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First bag from new shoot...


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why all the fuss. whether its in the air or with a shotgun or whatever doesnt make any difference, your still taking its life. ive shot a pheasant when i was about 10 with a ****ty little air rifle and it just sat there. in my limited experiance you could **** on a pheasant and it goes into shock, letting you walk upto it and shoot it clean in the head. if its for food or a job who cares if its 'sporting'

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I really, honestly havent ever ever ever, met any gamekeeper that wants all the pheasants that are left after the season NOT to breed and produce more wild bird stock.


I can understand thinning out some of the cocks on a shoot day to help stop wandering after the season, but hens aswell?


Anyway, its certainly not sporting to shoot a pheasant with an air gun, FAC or not, but then they are the wishes of the land you shoot on so your not doing anything wrong, and if someone asked me to shoot pheasants on a farm with an air gun only, then id more than likely tell them no and end up catching them up and selling them or trading them for poults.


Seems like a much better option surely??


Alex :good:

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I really, honestly havent ever ever ever, met any gamekeeper that wants all the pheasants that are left after the season NOT to breed and produce more wild bird stock.


I can understand thinning out some of the cocks on a shoot day to help stop wandering after the season, but hens aswell?


Anyway, its certainly not sporting to shoot a pheasant with an air gun, FAC or not, but then they are the wishes of the land you shoot on so your not doing anything wrong, and if someone asked me to shoot pheasants on a farm with an air gun only, then id more than likely tell them no and end up catching them up and selling them or trading them for poults.


Seems like a much better option surely??


Alex :good:



If I had the FAC rifle which is capable of a clean kill and I was asked by the gamekeeper then I would do it. They make good eating and it is no more unsporting than winging one which dies in a wood days after.

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Thanks for the comments. Now for those who still aint happy with the pheasant thing let me say firstly that im shooting on a pheasant estate and the gamekeeper doesnt like the birds to breed so he tries to have them all cleared up at the end of each season. hes been doing the job all his life and has produced one of the best sporting estates ive ever seen to be honest so i wont question his methods. secondly i can assure you that a headshot on a pheasant drops it 100% cleanly. much MUCH more cleanly i have to say that a wood pigeon headshot where they do tend to flap around for ages. and certainly a lot more cleanly that a lot of the shots i witnessed with 12gauges on the driven shoot i was on the day before! also for the bloke that mentioned the blood, that was from th squirrels as everything was in my bag as i walked around the shoot. now you can consider it not sporting if you wish but the fact of the matter is i was doing a job and the last thing i'll say is you try getting within airgun range of one of these end of season birds then try telling me its not sporting! :good:




Good for you mate enjoy :huh::good:



Mike, that was your 4000th post.


I was hoping for better.


When you get near to 5000 I will contact you and we can get together on making 5000 a lot more interesting than 4000 :lol::D:lol:

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Personally its not sporting


How so? Bearing in mind i have shot pheasants with both airgun and shottie, whats not sporting about shooting a pheasant with an airgun?


Its quite difficult to get close enough to one to get a shot, once you do,One single 16gr penetrator through the bonce at 30ft/lbs drops em like a stone!!! As some one stated, Fac is incredibly accurate at shottie ranges, headshots are relatively easy to achieve, i have never had to "despatch" a pheasant after it has been headshot.


How many pellets are there on average in a shottie cartridge? 300-400...hardly more sporting is it?


Theres also the other side to it, i ate the pheasant i shot last week and one breast was so damaged it couldnt be eaten(matts shot!!) The ones that i have shot with airgun, all you get is a head wound, the meat is untouched and theres no anticipation of biting on a buckshot!!!


totally depends on your idea of sporting doesnt it.....one pellet versus 3-400!!! :rolleyes:


And before anyone asks, my fac says for shooting game on the ground!!!!

Edited by Evil Elvis
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The way i see it (As a gamekeeper and conservationist) is that pheasant poults cost £3-4 each, more nearer the £4 mark id of thought with the wheat prices increase.


Unlike a rabbit or pigeon, a pheasant costs money to release, and the wild stock were all initially from released stock, therefore i feel that on my patch of ground that shooting a pheasant with an air gun, (a static pheasant which is classed as game, not as vermin) isnt a way which i call sporting, as shooting a static pheasant is much more different to shooting a flying, 40 yrd high pheasant which can twist on the wind.


