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interest rates aren't up though, employment levels are good whats slowed things is the media reports plus people stopping spending and reducing debt believe it or not. Food and fuel are an issue but not as large a one as they are made out to be realistically our food has never been this cheap in real terms so was due an increase. The property market has been talked into a slump in a way never seen before and thats despite the demand we are told being so high for new houses. Personally I think it will be a short and sharp blip but not good if you're a builder or estate agent living life on the edge financially or rely on them for your employment.

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Its not just builders and estate agents who feed on the housing market - solicitors, removal firms, furniture suppliers, carpet suppliers etc.


Brown and his cronies have known about this problem for ages but buried heads in the sand.


Not saying conservatives or anyone else would be much better but at least a new broom etc?

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Everyone has been talked out of moving house and first time buyers have been lured with the idea prices will take a massive fall so just sit back and wait and that seems to be what is happening.


No one had to talk me into holding back! I didn't and still don't have a choice! It's very simple, the vast majority can't afford the current prices. A few years ago the gullible were talked into buying and stretching themselves financially because they are dumb enough to think that the rise will either continue or flatten off. And it can flatten off all it wants, i couldn't afford £120k last year and i won't be able to afford it next year. A price drop back to reality is what it's going to take to get first time buyers back in the estate agents and once that fall starts we're going to wait until we think it's leveled off to get the best we can. :blush: The hype of the house price rise was like a tidal wave, i think that same will happen with it on that way back down. "Why buy tomorrow, it could be 5k cheaper in 6 months" :stupid:


If the fall in the housing market is linked to a possible recession then it's the fault of who every hyped the housing market up to it's ridiculous levels in the first place and not the media for talking us into a recession. If the housing market is naff all to do with it then i'll get back in my basket. :o

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I can see the glory days of the 90's returning for private landlords too, especially with the coming housing shortage.......


Bargain properties, endless supply of tenants, local goverment grants for conversions, End of the pathetic burecratic system of bias that exists....

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I havent noticed the effects in the shipping industry yet. We had our best month ever last month and this month looks the same. I have been interviewing today for our fifth member of staff.....and, YES the girl that is getting the job is the best qualified and the best looking ! :lol:

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My only bit of advice for those in the building game is get into social housing maintenance. The money is always there as is the work. If you are in driving distance of London and have a trade PM me

think this is now the que to be joining as a self employed plasterer i started out as property maintenance and believe that digger you hit the nail on the head here.only as long as we are capable of doing the work then this is now my way forward again.

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My only bit of advice for those in the building game is get into social housing maintenance. The money is always there as is the work. If you are in driving distance of London and have a trade PM me

think this is now the que to be joining as a self employed plasterer i started out as property maintenance and believe that digger you hit the nail on the head here.only as long as we are capable of doing the work then this is now my way forward again.



spot on mate, i left gritish bas to work for my local council.... (gas/heating/plumbing) best move i ever made, but most of all, i see self employed mates biting finger nails and twiddlin their thumbs, but for me, luckily, the work will always be there... as long as they sell drugs and alchohol council tenants will always **** up their homes !!!

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Chemical Industry :lol:


Export is very high demand and high profit running at 128%


UK trade is flat as a **** and about 70-75% of last years performance


The building trade is feeling the pinch but they have been very greedy over the last 10 years (plumbers & sparkies hourly rates) Tough titties end of an era lads



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Chemical Industry :lol:


Export is very high demand and high profit running at 128%


UK trade is flat as a **** and about 70-75% of last years performance


The building trade is feeling the pinch but they have been very greedy over the last 10 years (plumbers & sparkies hourly rates) Tough titties end of an era lads





i ( a heating engineer) have the hourly rate i do in reflection of the 5 years i spent at technical college and the **** i went through as an apprentice all them years ago....

i have a skilled trade, and very often pull people who are struggling with the "recession" out of the **** by repairing their broken boiler/ heating system....

GREED has NEVER been something on my agenda and it makes me laugh when i hear people talk about plumbers "raking it in"...!!! i certainly dont.... i work very hard unsociable hours to provide a service for people when they need it, most are very satisfied customers and very happy to pay the fair prices i charge.


so thanks for the support in a worrying time for alot of small businesses.... i only hope you dont find yourself pondering upon redundancies with a wife and kids to support.

knobhead. :lol:

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plumbers and sparkies theres a world of difference between the north and south. Round us you look at £100 to get one through the front door if they do anything its extra So I can see both sides and it wouldn't have been meant personally.


Our last boiler was put in by a guy from Newcastle he travelled down to do it as it was far more profitable than working where he was based and yet far cheaper for us. Trades have been milking the south for ages hence peoples view of getting ripped off.

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plumbers and sparkies theres a world of difference between the north and south. Round us you look at £100 to get one through the front door if they do anything its extra So I can see both sides and it wouldn't have been meant personally.


Our last boiler was put in by a guy from Newcastle he travelled down to do it as it was far more profitable than working where he was based and yet far cheaper for us. Trades have been milking the south for ages hence peoples view of getting ripped off.



