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My first roe!


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Here is a photo of my first ever roe. Shot last friday morning on the estate that my friends stalk on, 2000 acres of deepest worcs. I used my mate allan's tikka .243, the shot was measured at 126 yards, it jumped in the air and fell down dead. I was thrilled because we had stalked four roe for about a mile and managed to get in range by using hedges and some strategically place hawthorn bushes. There were two does, a young buck and the 3/4 grown on follower that I shot. A wonderful morning in great company.




Edited by flytie
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Lovely animal - good effort and well done. Can I ask - what was the exit hole like ? not being goulish - I have some land with Roe to shoot in Scotland and I'm not sure about using a .243. Might go lighter, as you can up there - don't know, need to take advice.



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Lovely animal - good effort and well done. Can I ask - what was the exit hole like ? not being goulish - I have some land with Roe to shoot in Scotland and I'm not sure about using a .243. Might go lighter, as you can up there - don't know, need to take advice.



CBx, the exit hole is quite large. There is also quite a lot of bruising on the front off side leg (as opposed to the near side:)

in fact there is so much I think the leg will have to be discarded.


The more people I speak to about the .243 the more carcass damage comes up in conversation. I have been told by two commercial stalking enterprises that they would prefer clients to use their estate rifles rather than their own .243's. I have applied for a 6.5x55 for several reasons but this is one of the main ones.



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Now being goulish here - got any pics of the exit hole/damaged meat?





Cubix, sorry I have just come in from butchering it. We had it hanging in a mates cold store and it had to be moved to make room for some fallow, so we cut it up this morning. If we manage to get another I will try and take some pictures.



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A great effort flytie. A wise idea to shoot the follower, as the does are very heavily pregnant at this time of year.

Teal, My friends (and me!) are doing a planned cull and are trying to take out the maiden does as none of us like the idea of shooting heavily pregnant does. Unfortunately there is a lot of woodland that is unavialable untill the end of the game shooting season, so our compromise is to shoot the followers.



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