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What centrefirte Calibre


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I have a .243 rifle which has been used for foxing. I now have land for deer and am in the process of having deer added to my certificate. ALthough the 243 is suitable for deer, in about 6 months time I want to apply for a bigger caliber. This would be used for deer, but would also be used for wild boar and possibly some game if I go to Africa next year ( warthog, blesbuck gazelle)

I have been advised to purchase a .308 for these tasks, but have been told by others that it's not a very good flat shooter. I don't think a 6.5 x 55 would be allowed in Africa for warthog?

What would be the best 'all rounder' I could use.

Any advice would be appreciated.




Edited by steve_b_wales
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I have a .243 rifle which has been used for foxing. I now have land for deer and am in the process of having deer added to my certificate. ALthough the 243 is suitable for deer, in about 6 months time I want to apply for a bigger calibre. This would be used for deer, but would also be used for wild boar and possibly some game if I go to Africa next year ( warthog, blesbuck gazelle)

I have been advised to purchase a .308 for these tasks, but have been told by others that it's not a very good flat shooter. I don't think a 6.5 x 55 would be allowed in Africa?

What would be the best 'all rounder' I could use.

Any advice would be appreciated.




Whoever advised you to get a 308 was spot on, it's the all round calibre, does it all, ammo available everywhere, with the largest range of bullets of any calibre.

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If your going to France or Spain to shoot Boar, they won't allow to take a 'military calibre' such as a .308 and I think a 30.06 either. If the Boar is over here or in another country get the .308 as Bob said.

Yep, well done that's true, I overlooked that point, Belgium was the same at one time, no idea if they still are, it's well worth checking on that.

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My recommendation would be a 7x57 Swedish Mauser also known as the .275 Rigby using 175 grain bullets, which have a very high sectional density. I have used one in Africa and can testify that it does the job superbly. The 30-06 is another good recommendation as most of the PH's in SA use them.





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Isn't it noted somewhere that .270 is the minimum recommended calibre for Boar? I'm sure a 6.5x55 (.264) would do the job, but it depends how fussy your firearms dept are.


I'd say if you're going abroad to shoot bigger stuff then get something with a bit more weight behind it. Are you keeping the .243 or doing a one for one?


It's said that .30-06 or .375H&H are very popular for safari work, and importantly, easy to find ammo for abroad. If it was me and I was keeping the .243 I'd go for the .375H&H (it's inside the guidelines for Deer here, so should be ok for Boar). If you're selling up the .243, go .30-06 as they can be made to hit just a little harder than a .308 but would not totally destroy a smaller Deer!

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My thanks to everyone who has commented on my question. I think I'm going to narrow my choice down to either a .270 or a 7.57 (.275 Rigby)


I have checked out some info on the .275 and it looks promising. I will look up some info on the .270 later.


I intend keeping my .243 and hopefully will be shooting Boar in Europe but not in France/Spain. Also, I intend to homeload the new caliber, as I do with my 22/250 and 243.



Any other suggestions or comments if they have used these calibers would be welcomed.



Steve :beer:

Edited by steve_b_wales
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30-06 would be the best all round it will do all deer over here and will tackle the african plains game i.e. gazzelle ect...but for something like water buffalo you want something with a bit more knock down power.


I have seen photos of new to the flock with shot warthogs with the 6.5x55, but for wild bore i would use something with more punch than a 6.5x55.



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saw some leaflets in usk minimum calibre 311 or above for shooting in africa



thats for tourists that want to shoot big 5


.223 will be good for plains game

i lived in zimbabwe my grandad owned a farm/hunting range

the biggest cal was a .500 nitro to big for deer here lol

.308 is best for here and there



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I have a 7mm-08 on order (1-2 months to go) and have no idea on African adventures (yet) but got it for larger deer.


I did a lot of research and it was a 7x57 or 7mm-08 for me - can't see much difference between them.


I have gone for a 1 in 9 twist, 24 inch barrel for 140g bullets in the 2,700-2,900 fps range. I hope it works ok, on boar too.




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a 243 is big enought for worthog


ive shot them with .22 magnum





22 magnum? :P :( :no:





think u call them hornets?



no mate the hornet is the center fire one this is a .22 winchester magnum was it a head shot or body shot?





in the heart droped on the spot

with iron sites :oops:





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