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big brother on ch4


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well i see it still on

why is it they put the most dense thick people on that show wonder if they will ever put anyone on with some inteligence

god knows what people in other countrys are thinking when they see that heap of **** on the tv

they must be thinking all of us english folk are like them thick as pig ****

god help us if thats our next generation

another thing aswell

when the gaumless sod keeps giving a running commentry : its now 9.45pm etc and bill and ben are in the bathroom and the others are in the kitchen living area etc wish i could get my hands on him and tell him to shut up as if people didnt know what was going on

for god sake i wish they would ban shows like that its makes us inteligent folk look as thick as them to other people in other countrys

what is the world coming to when we got to put up with that ****

wonder if thats why so many ufo sightings have been reported maybe they think we are like them thicko`s on the show and will be easy to take over when they invade

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well i see it still on

why is it they put the most dense thick people on that show wonder if they will ever put anyone on with some inteligence

god knows what people in other countrys are thinking when they see that heap of **** on the tv

they must be thinking all of us english folk are like them thick as pig ****

god help us if thats our next generation

another thing aswell

when the gaumless sod keeps giving a running commentry : its now 9.45pm etc and bill and ben are in the bathroom and the others are in the kitchen living area etc wish i could get my hands on him and tell him to shut up as if people didnt know what was going on

for god sake i wish they would ban shows like that its makes us inteligent folk look as thick as them to other people in other countrys

what is the world coming to when we got to put up with that ****

wonder if thats why so many ufo sightings have been reported maybe they think we are like them thicko`s on the show and will be easy to take over when they invade

and as long as people keep watching it.. they will keep making it.. :yes::oops:

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They should mount gattling guns on the walls................


Ian is now running for his life to the kitchen area, having seen donna ripped to shreds by the 20mm.


Will steve avoid the anti-personnel mines in the bedroom to make it for breakfast?


You decide

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They should mount gattling guns on the walls................


Ian is now running for his life to the kitchen area, having seen donna ripped to shreds by the 20mm.


Will steve avoid the anti-personnel mines in the bedroom to make it for breakfast?


You decide

now that would make it worth while watching

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Shut up you tarts.


It's probably the best bit of viewing at the moment :oops::lol::lol:








Please tell us you've banged your head and you're not thinking straight? :oops:



Muteley I have banged my head HARD to many times to count but I do enjoy watching fraggles losing it :yes:






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Shut up you tarts.


It's probably the best bit of viewing at the moment :lol::lol::lol:








Please tell us you've banged your head and you're not thinking straight? :oops:



Muteley I have banged my head HARD to many times to count but I do enjoy watching fraggles losing it :yes:











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well i see it still on

why is it they put the most dense thick people on that show wonder if they will ever put anyone on with some inteligence

god knows what people in other countrys are thinking when they see that heap of **** on the tv

they must be thinking all of us english folk are like them thick as pig ****

god help us if thats our next generation

another thing aswell

when the gaumless sod keeps giving a running commentry : its now 9.45pm etc and bill and ben are in the bathroom and the others are in the kitchen living area etc wish i could get my hands on him and tell him to shut up as if people didnt know what was going on

for god sake i wish they would ban shows like that its makes us inteligent folk look as thick as them to other people in other countrys

what is the world coming to when we got to put up with that ****

wonder if thats why so many ufo sightings have been reported maybe they think we are like them thicko`s on the show and will be easy to take over when they invade

and as long as people keep watching it.. they will keep making it.. :yes::oops:




ill stick £10 on it not being made again next year.

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I kind of get the feeling that the topic "Big Brother" (is it worth watching or not) is in part similar to the

post "Quality or Quantity" in there responses, those that watch or log on wait/sift through the not so good

bits and enjoy the good when they happen, at the end of the day it's what you are prepared to do and how

much time you devote to it.

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I kind of get the feeling that the topic "Big Brother" (is it worth watching or not) is in part similar to the

post "Quality or Quantity" in there responses, those that watch or log on wait/sift through the not so good

bits and enjoy the good when they happen, at the end of the day it's what you are prepared to do and how

much time you devote to it.

Exactly, and neither reading "Q or Q" or watching "BB" is compulsory.

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But BB is made almost exclusively for the lowest common denominator. People watch it because they are drawn to the poor **** in the house and because they have sod all else to do at night after getting back from the pub.


Chris Moyles champions it. That should be enough to warn anyone off the mind draining ******** that it is.

