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Amy Winehouse V


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Place your bets on which one of the drug addled wasters goes first. I hope its winehouse as she is one ugly bloke and a real ugly woman if the press are to be beleived (they refer to it as she, must be a wind up).

And people wonder why this country is going down the pan :mad:

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I can't understand why they keep giving the ******** ***** the publicity. If they just stop reporting all her stupidity, she'll roll over and die or go away or something useful.


Her, Doherty, Kate Moss, all these tossers, not an ounce of talent between them. I can't understand why anybody buys Winehouses ****, I've heard better karaoke singers :mad:

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Sorry guys but I disagree with you all :mad: Amy winehouse has talent in bucketfuls and has proved this time and time again. Do you realise she writes most of her own songs? She is just one of those persons who annoys because of the way she lives her life. Heres hoping that her talent wins out against her addiction.


For thos who thinks she is a dog - here is what she looked like when much healthier:-






When she had more meat on her bones and an ordinary hairstyle.





A much healthier looking babe who could fill a dress!





http://www.amandarose.co.uk/site_detail.php?photo=181 Check the thighs then!(2004)


Have any of you actually litened to her back to black album? Well worth it lads - I think it may change your opinion of her talent as a singer.


All the best


Pushkin :mad:

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So once she was healthy, off drugs and didn't have any prison tatoos.


Her choice, her bed to lie in and so now she looks like poop and is heading down the toilet but with money and support and in a position to know better.


Pfffff she appears to have everything apart from my sympathy.

Edited by Mungler
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:lol:A suicide pact would be cooool................. :lol:



I can't understand why they keep giving the ******** ***** the publicity. If they just stop reporting all her stupidity, she'll roll over and die or go away or something useful.


Her, Doherty, Kate Moss, all these tossers, not an ounce of talent between them. I can't understand why anybody buys Winehouses ****, I've heard better karaoke singers :lol:



this says it all about what the public think of them. they have (belive it or not) a very small amount of fans. they are not the mega stars that they are touted as. Pete Doherty is still using the fact that Carl Barrat wrote all his best songs as a way to keep in the limelight. As for Winehouse??... never really been a singer, more a "bit part", or "filler" girl for the rec company. If she didnt manage to hang on to mark ronsons coat tails for such a long time, she would never have been given "Valerie" (writen by a bunch of ****** scousers), as its new composition was penned for Mutya Buena. :mad:

Now, onto the subject of their drug problems..........................................



for gods sake! we all know the score with drugs. many of us have dabbled and come out the right side, many dont though. they are the members of our world who are weak willed and need a solution.

Im not so sure rehab is the answer for any of these people. i would just give them a massive overdose. skin them alive, and stick it on youtube :mad::hmm:

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gonna stick up for pushkin here


the girl can sing, OK she's a loon but she can make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up


I am with TP & Pushkin


What about Bob Marley, Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix... all junkies, yet all fondly remembered.



was an addict of sorts, albeit addicted to deep fried hamburgers....what a way to go - ROCK AND ROLL ! :mad::mad: Edited by LV
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gonna stick up for pushkin here


the girl can sing, OK she's a loon but she can make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up


I am with TP & Pushkin


What about Bob Marley, Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix... all junkies, yet all fondly remembered.



was an addict of sorts, albeit addicted to deep fried hamburgers....what a way to go - ROCK AND ROLL ! :mad::hmm:




thing is though LV, they are real talent. in 30 years time, will we all be singing "they tried to make me go to........"??


i have great albums by all the above, yet listened to back to black, and binned it. i dont rate either of em on musical ability. they are seen as troubled geniuses (spel), i just wish people could see them for what nthey are.... dirty horrible crackheads :mad:

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thing is though LV, they are real talent. in 30 years time, will we all be singing "they tried to make me go to........"??


In 30 years time what WILL be singing from the 2000's........? :mad:

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Remixs of Pink Floyd, Elvis etc etc.


Nothing of any interest to me in the charts for at least 8 years now.


Back in my day bands could hold a tune and you could hear the words and ..................


Is it inevitable we all turn into our parents?

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Remixs of Pink Floyd, Elvis etc etc.


Nothing of any interest to me in the charts for at least 8 years now.


Back in my day bands could hold a tune and you could hear the words and ..................


Is it inevitable we all turn into our parents?

Waxing philosophical this morning are we not?

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Remixs of Pink Floyd, Elvis etc etc.


Nothing of any interest to me in the charts for at least 8 years now.


Back in my day bands could hold a tune and you could hear the words and ..................


Is it inevitable we all turn into our parents?




oh god, i hope i dont start wearing skirts and putting rollers in my hair...


and if you think thats bad, you should see my mum. :mad::mad:


must admit though, "its not like it was when i was younger" rings so true for music. i was raised on a diet of Beatles, Led Zep to older stuff like Lonnie Donegan. i still listen to it now, rather than subject myself to the heinous trash that gets labeled as popular music. lets see if its still popular in 25 years.

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