all else, but had a go with Black Diamond steel last week, nice, crisp cartridge with no problem at 60yds, GMK have confirmed that Beretta have no problem with steel being used (not with more than half choke), going to try some White Gold pro steel next and then I'll decide which ones I'll be using for everyday from now on!

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