Its all too true. I few years ago when there suddenly became a massive shortage of plumbers, everyman and his dog wanted to do a plumbing course the colleges were bursting at the seams with wannbes


The hourly rate went through the roof in some cases 6 and 7 times the normal rate. On that reflection its greed that drove the city men to leave there office jobs and a pencil sharpener for overalls and a blow torch. Now the rollercoater ride its slowing down and the bubble is or has burst do we sympathise with the £2K per week wages of plumbers and sparkies ?



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Chemical Industry :yes:


Export is very high demand and high profit running at 128%


UK trade is flat as a **** and about 70-75% of last years performance


The building trade is feeling the pinch but they have been very greedy over the last 10 years (plumbers & sparkies hourly rates) Tough titties end of an era lads





i ( a heating engineer) have the hourly rate i do in reflection of the 5 years i spent at technical college and the **** i went through as an apprentice all them years ago....

i have a skilled trade, and very often pull people who are struggling with the "recession" out of the **** by repairing their broken boiler/ heating system....

GREED has NEVER been something on my agenda and it makes me laugh when i hear people talk about plumbers "raking it in"...!!! i certainly dont.... i work very hard unsociable hours to provide a service for people when they need it, most are very satisfied customers and very happy to pay the fair prices i charge.


so thanks for the support in a worrying time for alot of small businesses.... i only hope you dont find yourself pondering upon redundancies with a wife and kids to support.

knobhead. :oops:



I'd welcome redundancy tomorrow ( well not of a Saturday but Monday at the least)



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we in the tree surgery buisness have been feeling it since just after xmas

all in all ive had about 2 weeks work from then until now so have started doing fencing aswell and there hasnt been much of that to be honest even trying to get part time work

doing it is nigh on impossible . its come to the crunch now were ive been looking for factory

work and driving but the thought of being indoors to me is soul destroying i tried a driving job out for size yesterday but in all honesty i didnt like it . we used to do the majority of site clearance work for barretts and wimpy . bovis homes and other concerns which was a

big part of our work but obviously thats come to a rather big halt.





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learned today 3 local pestcontrol companys have folded all beit they are only one man bands bad news for there familys and the great yellow book are knocking there ***** for payments . i came from one of there houses and he read out 3 letters from hsbc 2 of which he owes £5k each =£10 and 1 letter saying they £5895.400.00p on morgage ? i am thinking of going to poland and starting up a car wash company , i see a sorry england for her kindness.

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i blame alot of the loss of jobs in the building trade on the influx of foriegn workers.the sight im on the bricklayers have just had to take a pay cut and the company who is doing the shuttering pays theyre english lads £17 an hour and theyre foreign lads £13 an hour so tell me which ones do you think dominate the shuttering?

i personally wont work with foriegn labour unless theyre on the same money

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Chemical Industry :yes:


Export is very high demand and high profit running at 128%


UK trade is flat as a **** and about 70-75% of last years performance


The building trade is feeling the pinch but they have been very greedy over the last 10 years (plumbers & sparkies hourly rates) Tough titties end of an era lads





i ( a heating engineer) have the hourly rate i do in reflection of the 5 years i spent at technical college and the **** i went through as an apprentice all them years ago....

i have a skilled trade, and very often pull people who are struggling with the "recession" out of the **** by repairing their broken boiler/ heating system....

GREED has NEVER been something on my agenda and it makes me laugh when i hear people talk about plumbers "raking it in"...!!! i certainly dont.... i work very hard unsociable hours to provide a service for people when they need it, most are very satisfied customers and very happy to pay the fair prices i charge.


so thanks for the support in a worrying time for alot of small businesses.... i only hope you dont find yourself pondering upon redundancies with a wife and kids to support.

knobhead. :oops:



I'd welcome redundancy tomorrow ( well not of a Saturday but Monday at the least)



well i hope YOU get what you ask for in fact why dont you pack your job in and give a decent bloke a chance .

ps get a life

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I'm with Markio on this topic, the media seemed so happy with the state of the housing market, that all they did was keep talking it up! I just wondered if they were trying to get to a state where 100% of everyone's take-home pay went to pay the mortgage.


There was a quote on Question Time last week from one of the panel "nobody could have seen this coming". I think most people on this forum had a good idea that things couldn't continue the way they were.


Obviously the estate agents weren't going to kill the goose that kept laying golden eggs (and Audi TTs, I like that observation!). Look where they are going to end up now though!

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I'm with Markio on this topic, the media seemed so happy with the state of the housing market, that all they did was keep talking it up! I just wondered if they were trying to get to a state where 100% of everyone's take-home pay went to pay the mortgage.


There was a quote on Question Time last week from one of the panel "nobody could have seen this coming". I think most people on this forum had a good idea that things couldn't continue the way they were.


Obviously the estate agents weren't going to kill the goose that kept laying golden eggs (and Audi TTs, I like that observation!). Look where they are going to end up now though!

count me in too i have been after a job since january as i seen this coming. self employed plasterer but so far the work is still there up till now but would still like the security of full time work or even part time.and no i havn't been ripping people off thats why i get all my work through friends and family think its time these people removed the pound coins from there eyes and woke up

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