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Oh and just for all those who didnt see it, the black powder guys who drew all this negative atention continued to shoot for the rest of the afternoon where as the rest of us were relegated to the harley convention.


And to the man out there who was using a black powder pistol in what was considered a dangerous manner by all who saw, thanks a bunch, Some of us did a 400 mile round trip for this at some considerable expense to shoot about 15 rounds.



Cheers fella's :good::good:


This thread starter Kip270 never fired a shot by the way :hmm:

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sorry stu for getting ya kicked of the melville range whae i went to book on.jobsworths

Don't worry about it mate, we got a few shots in and got a refund, I can go over there anytime.

It is the people that drove miles I feel sorry for.


Enjoyed the craic as always, bring on next years, with all the paperwork sorted well in advance

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What can I say. Gutted for those who traveled miles but for me it was worth it just fro the clays and the BBQ.


Superb time in good company - too knackered to put a full post on now but a big thanks to all those who turned up.


As for the NRA and Bisley, well, Anal retards best describes them and if that's how they treat fellow shooters then we've got problems for the future :lol:


Bazza, you really need to sort your **** out boy :hmm:


Who needs to sleep in a shed when Lefty towers is on the doorstep, spot on :good:


Thanks again chaps :good:

Edited by Bagsy
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Was that a laugh or what? I think the entertainers award for the event must go to "Father Jack" Baz for his impersonation of Father Jack Hackett, "****, fox, ****, METAL!!", ****, Kanga*******roo-burgers, ****, ****, METAL!!. And his documentary of the fox shoot, (if anyone missed hearing about the fox, a video will be released shortly) and to top it all, his break-dancing routine when he found that he was sitting on an ant's nest.


Long distance puking award was won convincingly by Ollie, who managed 2 metres, and redecorated one on the bogs top to toe, in one barf. And of course it was the burgers that caused it, not the 18 pints of cyder. Pusc was the runner-up in this event.


The rifle shooting was a disappointment, but the craic and the clay shoot made up for it. We won't even mention when I said to Bagsy "We are having a whip round for Sarah" (the Bisley trapper) and he replied "Cor, yeah, I'd whip her as well".

Rumour has it that a certain solicitor followed through during the farting contest, and slept in his jeans rather that show his re-decorated undercrackers. He did regain a few points when some eggs appeared from nowhere at breakfast this morning, the question was asked "Where did they come from?" to which he replied "A chicken"! No flies on that lad.


The only other event worthy of note was when someone was asked the time, picked up a wristwatch that was laying on the table, looked at it and said "I don't know, it's not my wristwatch"!


All in all, a good craic, and thanks to Martin for arranging it, as for the NRA, I'll leave father Baz to describe them, he is far more eloquent than myself in such matters. (he's quite good at depositing fox ***** under sleeping mate's noses as well).

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:lol: We suggested that Martin hang on to the money for now as he may end up getting a fine of £250 for his efforts and its not fair that he pay it is it?


I for one didnt do the clays so i got to shoot lots of guns mostly Drover's guns, thank you very much for that dude, i had a ball, you have some seriously nice kit there, i loved the ar and the big green beast, my shoulder hasnt recovered from the .444 yet !! Top bloke!!!


I also had a go of browning gts's hmr, i was quite impressed, feo said I could have one or a .223......hmmmmm the choice is a hard one!!!!


Nice to meet and put faces to all the names etc, great crowd and a goo time was had by all!!!


Much much etoh and food!!!

The ostrich, kangaroo,roe deer and bunny burgers were scrummy!!! going to be **** ting meat for a week!!!


I couldnt belive all those fat ugly hairy bikers liked .....line dancing musik!!!! Wheres the ******* heavy metal? :good::hmm:


As for the nra official what a ****y ****!!!!!! :good:

Edited by stuartp
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he's quite good at depositing fox ***** under sleeping mate's noses as well)


i really really really really really reallly really really really really really really really reallly really really really really really really really reallly really really really really really really really reallly really really really really really really really reallly really really really really really really really reallly really really....didnt do that!!!! It just appeared during the night!!! :good:

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he's quite good at depositing fox ***** under sleeping mate's noses as well)


i really really really really really reallly really really really really really really really reallly really really really really really really really reallly really really really really really really really reallly really really really really really really really reallly really really really really really really really reallly really really....didnt do that!!!! It just appeared during the night!!! :good:

He's quite good at depositing his own brand as well. :good:

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he's quite good at depositing fox ***** under sleeping mate's noses as well)


i really really really really really reallly really really really really really really really reallly really really really really really really really reallly really really really really really really really reallly really really really really really really really reallly really really really really really really really reallly really really....didnt do that!!!! It just appeared during the night!!! :good:

Please note that this was said without a single ****, this rather confirms earlier suspisions that that **** Baz has been replaced with a ******* clone.

Oh yes, and I heard a moderator swear during the week-end, and it was not replaced with ****. Is that fair?

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:oops: We suggested that Martin hang on to the money for now as he may end up getting a fine of £250 for his efforts and its not fair that he pay it is it?

I'm in agreement :good:


I for one know what it is like to organise a event and what it invloves and I no longer want any involvement due to timewasters bad payers etc! so in no way will I criticise Martin for something I'm no longer prepared to do myself .If it was'nt for people like him and Nick then events like this would not get off the ground and I'm sure lessons are now learned .