Surely if air rifle users are so desperate to shoot something they should shoot at vermin? or targets? Seems to me that its a case of out and about after vermin with the air rifle, but because there isnt anything about and a pheasant is near by that'll do, atleast its something to shoot at??? :rolleyes:


What ever next, shooting pheasants with air pistols, partridges, woodcock? Ducks taken? Im sure if the people shooting pheasants with air rifles actually released the pheasants and paid money for them then they would feel alittle differently about taking a sitting pheasant as air rifle quarry.


Each to their own.



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I've also never heard such tosh! What keeper in his right mind would want hen birds shot by an air rifle at the end of the season. If it's such a good estate as you make out and he's got a surplus of birds left he'd know this in early-mid January and I'm sure he'd be able to organise another day of paying guns and get another few grand back. Or an extra beaters day to reward the lads that have put in the hard work over the season. Shooting them with an air rifle as if they were vermin - show the birds some respect!!

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Thanks for the comments. Now for those who still aint happy with the pheasant thing let me say firstly that im shooting on a pheasant estate and the gamekeeper doesnt like the birds to breed so he tries to have them all cleared up at the end of each season. hes been doing the job all his life and has produced one of the best sporting estates ive ever seen to be honest so i wont question his methods. secondly i can assure you that a headshot on a pheasant drops it 100% cleanly. much MUCH more cleanly i have to say that a wood pigeon headshot where they do tend to flap around for ages. and certainly a lot more cleanly that a lot of the shots i witnessed with 12gauges on the driven shoot i was on the day before! also for the bloke that mentioned the blood, that was from th squirrels as everything was in my bag as i walked around the shoot. now you can consider it not sporting if you wish but the fact of the matter is i was doing a job and the last thing i'll say is you try getting within airgun range of one of these end of season birds then try telling me its not sporting! :rolleyes:




Good for you mate enjoy ;):good:



Mike, that was your 4000th post.


I was hoping for better.


When you get near to 5000 I will contact you and we can get together on making 5000 a lot more interesting than 4000 :lol::good::lol:







Never noticed till i read your post then went back to check will try to do better for the 5000 one..


By the way Danger Mouse is trying to organise a group to do the DSC1 if you are still interested give him a bell


mind you its up north and Ive heard you southern softie's don't travel well :D:lol::D B)

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Someone tell me, whats sporting about sending 10 men in to a field with sticks beating the ground to "Force" the birds to take wing? And whats sporting about having 30+ projectiles to get out of the way of? the bird has more chance of escaping un harmed with an air rifle than a shot gun, 1 pellet 30 shots hmm id fancy my chances against the air rifle thanks. With regards to killing the pheasent cleanly, it is more than capable with an air rifle. Nice shooting nice bag, the sad thing here is that we really shouldnt be arguing amongst ourselfs, if we cant agree with the rights and wrongs of shooting then what hope do we have when it comes to the fight against antis? at the end of the day a kill is a kill all that matters is that the animal doesnt suffer.



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Someone tell me, whats sporting about sending 10 men in to a field with sticks beating the ground to "Force" the birds to take wing? And whats sporting about having 30+ projectiles to get out of the way of? the bird has more chance of escaping un harmed with an air rifle than a shot gun, 1 pellet 30 shots hmm id fancy my chances against the air rifle thanks. With regards to killing the pheasent cleanly, it is more than capable with an air rifle. Nice shooting nice bag, the sad thing here is that we really shouldnt be arguing amongst ourselfs, if we cant agree with the rights and wrongs of shooting then what hope do we have when it comes to the fight against antis? at the end of the day a kill is a kill all that matters is that the animal doesnt suffer.




so you're saying all driven game shooting is unsporting? you really need to try it then you might understand what we're on about. Its the difference between shooting game and vermin shooting

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the sad thing here is that we really shouldnt be arguing amongst ourselfs, if we cant agree with the rights and wrongs of shooting then what hope do we have when it comes to the fight against antis?




