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thought i would have my daughters name tattood across my shoulders last night my last tattoo was 20 yrs ago .the writeing was old englsh lettering was 3'' each from shoulder to shoulder took him 2 hrs . now how the heck did i forget how much it hurt but i did not pass out but the pain was unreal i thought he would never finish. there was a young lad watching who was going for a tribal tattoo who decided on 3 little star's after watching me get tattood. her is joanne


I think a lot of the pain depends on the talent of the tattooist themselves.

I've got a few tattoo's dotted around and some did hurt more than others

not because of the body part I was having tattooed but because of how

the tattoo machine is used.

I've had work done on my back and I was in agony because the guy

was raking the needle through my skin much the same as a child does

with a wax crayon and a sheet of paper.

But on the other hand I've had more work done on the same place that

was done properly that just tickled a bit.

When I got the left hand side of my head done I was in agony but I don't

even think a light handed touch with the tattoo machine would have helped.

It was just destined to be painful.

It was strange, when I was having it done my right foot and hand kept

going in to spasm and twitching.

Here's a picture, it looks a bit different now cause I've had more done to it

and I don't have hair any more. I had a funny turn the other night and

shaved it all off, eight years of hair growth gone :yes:




i just stopped there and had to re-read that...hahahahahahahahaha

nice one mate, brightened my day that. its not the type of thing that pops up in conversation every day. :good:

i hope that baldness is not in your family, you will be ******** then.

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Yep as soon as that needle starts vibrating away, the pain all come back to me.

I really like tattoos myself, got a dragon on my back shoulder blade, i was thinking about having it on my chest, until this 6ft giant came out after having one done on his chest, crying his eyes out..... :good::yes::yes: hence why mine is on my back :)


I want some more work done to it, and i want my red devil also covered by a large dragons head and claws..just got to get around to getting back down the shop

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it makes me laugh when these teenie boppers have a tattoo of a dolphin around there belly button


1 year later they have a kid and it turns into a mudskipper! :good:


:yes: ***** :yes:


I don't know why but that's one of the funniest things I've heard on here.

What on earth is a mudskipper? I'd presume it looks like a dolphin only

fatter and covered in stretch marks.

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My mate had me in stiches the other day, we were both watching a young lady walk up the street when he said "mmm nice **** shame about the tramp stamp" refering to a tribal tat at the base of her back. I'd never heard it called a tramp stamp before.

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Try getting PGAP removed from the knucles of your left hand (ouch). And try paying for it (ouch upon ouch). Next up for the laser, an Ace of Hearts (after legendary Kiss drug addict and booze fiend Ace Frehley, if you can believe anything so ridiculous) on my right wrist. The sensation is very odd - the best way I can describe it is it's like being stabbed with a hammer.


Just my opinion, and no disrespect to those that already have them, but I would advise the un-inked among us to think very carefully before getting any done. Then think again, and again, and if you still haven't come to your senses, just don't do it.


Be an indidual instead. The way things are going, you'll be the last few people in Britain without a tattoo.



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Are you mad? Those mushroom windchimes and that leopard skin coat.


Each to their own.


I guess, the symbol and image is Gaelic for "I really don't want an office job?"

that made me laugh mung <_<


i have to admit tattoes have never really interested me, plus theres the very small fact that i have a phobia of needles and a very low pain thresh hold :good:

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Try getting PGAP removed from the knucles of your left hand (ouch). And try paying for it (ouch upon ouch). Next up for the laser, an Ace of Hearts (after legendary Kiss drug addict and booze fiend Ace Frehley, if you can believe anything so ridiculous) on my right wrist. The sensation is very odd - the best way I can describe it is it's like being stabbed with a hammer.


Just my opinion, and no disrespect to those that already have them, but I would advise the un-inked among us to think very carefully before getting any done. Then think again, and again, and if you still haven't come to your senses, just don't do it.


Be an indidual instead. The way things are going, you'll be the last few people in Britain without a tattoo.



Yep. I'm with maiden, I have five from 45 years ago, and not one of them is legible or identifiable. Even a mudskipper looks pretty compared to an unidentifiable tattoo.

Don't think about not doing it, just don't do it. You will regret it in the future, as do all of my friends that had them around the same time as myself, one did not get a job because the interviewer saw his tattoos.

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my m8 had some done a few years back on the back of his leg. i think it was a bulldog. now if ya about 25 yards behind him when he has shorts on they look like purple bruises. his brother had some done aswell and has had all his covered over as they looked gay

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