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whilst browsing the topics a spider the size of a dinner plate climbed the wall next to my computer.ok,slight exagerration but after running into the garden and waiting for the dog to deal with it it dawned on me that i need to overcome my terror.i kid you not when i say i am typing this crouched in a chair with one eye on the wall and the back door open.does anyone have a good way for me to combat this phobia ?

i know that behaving like a man not a little girl is the first step :*)

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there is a new shop opened in Stockport in the building that used to be the petshop. It seems that the previous owner left some tanks as this new wallah has got himself a spider . It is a baby now and only 6" big but will grow, he confidently tells me to 12". If you like I could arrange a trip but I will not be able to accompany you as I will be standing on a nearby chair screaming.


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im excactly the same cant stand the bloody things i can just about manage the little money spiders thats it,the worst ones are the ones you get under stones and slabs and the like,they dont as much run more jump ,scurry then stop and do it again,or the big **** wolf spiders you get in hedgerows :lol::D


ill be having nightmares now cheers lads :rolleyes::D

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I'm surprised at how many fully grown men are actually scared of spiders! My brother is 20yrs old, 6'3, and I'm still removing spiders from his bedroom at night. My other half isn't to keen on them either! :lol:


What do you find so awful about them? At the end of the day they're not going to hurt you!



...I heard that in a lifetime, you eat 8 spiders when you are asleep. :D

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I know you guys think I am a saddo but i used to collect Butterflys, Moths, Beetles and Spiders when I was a teenager... I had hundreds of them in a entomologists sideboard. Plus a victorian collection of wild birds eggs ( over 300) which I had to surrender...


The spider you see in the House at this time of year is the harmless House Spider.. Tegenaria Gigantica. They look pretty fearsome but they dont bite and can be picked up in cupped hands and will sit quietly in the dark. Dont chuck em out the window because they will not survive long outside the house. Stick em in the shed or garage.


Digger there is no easy way to overcome a spider phobia other than taking the plunge and handling one. I give you my word that the House Spider is as scared of you as you are of it. They generally mate around August to October so the common sightings at the moment are probably males looking for females.


I once made the mistake of cupping a very large Gigantica and dropping it into the hands of a female work colleague who went into a sort of cataleptic trance and then started shaking viloently and foamed at the mouth... When she came out of it about 1 hour later she said she didnt really like spiders and had changed her mind about coming to the pictures with me that Friday... I wonder why. When my boss found out about it he went ape ****.... I think he wanted to take her to the pics as well!!!


I hope you can overcome your fear... Ive got a few pickled specimens if you want them... :lol:

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Dont chuck em out the window because they will not survive long outside the house. Stick em in the shed or garage.


I think this is a bit unlikely if they are scared of spiders!


When I remove them I usually chuck them out of the window, and not meaning to sound callous, but I'm not to worried about the little spider not making it! :*)

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thanks for the replies.gemma,i will be wearing full b.a. to bed from now on !

i know they cant hurt me but i still get the shivers when i see one.the one from last night my wife couldnt throw outside as none of our windows open wide enough !

being a builder means i come across them far too often and tend to get labourers to move anything that looks like it may contain one or more.ashamed to admit i felled a guy who knew of my fear and threw one at me.

maybe a move to iceland is best,it must be too cold for them there.

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