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Guns on our streets

death from below

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Lots of programmes on tonight about YOOT culture and gun/knife carrying. Should have been labelled"Never mind the weapons, has anyone seen the gang brain cell."


Giving air time to a bunch of wasters....always everyone elses fault.....council/parents/society/police etc etc.....makes me sick....all those lives taken by street scum who don't deserve to breath the air let alone take away anyone elses chance of doing so.

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It's progress death from below. Fists and boots have been replaced. Dizzy Rascal summed it up on his debut album. Somethin like.....arguements used to be sorted with fists but now it's 9mm's :sly:


And there ain't no going back either mate :yes:


I really wouldn't want to be young again in South London :hmm:






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I was having a gentle debate with a fairly anti-gun person and asked him if places like France and Spain felt dangerous to him, given that they have not got all our daft restrictions. No, he said, but they haven't got all our low-lifes!

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I saw the documentary on BBC1 and ITV1 last night.


Usual story, brokens homes, no male role models, no prospects, the "yooof" wanting quick 'bling' and the footballer lifestyle.


All the stories started with "I was bored..." (inter dispersed with 'innit' and 'you know what I is saying').




1. forced moving - lets face it, they are all on the social. So, 3 strikes with the local plod and you get your housing allowance stopped and offered a relocation to somewhere miles away from the gangs


2. no social security - I just hate the 40 a day single parent sitting on their World of Leather jumbo sofa in front of their **** off massive telly bemoaning how the oldest (17) is in prison and the youngest (9) has just been arrested for the first time.


3. curfew - anyone under 15 can't be out past 9 p.m on a school night. No exceptions.

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How about if you're not in full time education and attending regularly, if you're not in a job or on an approved training scheme then you are shipped off to the military for 3 years to learn a skill there.


Also like to add if you wear baseball caps, tracksuits (at all times) and tuck your socks into your tracksuit and speak like you're some sort of gangster then you immediately (do not pass go, do not collect £200) get shipped off.


Those in prison or on asbos are forced to do hard labour in a mine (this would also help make Bristish mines profitable)


I feel this would clear the streets.


Feel Labour is also to blame for doing most in last 10 years to destroy the family unit and to positively encourage people not to get married and stay together.


All celebrity magazines should also be burnt in a huge bonfire in Trafalgar square.

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were i am at boza in chesterfield it is right ruff thay call it the bronks,and most of my old mates carry knifes and guns round the street ,glad our lass changed me nah so i can see wot i would have been doing.at the end of the day if thay want to fight thay should fight fist to fist and the 1 that gets knocked down losses and thats the end of it,but no thay have to go ferther dont thay!

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listen to the way young kids talk now its like they are all stoned on drugs to me

half the times i cant understand what they are saying is it just me or is there a new version of the english language

as for them carrying guns and knifes well they deserve what they get why do they need to carry them is it to make them look big

what ever happened to the days when all fights were done with fists not knifes and guns

i have seen my self kids carrying knifes and think to my self IDIOT

like the lad that got killed in london it took 7 of them to knife him i think i heard

what a waste of a life isnt it time we brought back the death penalty for those who kill someone

and as for carrying knifes and guns they should be locked up straight away and not let out on bail etc

this country is getting softer with them that commit crimes

maybe deport them idiots to a far away land with nothing but clothes on their backs and no shoes make them suffer is what i say

anyway thats my opinion

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I personally would like to see all police arme at minimum with tasers and be more freely alowed to use them. Second more police dogs and fire arms cops. :yes:


Bring back national service but no contact with whepons for the first 12 months and 3 years service from 18 - 21.


Also all ambulance staff should get stab vests like the police and hospitals should have better security staff and more powers for them. And consider armour for the fire sevice to for when these scum throw bricks at them.

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National Service should be 100% brought back, Im 18 and agree with this. You pretty much learn to look after yourself for the rest of your life. Its not just the trades but the discipline. Simple skills like cooking and Ironing, the service makes you a man. Hoping to go to Uni next year and do Public Services then go into one of the forces.


I also agree ALL police need to be armed in this day and age. Normaly Police wont even comeout if you tell them a person is armed with ANY sort of weapon. My cousin was in work and saw a deranged looking man walking around a kids playground with sheers.


He phoned the Police but when they heard he had a (potential) weapon they said they have to send a Firearm Squad, it took them 45 mins to get there by which time the guy was long gone!

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National Service should be 100% brought back, Im 18 and agree with this. You pretty much learn to look after yourself for the rest of your life. Its not just the trades but the discipline. Simple skills like cooking and Ironing, the service makes you a man. Hoping to go to Uni next year and do Public Services then go into one of the forces.


So, you want to teach these no hoper scumbags to be professional killing machines, then send them back out on to the streets?


15 year old 9mm toting drug dealer from Croxteth isn't going to give up his life of crime because he learns to iron and cook, but he'll be a better shot when he comes out. Send boy criminals in, get man criminals back.


An old world war two vet put it best in a letter to my local paper. Why would our army, one of the best in the world want to take every Tom **** or Harry scumbag layabout no good lay-about, when it's able now to cherry pick the best of the best.