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cant believe anyone would watch BB willingly.............could be used as punishment in court instead of community service, give yobs 10 hours compulsory watching BB, that will teach them to behave...........but maybe that is going to far.

Edited by double barrel
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I cant stand the show to be honest, think its a waste of time.... my other half however cant get enough of it, so most evenings its on somewhere in the house..


Does anyone remember that thick black woman that got booted out? christ she would pick a fight over anything, i remember walking into the room when she was kicking off over the chips not being cooked properly, somehow her troubled little mind saw it fit to have a go at nearly everyone in the house over chips which were over / under cooked :yes:


There ******g chips *** - if you dont like em, dont ******g eat them :oops:


Im not racist at all, i have friends in the indian resturant who give me a free pint everytime i go for food, so i quite like coloured people, but when freaks like that come to our country and kick off over stupid matters and get violent / abusive, im all up for sending them straight home, even if it is certain death for them back in there own country, tough luck.....

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when freaks like that come to our country and kick off over stupid matters and get violent / abusive, im all up for sending them straight home, even if it is certain death for them back in there own country, tough luck.....


I'm pretty sure that the woman in question was born in the UK, so in effect she has been sent home....



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I think that what you have to remember about BB is that it's all fake. Even the personalities are fake. The producers tell them what is required, they are told they must be argumentative, or aggressive or whatever, so watching it to be amused by the personalities is pointless, because they're not personalities. It's just unsensational sensationalism :yes:


Each to his own, but I see no point. I consider it's an insult to my intelligence to put it on the screen.

It's like everything on TV now, it has to be sensational or offensive or obnoxious or controversial. All faked to big up the ratings. Even Gordon ******* Ramsay is overdone now. It used to be quite funny, because he didn't seem to mind what he said. Now, I believe that producers tell him that they require 25 "f's" per sentence to keep the sensationalism ratings up. It now sounds schoolboyish and silly and contrived.


Quiz shows now have to have obnoxious quiz hosts or nobody watches them. Contestants have to be insulted or nobody's interested - Anne Robinson, Simon Cowell etc etc etc yawn. Then there's that stupid "intellectual" quiz show - what's it called? Test the Nation? They can't even do that in an intelligent manner, they have to get everybody into teams, doctors, nurses, dustmen, ******, stockbrokers etc. They then get them all to jump up and down, braying like ******* donkeys, trying to shout each other down. What's all that about? TV for retards :oops:


It just makes me laugh when I hear people discussing in all seriousness what a ******* so-and-so is on BB, because he said this and did that :oops: . No he didn't, he's acting, the producers tell them what is required and he does it, or he doesn't get paid.

Edited by Chard
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I think that what you have to remember about BB is that it's all fake. Even the personalities are fake. The producers tell them what is required, they are told they must be argumentative, or aggressive or whatever, so watching it to be amused by the personalities is pointless, because they're not personalities. It's just unsensational sensationalism <_<


Each to his own, but I see no point. I consider it's an insult to my intelligence to put it on the screen.

It's like everything on TV now, it has to be sensational or offensive or obnoxious or controversial. All faked to big up the ratings. Even Gordon ******* Ramsay is overdone now. It used to be quite funny, because he didn't seem to mind what he said. Now, I believe that producers tell him that they require 25 "f's" per sentence to keep the sensationalism ratings up. It now sounds schoolboyish and silly and contrived.


Quiz shows now have to have obnoxious quiz hosts or nobody watches them. Contestants have to be insulted or nobody's interested - Anne Robinson, Simon Cowell etc etc etc yawn. Then there's that stupid "intellectual" quiz show - what's it called? Test the Nation? They can't even do that in an intelligent manner, they have to get everybody into teams, doctors, nurses, dustmen, ******, stockbrokers etc. They then get them all to jump up and down, braying like ******* donkeys, trying to shout each other down. What's all that about? TV for retards <_<


It just makes me laugh when I hear people discussing in all seriousness what a ******* so-and-so is on BB, because he said this and did that <_< . No he didn't, he's acting, the producers tell them what is required and he does it, or he doesn't get paid.

Want to get some thing off your chest Chard? :oops::lol::lol::lol:

But i have to agree with you though :good: .....Like most people we too have a TV in the house, but i can honestly say if we

watch 10 hours a week then it must have been raining!.....With 2 dogs, my wife's horse, work and wanting wait for it yes QUALITY time

with my wife and a few minutes on here, switching on the TV is always the last resort! :yes::good:

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