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Which first o/u.


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Hi, I have just received a SGC for clay shooting. I havent got a clue which o/u gun to get.

Obviously with this being my first gun i don't want to go mad with how much i spend on a gun;about£400-500 until i know if i like the sport.

I would also like a gun that i could use for live targets if i get land to shoot on. Can anyone help?

Also what cartridges should i use?

Another qestion; only being 15, to 'receive a shotgun as a gift' does another SGC holder need to buy it on their certificate then give it to me or can my parents buy it straight onto my certificate?


Thanks, Gareth

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There's no point saying buy this make or that make, you have to find a gun which fits you and is within your budget. I have a Beretta which I love but my Browning owning friends don't like it and I don't get on with their Brownings, go to as many gun shops as you can, try as many guns as you can, if finances permit it go to a shooting school, they usually have many different guns which you can try and they will give you impartial advice on what to buy.

If you want an all rounder you ought to think about a multi choke sporter but other than that it's down to which make suits you.

Happy hunting!

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I would get a multichoked 12 bore, then go to as many gunshops as possible and try a wide a variety of makes and models.


As you are 15 years of age, consider buying a gun now, with the intention of changing it every few years, as you grow.

I don,t believe in paying, the often quite large sums of money, for guns to be altered to fit.


The next decision is new gun, or perhaps "better" secondhand gun.


I would probably end up with a secondhand Lanber Sporting at around £250-300.

Then spend "the change", on a gunslip, cartridge bag, cartridges and cleaning kit. :)


I,m not sure whether you need another Shotgun Certificate holder to buy a gun and then "gift" it to you, or if you can buy it yourself.

Thats a question I have not seen before.

Somebody here may know the answer, or telephone your local Police Firearms Office/Officer, they will know.

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I would suggest a S/H quality gun rather than a new cheaper gun, you won't go wrong with a Beretta, Browning, Miroku Winchester etc. but not sure if you will find one for that price.

Perhaps you will will be lucky to find one that is a little marked on the stock that will bring the price down, but do make sure both barrels are absolutely perfect when you look down them.

I wouldn't wory about multichokes, I never have, so long as you have one open and one tighter choke, 1/4 1/2 is probably just right for the majority of shooting you will do

Good luck

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I bet your feeling a bit of a wolly now mate.


Never mind a bit ov stick never hurt anyone unless you have it thrashed across your ****.





The PM

happy woody shooting

oh pigeon master. hang your head in shame. look at the post just above mine and cringe in you own well of self loathing and shame as you see that IT WAS I, not you who noticed the mistake. apologies as well as cash donations will be gratefully accepted. saves all the courtroom drama and the stigma. hope you look further down your barrel than you do the posts.


p.s a bit of harmless legpulling never hurt anyone

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