Forced labour, and sterilisation is the way to go. If a little bit on the Hitlerish side.


National Service should be 100% brought back, Im 18 and agree with this. You pretty much learn to look after yourself for the rest of your life. Its not just the trades but the discipline. Simple skills like cooking and Ironing, the service makes you a man. Hoping to go to Uni next year and do Public Services then go into one of the forces


I also agree ALL police need to be armed in this day and age. Normaly Police wont even comeout if you tell them a person is armed with ANY sort of weapon. My cousin was in work and saw a deranged looking man walking around a kids playground with sheers.


However, not ALL the police want to be armed. Also, do you know how much it costs to train a firearms officer? I don't but I don't imagine it's cheap.

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I've been watching the "Commission" programmes - Jesus Christ Almighty. What a bunch of utter and total chumps. Cherie Blair in particular.


Her reaction to the very impressive Ray Lewis was disgraceful - virtually the only person with anything worthwhile to say, and certainly the only one who had achieved anything of practical value, he was treated abysmally. It was abundantly clear that anything that didn't fit it with the "Commission's" absurd politically correct prejudices was to be dismissed out of hand.



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im not sure how this will go down... im 18 and was out shooting with a friend... finnished up at about 8 o'clock and decided to go for a pint. had a pint and as i was pulling out of the pub along comes a police car, i pull out behind him, he pulls over and then pulls out behind me and then on come the blues and twos. i stop and had a talk to mr police man to cut a long story short i get searched for drugs (not into that so he didnt find any) but finds the knife i had in my pocket. i didnt even have to explain why i had it he just said 'i hope you wernt planning on carrying this around with you outside of your car'.... silly mistake to keep it on me and im glad thats all he said in a way, BUT, if thats how much the police care about knifes im slightys worried. and before people jump to conclusions i am SURE there are policemen that would take it a lot more seriously than this one and fair anough to them. luckily i would of had a good story that could of been confirmed by the farmer if it had of come to that.

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I personally would like to see all police arme at minimum with tasers and be more freely alowed to use them. Second more police dogs and fire arms cops. :yes:


Bring back national service but no contact with whepons for the first 12 months and 3 years service from 18 - 21.


Also all ambulance staff should get stab vests like the police and hospitals should have better security staff and more powers for them. And consider armour for the fire sevice to for when these scum throw bricks at them.



sounds like you watch a few shows from over here, the cops carrying weapons is not a bad thing (in my modist and humble opinion) having dealt with a few and knowing the thoughts of others its no different, tasers are not the answer, they seem to be the new weapon of choice for the boys and girls in blue, "non lethal" what a crock, its easier for the guys to pull the taser and zap you than pull a gun, the choices are now greater, the days of "my life was threatened" are now changed to "he gave me reason to use"


national service was a great institution, to say the army doesnt want the junk/filth/garbage of the country is right, but if the discipline is there before the boy has a chance to go bad, is that not a good thing, me i think so, not all the apples are bad are they


"An old world war two vet put it best in a letter to my local paper. Why would our army, one of the best in the world want to take every Tom **** or Harry scumbag layabout no good lay-about, when it's able now to cherry pick the best of the best"


these guys think its still valid.


The term National Service is still used to describe compulsory military service programs in countries including Austria, Mexico, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Israel, Malaysia, the Republic of China (Taiwan), Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland.



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I think the problem that a lot of kids have is that there is sweet FA for them to do and so they sit around in groups and drink and cause trouble because at least thats something interesting to do. At the very least some sort of national service would give them something to do and might stop a few going of the rails.


I wouldn't send them to the front line but I would give them the experience of different skills/jobs etc and then perhaps use them for jobs that the country needs doing.


There also needs to be more money spent on activities and groups, it's a pity scouts is seen as a bit geeky by kids as that had the right idea and taught many good skills. My nephew lives in Moss Side and his mum is making him join the Boys Brigade at an early age so that he's not just hanging around, if more parents gave a **** about their kids (if you drive around at night you can see kids under 10 wandering around at 11pm on a school night???) and helped them to do stuff rather than just letting them wander the streets till all hours I think things would be better.

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One thing that people are missing here is that there is supposed to be a 5 year sentance for possesion of an illegal firearm in this country. If this was made mandatory then the amount of scum walking the streets with guns would eventually be reduced, if the police and legal system would work in a pro active way to enforce this, but it is not a priority issue like doing 35 in a 30 zone!

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never mind prison for firearm offences......carry a knife without lawful authority or reasonable excuse(of which self defence is not reasonable in law) then you get banged up....no caution....no community order.....no slap on the wrist....prison...once a couple of their feral mates are banged up then they will think twice....and to pre-empt the @but they will come out of prison more of a deliquent' response.....well so be it....they will soon find themselves banged up again....and again .....until they go away for a very long time.....an immediate prison sentence IS amajor deterent but only if the criminal justice system follows through with the threat.....we are our own makers as far as this situation has gone....passively sitting back whilst yobs take over the streets.....if they're inside at least they can't rob grannies or knife people.



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