As for the Essex Mafia :hmm: ............and all the other fresh faces it was nice meeting you all.


Kip ,if you need any tips shooting that .270 of yours let me know :lol: .............Thanks it was an experience :good:

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I personally dont blame the NRA and Bisley. If we had followed the proper booking procedure there wouldn't have been a problem. This problem became highlighted by certain peoples actions and hence because we were improperly booked in, we were unable to continue. Lets face it, as shooter who have to jump through endless hoops to shoot, can we really be suprised that others have to as well? I never heard anything about a refund?





Try organising it yourself next year, We did follow the proper procedure. I asked what the score was and if I can find the e mail confirming that any member of a club or organisation affiliated to the NRA can shoot on the said booked range.


Certain peoples actions? Would you like to explain that remark? It was posted enough times that you would be required to carry a valid membership card, and how many bothered? A BASC card that ran out on the 31st july 2008 is not valid.


You were stood in the same group this morning when the refunds were mentioned and you were told like everyone else to let me have your address and it will be sent to you or if you wanted it earlier I had a small ammount of cash on me and you could have had it then.


Or maybe you weren't in the group and you were one of the unsociable ones who hid behind your car all weekend and expected everyone else to do everything for you.


I know this may be a bit blunt but either put up or shut up.


For those who could not hear me or those who weren't there by all means PM me for my address and then send me a SAE and I will refund your money.


I may as well pay the fine I will get for people not following the range regulations that were posted prior to the event taking place. I am out of pocket over the whole weekend anyway so what is a bit more?




You may think that there is no restriction on BP but you are wrong, the range restrictions apply to you as they do everyone else and some idiot waving a loaded pistol about is bound to create some attention. As is firing gravel froma cannon.


As is continuing to shoot after you were asked to stop.


Thanks to all the guys that made it a wicked weekend and you all know who you are, as to the moaners stay away if you don't like it.

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Martin, as you are out of pocket over the week-end, I would suggest that you take the amount that you are short from the refund before distributing it. It's not reasonable to expect an event organiser to be out of pocket.

I would also suggest that keep the amount left after this to pay the fine, maybe we should have a poll on this?

If you don't get a fine, donate it to a charity. Any other feeling on this?

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Martin, as you are out of pocket over the week-end, I would suggest that you take the amount that you are short from the refund before distributing it. It's not reasonable to expect an event organiser to be out of pocket.

I would also suggest that keep the amount left after this to pay the fine, maybe we should have a poll on this?

If you don't get a fine, donate it to a charity. Any other feeling on this?



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My understanding of it was he continued shooting until nearly 4o'clock much to everyones amusement


Nope, not true, he took all his guns and the cannon and put them away...with the exception of the huge gun, (which he was dismanteling )and put them all away when I asked him to stop and he did not fire another single round from one of his own weapons and niether did anyone else from our group.



If you don't get a fine, donate it to a charity. Any other feeling on this?


I think that we should use it to form our own shooting association, and affiliate it with the nra, preventing any problems like this occurring in the future. :good:

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:oops: We suggested that Martin hang on to the money for now as he may end up getting a fine of £250 for his efforts and its not fair that he pay it is it?

I'm in agreement :good:


I for one know what it is like to organise a event and what it invloves and I no longer want any involvement due to timewasters bad payers etc! so in no way will I criticise Martin for something I'm no longer prepared to do myself .If it was'nt for people like him and Nick then events like this would not get off the ground and I'm sure lessons are now learned .


As for the Essex Mafia :hmm: ............and all the other fresh faces it was nice meeting you all.


Kip ,if you need any tips shooting that .270 of yours let me know :lol: .............Thanks it was an experience :good:


Cheers Ive,

Glad you enjoyed shooting it, and you certainly shot a cracking group.


A cracking bunch of lads and it was certainly nice to meet you all, as they say a learning curve and we know for future events to book it through BASC.


I hope this weekend hasn't put people off and hopefully we can sort something out for next year.


Sorry i shot off early, but i was there to shoot (but didn't even touch a trigger) and if i was a drinker i would of stayed and had a craic with you all.


Now i'm off after some bunnies & Foxy so catch up with you soon.

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Martin, as you are out of pocket over the week-end, I would suggest that you take the amount that you are short from the refund before distributing it. It's not reasonable to expect an event organiser to be out of pocket.

I would also suggest that keep the amount left after this to pay the fine, maybe we should have a poll on this?

If you don't get a fine, donate it to a charity. Any other feeling on this?




Same here no way should Martin be out of pocket


Anyway the time we had there was enjoyed. Lets just hope it is still on for next year and all runs a bit smoother.


As for the pistol shooting i had a go and hope there was not a problem with this, but it was noticed someone was waving said gun around whilst trying to fire it!! Maybe next time any none gun owners should be given a safety talk at the start of the day?


As i left early after the ban i would like to say it was good to meet you and hope to do it again next year :good:

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picture added in sporting pictures, of the PW shooting wk end. :good:



great shame it ended the way it did, as said before , a long way to go to shoot only 22 rounds, and the second year the long range was missed by myself and others.

It has got to be better next year. :good:


Or before if any midlands gang fancy

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