:rolleyes: Here here, agree to disagree, can it and move on

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I've also never heard such tosh! What keeper in his right mind would want hen birds shot by an air rifle at the end of the season. If it's such a good estate as you make out and he's got a surplus of birds left he'd know this in early-mid January and I'm sure he'd be able to organise another day of paying guns and get another few grand back. Or an extra beaters day to reward the lads that have put in the hard work over the season. Shooting them with an air rifle as if they were vermin - show the birds some respect!!




well said, its praticaly poaching



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Someone tell me, whats sporting about sending 10 men in to a field with sticks beating the ground to "Force" the birds to take wing? And whats sporting about having 30+ projectiles to get out of the way of? the bird has more chance of escaping un harmed with an air rifle than a shot gun, 1 pellet 30 shots hmm id fancy my chances against the air rifle thanks. With regards to killing the pheasent cleanly, it is more than capable with an air rifle. Nice shooting nice bag, the sad thing here is that we really shouldnt be arguing amongst ourselfs, if we cant agree with the rights and wrongs of shooting then what hope do we have when it comes to the fight against antis? at the end of the day a kill is a kill all that matters is that the animal doesnt suffer.




so you're saying all driven game shooting is unsporting? you really need to try it then you might understand what we're on about. Its the difference between shooting game and vermin shooting



Actually i have been beating and i personally didnt enjoy it. I much prefer air rifle shooting, but i guess each to there own. And yes in my personall opinion driven game shooting is unsporting, but each to there own i guess.



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You know what.....i just went out for a shoot on land where the gamekeeper asked me to shoot a few of HIS birds.who are any of you to tell him or me that that is "tosh" or anything else?! and as for being unsporting, while it may not exactaly be what the pheasants were bred for in the first place i cant really see an argument for why using bloody plastic decoys to lure pigeons into shotgun range, or an electronic call to get a fox to practically sit on top of you before you drill it with a .243 is any more of a sport! (neither of which i have a problem with as i do both). anyway im not going to argue or defend myself or my actions anymore as i think its just a case of argument for arguments sake with a lot of people. Shotgun elitists lets say.


Thanks to the few of you who have a head firmly screwed onto you shoulders for your kind comments. Perhaps i'll risk life and limb and post more pics when i get back from shooting on sunday. hmm maybe i'll take the shotty and see how many pheasants i shoot then. Sporting though :rolleyes:

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You know what.....i just went out for a shoot on land where the gamekeeper asked me to shoot a few of HIS birds.who are any of you to tell him or me that that is "tosh" or anything else?! and as for being unsporting, while it may not exactaly be what the pheasants were bred for in the first place i cant really see an argument for why using bloody plastic decoys to lure pigeons into shotgun range, or an electronic call to get a fox to practically sit on top of you before you drill it with a .243 is any more of a sport! (neither of which i have a problem with as i do both). anyway im not going to argue or defend myself or my actions anymore as i think its just a case of argument for arguments sake with a lot of people. Shotgun elitists lets say.


Thanks to the few of you who have a head firmly screwed onto you shoulders for your kind comments. Perhaps i'll risk life and limb and post more pics when i get back from shooting on sunday. hmm maybe i'll take the shotty and see how many pheasants i shoot then. Sporting though :rolleyes:


Oh Oh.... Incoming.


Hopefully the last sentance was said tongue in cheek. If not I think you should keep quiet sunshine.


Good shooting by the way



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I would think more like ignorance of the law, similar to flouting the conditions of your FAC by shooting game. I also cannot believe that any keeper would want you to go and kill his hen pheasants whether the season is finished or not (and its not!!!!!!!!!!)

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whats the difference between vermin and game in real terms------nothing in the eyes of god,its

us humans that decide thats a nice looking bird we will call it game and get a price on its head

make an industry out of it and of coarse MONEY so in my view if it can be killed cleanly and

for food no problem.

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Why do some of you take a negative attitude towards some people :lol:


You jump to conclusions and assumptions without knowing any of the facts. :devil: How do you know that he is on land where organised game shoots take place? =You dont :blush:


Getting near enough to a pheasant to shoot it with a air rifle takes some skill and field craft. and a head shot on a pheasant is perfectly humane with a standard 12ftlb air rifle. I have done it plenty of times :ermm: (I have also shot pigeon and pheasant with the 12g and needed to finish it off because the first shot did not kill the birld outright) and dont tell me this does not happen on game shoots.


What's the chance of this sport surviving when all of us people on hear are disagreeing with each others view on the sport.

There are many types of shooting sport but it all boils down to SHOOTING.


Clum84. As long as you have got permission to shoot the pheasant on the land your shooting on & you are abiding by the law and you are going to make good use of the pheasant then good luck to you mate. ignore some people on hear that have there heads so far up there own *** they can only see things through there own mind.


Well done with your first bag I hope you have many more to come :blush:



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