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TV program Investigating the pheasant shooting industry (RSPCA)


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just watched it, knew it would happen. superb reporting that wasn't it,


Reporter: "does this shock you then?"


RSPCA: "well yes i suppose it does."


awesome questions there, might aswell be "so this is horrible and nasty isnt it?" leading questions, bbc bo****ks.








Don't just sit there -








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cracking shout, i might well do that. anyone else thinking the same?


If I could watch it then I'd definitely do something in response. The BBC are really starting to pi$$ me off when it comes to journalistic bias. Blinkered liberals or naive I'll-take-your-word-for-it-mate ******* d*ckhead hacks the lot of them.


Hope the BASC jumps on this pronto.

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I live in Scotland and it was not on but from what I here from these posts, its sound down right unfair on the shooting community. The BBC is payed buy all people who have TV and dont think they should have programmes that were one sided. Was their any interview's for shooting I bet if their was it was very short. I will certainly complain when or if I see it.


Dont let this put your sport down. Remember if it was not for shooting the countryside would of lost a lot more wildlife.

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just watched it, knew it would happen. superb reporting that wasn't it,


Reporter: "does this shock you then?"


RSPCA: "well yes i suppose it does."


awesome questions there, might aswell be "so this is horrible and nasty isnt it?" leading questions, bbc bo****ks.








Don't just sit there -









couldnt agree more!!!! i have just spent 5 minutes on an email to the BBC ....


'In response to the Inside out program, 7.30pm (east midlands) 7th november 2007 (pheasant rearing farms), i would like to highlight the very poor quality of investigative journalism demonstrated, including several 'led' questions and one sided opinions regarding the issues raised, including one comment that game farms are producing 'food that no one wants to eat'??!! Game is currently seeing a huge uptake in populatiry, as a healthy option to the mass produced meat in todays supermarkets, By all means, look at the issues, but do so impartially, accuratley and farily. As a licence payer i feel frustrated that this is the current level of regional programming in the east midlands'

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"Having just watched 'Inside Out' on BBC1 East Midlands, I was appalled and thoroughly disappointed in the report concerning shooting and pheasant rearing. I have always relied upon the BBC for objective reporting and investigative journalism. I do not watch Inside Out often, but when I learnt there would be a discussion of pheasant shooting, I was intrigued and interested to learn more. However, what I saw appeared to be a one-sided and biased series of opinions with one reporter asking only leading questions along the lines of, "so do you find this shocking?" The report focused entirely on this one individual rearing pen, essentially making the point that pheasants as a matter of common practice are reared in terrible cramped conditions, then sent to their slaughter purely for sport, as your representative from Animal Aid exclaimed as no-one actually eats game (this of course being entirely false and contrary to sales figures published recently by many of the major supermarkets). Meanwhile the shooters who accepted your request to join them on their shoot for the day were depicted as uncaring and foolish individuals. If the objective of the program was to investigate the cruel practices involved in pheasant rearing, why did you not also point out that battery hens and turkeys are brought up in exactly the same levels of confinement and conditions, and therefore if the conditions were truly your concern you would have made this point and tried to condemn all battery egg laying and poultry farming, but you didn’t. Because what became apparent was that your true aim was to portray the cruelty of uncaring, rich, cold - hearted buffoons who are the shooters. Your contributors were clearly biased and therefore the program was quite obviously a piece of propaganda. I object strongly to a public service broadcasting organisation funded by license fee payers being used to broadcast and propagate one-sided biased opinions and therefore propaganda. I would like a formal response to this complaint and would like to know who else to complain to and also whether or not there is an independent body to whom I can direct this complaint."


never complained before, sick of this sort of program. glad to have done it.


BM. :good:

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Having just watched it I think it failed to have any impact as a programme. As an investigative programme it showed a good egg producer as all the birds were in very good condition and certainly not looking as stressed as battery hens. In the barns with chicks the spacing was far higher than for chickens so it tried to make a story out of it but I don't think Joe public would be shocked by it. The farms vet was perfectly happy with the farm and indeed a lot of the issues they were complaining about were actually there for the birds welfare. It showed a lot of ignorance but I don't think it did much negative advertising

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they even had a basc representative on the program commenting on "how bad the animals were kept", Who's the bloody hell is basc surposed to be representing :good: :unsure: and how many times are they going to stick the knife in the back country sports



They are representing me auto and I hope many other shooters that don't want to see pheasants raised like that and nor should anyone else that has any respect for the bird.







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